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(Archived) automatic tagging

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Dengberg, in a post at viewtopic.php?f=37&t=6795#p25445 says

We plan to keep improving the capabilities of our Attribute filtering and Saved Searches, but we aren't planning to mix searching and tagging back together into "Categories" again.

This is an important and definitive statement.

And the answer to my question

I would like to ask why does Saved Search gives an advantage over automatic keyword tagging (by filter).
is deserving a better answer than the (no adjective) answer Dengberg gave:
It's a slightly different metaphor, that's all

The examples of the help file do not describe any "power" use as we had with filtered keywords, panel intersection plus the search field.

So, would it be possible to have a review/compare text from one of you on this matter? It is important as people are willing to recommend EN to companies (as the first post in this thread.)

I think, personally, that this is due to us EN 2 users, perhaps to convince us of the "goodness" of EN3

I would ask perhaps to Iafanasiev or Dnagy or other member of the team to answer this, as Dengberg does not manifest, obviously, an interest in beeing of help, or he might lack the techie know-how of the question. (He probably hates my guts for now!!). This is not a personal war, it is something for all EN3 possible user coming from EN2 that have to "understand" the new paradigm....

As betatester, I found similarities which may be of great interest to all EN2 users. But I am not willing to share them before the TEAM answer.

EN3 is powerful... I am changing my mind about it. It may be less "easy" as En2, but I am pushing it nearly to what EN2 was doing. The only thing that keeps me back are some problems in the implementations, small bugs still there etc...

So, would it be possible to have a clear explanation about how they compare? How do we achieve the same? What about mixing saved searches with tagging with search field.... etc. What is the new "paradigm" and how will it serve our purposes in the practical.


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Many new users find that the EN 2.2 "advanced searching/filtering" UI is a little hard to learn: Right-click on a Category, choose the 9th context menu item, switch to the second tab ("Filter"), and then click on a text link to choose from a small set of filter options, which are overridden if you happened to also manually assign that Category to notes (so you get a mix of searching and manual overrides). The design of this feature was largely determined by performance constraints in the database search engine.

Once you learn this metaphor, it can give you some powerful options, but this was unclear and hard to find for a lot of people who used the software for the first time. I have a graduate degree in computer science, and had to ask for help from an engineer to show me how to use it. (This either says something about the ease of use of this feature or the low academic standards of bay area universities.)

Evernote 3 aims to separate the concepts of "labeling" a note from the action of searching for notes, so that we can build an extremely powerful search engine for our users that matches more closely with the way that users search for data in modern operating systems and applications.

I recognize that, once you are comfortable with any UI metaphor (no matter how unintuitive), you will be able to do complicated things with it. I love the emacs text editor and know all of the obscure key sequences for performing complex operations in it, but I realize that it's basically unusable for most people, and therefore it's a niche product with no commercial future. There is no real company to back up emacs, and it hasn't had any real improvements in at least a decade.

(Locking thread since the original question has been answered, to avoid this turning into another incoherent flamewar.)

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