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(Archived) "Operation would exceed monthly upload allowance"

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I'm close to my monthly usage cap, having used 39.5 out of 40 MB. I've got several PDFs that I'd like to import into Evernote, so I thought I'd just throw them into a local notebook.

However, when I try to import to a local notebook, I still get the error message: "Operation would exceed monthly upload allowance".

Short of waiting until my quota resets, is there any way to work around this? Thanks!

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so when exactly does one's quota reset? beginning of every month? does it differ from user to user? i seem to have gone past 75% capacity and it's only been like a couple of weeks since evernote went public and the 2nd of the month.

can someone clarify this please?


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If you log in to your web account and go to the Settings page, you can see where you are at with your quota, and the number of days left in the monthly cycle. The month started when we instituted the new quota system (the middle of June), or when you created your account, whichever was later.

There's equivalent info in the client dialogs for quota information.

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However, when I try to import to a local notebook, I still get the error message: "Operation would exceed monthly upload allowance".

Hi wes. You should be able to add content to a local notebook regardless of your quota usage, so sounds like this is a bug.

How are you importing the PDFs? Are you dragging and dropping them directly onto the local notebook or into an existing note?

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I have the same problem. In my case, I tried to import a folder and after a few files I got the message and was locked into a loop ... all I could do was answer yes/no and then got the message on the next file. I had to use the task manager to kill the process. (I'm using the Windows version.)

This is going to be a serious problem if I can't use the product at all, just because of a storage quota problem.

ALSO, FWIW, I had sync turned off! So it is doing something locally which is anticipating what will happen if I ever DO sync. Give this new quota system, I'll probably not sync anything in the future and just use it locally ...if I can do that.

Any thoughts?



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