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(Archived) Try to find just "Google+"

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Try it. Anywhere. It actually finds any matches to "Google". Even when quoted.


I had been clipping references to the new Google+ service and was ready to sit down and review them.

Whoa. 285 matches in the database. WTF.

Looks like the Evernote indexer removes some special characters from the FTS indexes, and ignores them in search strings.

Oh well. Added "created:day-10" to search and then selected the clips I wanted and added new tag "GooglePlus" to the relevant notes.

Could have been worse. Might have been looking for "C++".

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I understand your pain. I created tags modifying a suggestion for GTD. !Critical, !Reference, !To Do, !Projects, etc. I thought I would be able to enter tag:"!" and get all notes with one of the tags beginning with ! but it doesn't work.

It will group them together when I sort by tag but I have a lot of untagged notes so I have to scroll down or create a more complex search.

Is there any identifyer that I could put infront of a text tag that would be searchable? Obviously the + and ! won't work.

I really want to find a symbol that I could put in front of a few key tags so I can quickly check all of those associated notes to make sure I am not missing something that needs to be done.

All input welcome.

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I know "_" (underscore) works. Have not tested to find out everything that does not.

@Evernote: What is the list of punctuation/special characters which are removed from searches??

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Ok, I changed all but one tag from "!" to "_" and observed this strange behavior. I was on an existing note and went to add another tag. I type _ but none of my tags that start with _ appeared. Then I started over and typed ! and the one remaining tag with ! appeared.

If you use tags that start with _ do they show up in the list when adding a new tag?

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I use "_" as a separator in tags in preference to "-" (hyphen) or " " (space).

e.g. "App_Evernote", "App_Remember_The_Milk", etc.

I have a lot of "App_*" tags plus a tag "Applications"

Search for "tag:app*" finds all of the above. Search for "tag:app_*" finds just the tags which start with "app_".

Note: Most searches are case insensitive.

Did not test tags starting with "_". I don't have any in my database.

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Added tag "_test" to existing note. The tag shows up in the notes tag attribute but does not appear in the search dropdown.

Ahh. Got caught in a Web Client bug, it does not always update it's current list of tags.

Refreshed Web Client tab and the search now works.

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windows. I think the trouble is searching for a tag starting with a special character (ie. non letter or number). When I add the tag: I have to type the full name of the tag. It won't hit on any partial searches. If I just type !Critical or @ Critical it doesn't apply the prefix even when I put quotes around it. If I use _to do soon then it won't find it but tag:"_to do soon" will find it.

So it looks like _ works for some but won't show up in the tag select box when tagging a note from the note pane.

Too much for me. Gotta go. I appreciate any feedback you have. It's just frustrating to not see what I am missing.

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I understand your pain. I created tags modifying a suggestion for GTD. !Critical, !Reference, !To Do, !Projects, etc. I thought I would be able to enter tag:"!" and get all notes with one of the tags beginning with ! but it doesn't work.

It will group them together when I sort by tag but I have a lot of untagged notes so I have to scroll down or create a more complex search.

Is there any identifyer that I could put infront of a text tag that would be searchable? Obviously the + and ! won't work.

I really want to find a symbol that I could put in front of a few key tags so I can quickly check all of those associated notes to make sure I am not missing something that needs to be done.

All input welcome.

If your tags begin with "!", then I think your search query should look like this "tag:!*"

Using that asterisk at the end should find all notes with tags beginning with !

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