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(Archived) Editor drives me crazy



Please improve, or better completely replace the current editor. This part really drives me crazy. I haven't worked with such a bad text composer since Word 95. As soon as you try to work with different fonts, font colors and lists it becomes terrible. If I would make a screencast that shows how I try to create and edit a text with a bit formatting, people what call that a slap-stick-movie.

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9 replies to this idea

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Totally agree. I have stopped composing in Evernote, it’s just too annoying and buggy. This is the main reason that Evernote hasn’t become my primary writing application. What little work I still do work in Evernote, I avoid formatting like the plague.

Overall, Evernote is still a win for me. But it’s something I have to mention to anyone who asks if they should use Evernote: “Well, it’s a great app … but the text editing is pretty janky.”

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I'm confused by this. I find the editor has some glaring omissions, but overall is fantastic! I'm currently working on trying to figure out styles and templets such that I can actually use it to completely replace textedit. I think it's that good. But I agree there are some REALLY basic things that simply are not there.

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. . . I'm currently working on trying to figure out styles and templets such that I can actually use it to completely replace textedit.

Depending on your typical usage of TextEdit, you may or may not be disappointed. :wink:

As many of the Evernote Evangelists will tell you, Evernote is not intended to be the "best of breed" in each category (editing, image processing, audio processing, etc). IOW, Evernote is not likely to ever provide the same capability as MS Word or Adobe Photoshop, or even all of the features of TextEdit, for example.

Having said that, I would definitely agree that there is a minimum set of rich text editing features that are needed to support common use cases.

But most important is that the Editor behave in a consistent, reliale, robust manner. The application of font formatting changes must be rock solid.

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Agreed with the other posters here .. the EN text editor is borderline unusable, which cripples an otherwise fine product. I find this particularly annoying on the Mac as there is already a pretty robust RTF editor control built-into OS X that can just be dropped into the EN app free!

C'mon Evernote ... you can do better than this!


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Well I just spent all day working in EN creating notes on my Mac using the Mac app, my first full "heavy" day with EN. I have to say I'm on the verge of dropping use of the product and returning to DEVONthink.

The editor is so unreliable it's essentially useless. As you type/edit/format, more-or-less random things happen to the note:

-- Extra blank lines appear for no apparent reason.

-- Lines of selected text vanish when you choose font changes.

-- Notes that appear fine in the Mac app have a random mix of font sizes on my iPhone.

-- "Simplify Formatting" command should be renamed "Randomize Formatting".

-- Removing (say) an empty line also removes empty lines BEFORE the edited paragraph.

This is so buggy I'd rate this app as beta. I can't seriously trust the app with my data. I'm stunned that an app that is primarily a note-taking app can't edit notes reliably!!! Um, are you serious EN???

I love the idea of cloud sync. I love the smooth sync with my iPhone. I will tolerate the lack of folders and use tags. But an editor that doesnt work? Fail.


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