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(Archived) missing notes



This is essentially the same bug I wrote about once before (viewtopic.php?f=38&t=25619). The bug appeared to have been fixed, but I'm experiencing it again with 2.2.3. (I'm still on OS 10.6.8.)

Here's what happens. If I create a note (usually by the Chrome web clipper) that I'm not ready to tag, I'll send it to the Inbox notebook. Then every few weeks, I'll empty the Inbox notebook. I'll view each note in the main Evernote window (not in its own window), tag it, then reassign it to Personal.

Then the note "disappears," meaning if I reset Search, select the Personal notebook, then select the tag, it doesn't appear. If I reset Search again, then select All Notebooks, then select the tag, it still doesn't appear. It's effectively lost to me and doesn't appear on my saved searches. Basically, the tags are not recognized.

But if I search for untagged notes, I can find it. Or if I look at all notes by creation date, then I can find it. Then if I open the note in its own window, select Inbox, then reselect Personal, the note starts behaving normally and I can find it in all the usual ways, including saved searches.

What gives?

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So basically,

1. You clip an article into Evernote and leave it untagged.

2. Later on you'll tag it by dragging & dropping it onto a tag from the middle column to a tag on the left column.

3. The note remains only available via search as an untagged note. Basically our search thinks the note is an untagged note.

Did I miss anything?

Also, is this true even if you assign a tag in another way? (For example, typing in the tag in the note's tag field)


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1. You clip an article into Evernote and leave it untagged.

Yes, and I select the Inbox in the clipper.

2. Later on you'll tag it by dragging & dropping it onto a tag from the middle column to a tag on the left column.

I don't drag and drop to tag. I always type my tags. The Mac client is beautiful for this, because I usually only have to type a character or two, and the last tag I used appears at the top of the suggested tags list.

Not only do I tag, but I also change the notebook from Inbox to Personal. I suspect this is an important clue. Unfortunately, I'm at work on a PC so I can't test on the Mac, but I think if I leave it in the Inbox after tagging, it will appear normally as a tagged note.

3. The note remains only available via search as an untagged note. Basically our search thinks the note is an untagged note.

Yup, that's exactly what happens. It's as if its not tagged, when it is. However, when I open the note and toggle the notebook from Personal to Inbox to Personal again, it starts to behave as a tagged note.


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