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(Archived) Evernote Honeycomb


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I recently noticed in the Android App store that evernote is now listed under tablet section meaning it has been optimized for tablets.

However, I find the version that is there does not seem to be much different than what I have on my Android phone . Although it works on honeycomb tablet it is no where slick as the ipad version of evernote.

My question is

Can we expect a version optimized for Honeycomb? From other posts I know you were working on it. I just want to make sure the version now in the Android App store is not the optimized Honeycomb version. Because if it is I would be disappointed compared to the ipad version.

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The version in the market now is defiantly not a Honeycomb version. There haven't been any updates to the Evernote client since the Xoom launched, it seems that this week Google has been featuring apps that simply still work on Honeycomb because there are so few actual tablet apps available. The prospect of an Honeycomb Evernote app was a big reason in me getting a Xoom in the first place. I just hope the devs know there's a desire for it out there and are putting a big focus on getting it out there.

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That is good to know. Yes I hope they get it out soon as well.

The version in the market now is defiantly not a Honeycomb version. There haven't been any updates to the Evernote client since the Xoom launched, it seems that this week Google has been featuring apps that simply still work on Honeycomb because there are so few actual tablet apps available. The prospect of an Honeycomb Evernote app was a big reason in me getting a Xoom in the first place. I just hope the devs know there's a desire for it out there and are putting a big focus on getting it out there.
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I don't think simply working on tablet is nearly enough, its currently designed for a mobile phone screen. The layout needs to be fundamentally redesigned to use the additional space, adopting the UI conventions of honeycomb default apps, conditional toolbar top right, two pane layout, etc. Right now, without this, i'm in the market for a better notes application. Whichever company does this right will get my money.

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  • 3 weeks later...


I am regretting not buying an IPAD 2 because my xoom doesnt have a honeycomb version. I have been a loyal premium customer for two years and this is a total disappointment.

I am glad you are working on it. Any ETA? Days, Weeks, Months?

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  • 3 weeks later...
Yes, we've had Honeycomb devices for a couple of weeks and plan to make a good experience on Honeycomb.

Please implement some form of text selection with working copy and paste. It seems that honeycomb broke this with certain apps, including evernote.

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Hey Evernote staff,

I use my xoom primarily for evernote, I take my class notes on engineering paper and scan everything (including tests.. handouts.. ect.) into evernote. I use my xoom in class to lookup past notes and pdf's of my course books. So far the experience has been very good but I have just a couple things I would like to see changed that I think apply to the regular android version as well.

1) One click pdf launching... it's very annoying to try to open a note just to have to click on a tiny (and on the xoom it is TINY) little grey bar to launch the pdf externally. I don't see why this step can't be bypassed altogether... I know evernote can't open pdfs internally but just switch things to launch from the actual note thumbnail please!

2)Because of this annoyance with pdfs I know scan all of my notes in as jpegs (the quality and file size is actually much better than my pdfs of note sheets I used to make... go figure) However when I open a note the jpeg isn't maximized on the screen. I have to pinch drag it... can we please get an option to view jpegs at page width?

-one note... I use my xoom exclusively in portrait mode so when you guys make a honeycomb version dont go all honeycomb marketplace (forces you into landscape... horrible) on us and optimize for landscape.. landscape on the xoom is a joke. The device is just not sized correctly for this (apple went with their aspect ratio for reasons that are all to obvious to me now). Everyone I know that has a xoom uses it only in portrait.. just a heads up.

-second note... I realize my points are very minor and seem like things that shouldn't be bitched about. Take this as a complement! Evernote is exactly what I need to stay organized through a fairly difficult engineering major. My gripes mainly surface because of my heavy use in classes... it's tough to be fumbling around through opening many pdfs through the little grey bar or pinch zooming on jpegs franticly trying to find something in my notes to ask a prof or to glance at before a test/quiz.

Anyways thanks evernote and I hope you begin to focus more support on tablets (honeycomb and ipad alike). I feel like these devices are prime for evernote use (far more so than smartphones) and you could see a lot of new premium users in the future if the tablet app quality is there. The availability of evernote for android with a fairly good interface (especially considering it's designed for 4" phones) is what got me to buy a xoom and become a premium evernote subscriber in the first place. I have another friend with an ipad who is in the same boat.



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  • 2 weeks later...

I am really not happy with the Honeycomb App. Its looks like you are trying to hand us a simple recode of the phone app. With 9 million users, many (like me) which pay to use the service I would think that you could come up with a real Honeycomb tablet app like Springpad did and they have far fewer users. I am starting to look at other services out there and may soon discontinue service should I come across a suitable replacement.

Accessing the Evernote through the web is currently more practical than the "Honeycomb" app.

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EP2008 - I see you have a Transformer as well. I would absolutely LOVE to help test the Honeycomb version myself, whatever its status.

We are both lucky to have this tablet, given the short supply :D Evernote is my most used app. A honeycomb version would be welcome with wide open arms :lol:

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Thanks for the enthusiasm about our tablet version. We promise to make it available as soon as we think it's stable enough for external testing. (I.e. it *probably* won't delete all of your notes and melt your xoom.)

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Thanks for the enthusiasm about our tablet version. We promise to make it available as soon as we think it's stable enough for external testing. (I.e. it *probably* won't delete all of your notes and melt your xoom.)

Xoom?!? Who has a Xoom? Looks like a couple of Transformer owners here... :-)

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I have a Xoom. And regardless of what all the Apple fanboys in the press think, it is a very nice tablet. With a native Evernote it will be even better.

Its a decent tablet, but I'm annoyed by the fact that power button is on the back of the unit.

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I have a Xoom. And regardless of what all the Apple fanboys in the press think, it is a very nice tablet. With a native Evernote it will be even better.

Its a decent tablet, but I'm annoyed by the fact that power button is on the back of the unit.

I like the placement of the power button. The only thing about the physical design that has bothered me is the uneven weight distribution that makes it balance less that perfectly in my hands.

This looks like an example of why the Android tablet market could eventually be bigger than the iPad. There are enough different designs showing up that everyone should be able to find one that fits just right.

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