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(Archived) Evernote for Blackberry (without BB APP WORLD)

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I am having BB Torch 9800. We dont have BB Application world in UAE thats why unable to have evernote application. I visited this forum and tried s.evernote.com/rim but not workable. Is there any option to download evernote without using BB Aplication World?

  • 1 month later...


I have the same problem--not having access to the BlackBerry App World. Can you provide me with Evernote for Blackberry for the BB 9700.



  • 2 months later...

HI. So I managed to download evernote while in Dubai on my blackberry but I still can not seem to be able to connect. When I try the evernote app says- authentification failed - connection unavialable?

What should I do???


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