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(Archived) To the EN team: upgraded -- thanks!

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Just now I've upgraded to premium. At the moment I doubt I will need 500MB in a regular month but I really like to support this software. It's the same reason I bought EN2 "back in the day"

EN is one of those rare pieces of software you install and one day you realize "hey, I've been using this for a couple of years now..."

The web sync has really added a lot of value, for me. Of course the fact that I can switch to the laptop and just continue there with all my essential info at hand. But also the added peace of mind that come what may, I have a backup of that data somewhere.

The no-save, instant search setup of EN has made this app the memory of a lot of pieces of information for me. When did my little girl lose here first tooth? What is my password for that blog? When my mother emailed that she always used to play here or there with her friends, where was that?

Thanks -- you made something that really adds value to my life. You made a piece of software that I really like to use and that pleases me to use it.

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Very nice testamonial, and so true. I just upgraded yesterday, not because I have any need for the additional bandwidth (I very seldom clip anything but text) but want(ed) to support EN. What's funny, a couple months back when I was invited to the closed beta I'd said "I really don't have any need for it" after installing and playing with it. There hasn't been a day I haven't used it since! :D

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Another 'Pat on the back' from me also.

I was looking for something like OneNote because I tried OneNote (Trial Version) and liked it, but could not at the moment afford it.

I found EverNote, started using it, and love it.

I since purchased the Microsoft Office suite, with OneNote included, because we need the word processor and spreadsheet, but now find I can not go back to OneNote.

Well Done!

I use EverNote for keeping track of research. It is almost entirely text, so I doubt I would ever need the premium package, but want to support EverNote so I know it will continue. Plus I enjoy using the software more if I know my conscience is clear.

Keep up the great work!


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