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(Archived) Printing contents of notebook?

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Looks like you cannot print multiple notes. If I select 3 notes, it prints the last note. This is a serious deficiency.

Let me correct myself - You cannot print multiple notes using the mac platform, using "save to pdf". If you send the multiple notes to your printer, they will print, one page per note. You can get multiple pdf's from multiple notes by selecting File>Print>PDF>Open PDF in Preview.

You can't print multiple notes using OSX Lion (yet). Lion is not ready for prime time, and won't create accurate PDF's of even single notes.

You can print multiple notes from windows. This means you can set Adobe PDF as the printer and save multiple notes to PDF. (Assuming you have a pdf printer installed). This is fantastic.

The other option to print multiple notes is to merge them. This will fit more than one note per page (for small notes). Since merging is not reversible you could select multiple notes and email them in one email back to yourself, or even back to EN.

EN just got better :)

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