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(Archived) Jpegs appear as black box.


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I've been an Evernote user for about a month and have had a problem viewing jpegs on my Ipad2. For some reason the jpeg (some created in Photoshop. Some in Illustrator and some scanned by scanner) appear as a black box on my iPad with a faint view of the image in reverse. The jpegs look fine on the computer and if I email the black jpeg to my computer it looks fine (no black). I'm lost. If I use a photo taken from my camera or taken from a screen shot from the ipad...it looks fine. Am I doing something wrong? Can this be fixed? I've looked for info in the help section, but don't really know what the problem is to do a proper search.

Thanks for any help,


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  • 2 years later...

Hi vreed,

      Did you ever find a solution to this problem? I'm having the same problem. My images appear to be fine and work on the computer etc but on my android just show up as like an empty container in my note, then when I click on it its just like a black jpg.



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