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(Archived) Convert pdf notes to jpegs

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Hello everyone,

I have been using scandrop to upload my handwritten notes (on engineering paper) in pdf format to evernote. I find it very convenient because it allows me to easily group multiple pages into one note. I spend most of my time accessing my notes using my xoom, and (also with ipad) when you open a pdf note it displays an annoyingly tiny little grey bar that forces you to launch the pdf externally. This is finally getting on my nerves as the notes that are stored in jpeg format are not any larger in size and are much more easy (and speedy) to navigate through.

Scandrop does not allow me to upload in a jpeg format, so is there any way I can simply continue using my current method but convert from pdf to jpeg within evernote? I could care less about ocr...

Thanks and I appreciate any advice I receive!

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  • Level 5

I'd stay with PDF.

You will only be able to get one sheet of information into a JPG file.

That means the PDF with 5 handwritten pages on the same topic will end up as 5 separate JPG files.

And you will probably loose resolution in the conversion process.

You can find many programs that will convert a PDF to a JPG by using Google.

Here is a link that might be useful.


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Well today I have been experimenting with just having my flatbed scanner shoot jpegs into a folder on my desktop. I then create an evernote note and just drag them into the blank space in order and they form what is essentially a super tall and regular width jpeg. The file size is roughly 1/3 of my pdf files and is much better on my tablet. The epson scan software is actually quite good, with auto image cropping and some pretty nice desharpening.

Have to say I think I'm done with scan drop and done with pdf's all together. With the jpegs all in one note they are navigated through the same way as pdf's and i dont need my external viewer!

Thanks for the info on the pdf conversion... so you are saying that I am going to have to save each pdf file in evernote to my harddrive locally and then convert them individually to jpegs... then import them back into evernote? Not a big deal but not exactly what I want to spend my weekend doing :D

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  • 2 years later...
  • 1 month later...

I am looking into doing this now, for exactly the same reasons, and I have found that the pdfimages command in linux will convert a pdf to a very nice set of jpgs.  The good news is that the jpgs, once you've put them in a note and sent them up to the server, get OCR'd and indexed just as pdfs do.  :-) 


I will definitely be trying to reconfigure my scanning arrangment to automate this, and if I can come up with a way to change all of my old documents that will be better still.

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