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(Archived) Bug: Top-Most Heading Bar in a List Sorted by Notebook


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Dear Evernote

I'm struggling with a bug in the list view sorted by notebook. It's very hard for me to describe this, so I procrastinated on reporting it. However, it has started to irritate me enough for me to make a desparate effort.

You know how the list is divided into headings for each notebook? Well, as you scroll down the list, the top-most heading bar stays current with the notebook you are scrolling through. However, let's say I am looking at a tag that has only one note in a notebook that is listed at the very top, and two other notes listed at the bottom from another notebook. The list is not scrollable, as there are only 3 notes on the screen. Now, let's say I deleted the note at the top (or removed it from the tag). Here is the funny/annoying thing that happens: The topmost notebook title bar still shows the name of the notebook of the deleted note, even though the other two notes are right under it, as if they belonged to that notebook! In order to get the correct view, I have to leave the tag, and return to it again. I move notes to different tags and notebooks very often in my system, and this is very inconvenient!

Please, please, please fix this bug! I hope I was clear enough for you guys to replicate this error (if not, I'll be glad to reiterate/elaborate).

Thank you in advance.


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  • 4 weeks later...


I just wanted to mention that I'm still encountering this bug in the latest beta version (build 158451).

Thank you for the ongoing improvement! (and thank you in advance for fixing this bug)


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