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(Archived) Shortcut to Bullet points and to do Headings w/ Shortcuts

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Since I use this in my lecture classes its important to be able to do everything without having to move the mouse so I can stay with the speaker. Coming from Word I was able to have bullet points and headings hotkeyed. Can this be done in evernote? if not it should be considered in an update.

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  • Level 5*

I think Jeff meant - which platform (windows, mac, iphone etc) you are using?

There are no differences in formatting options between the free and premium versions.

Currently Evernote doesn't support the features you are looking for.

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  • Level 5*

The Mac, Windows and various mobile clients can differ as to capabilities, and ways to accomplish certain tasks. That's why I asked about which client you were using. As metrodon said, there are no differences in formatting capabilities between the free and premium versions.

The list of Evernote for Mac hotkeys is here: https://www.evernote.com/about/kb/article/mac-osx-keyboard-shortcuts?lang=en. Shift + Command + U to Toggle bulleting. As far as I know, there are no format styles supported by Evernote (there are none in the Windows client), at least at this time, so headings need to be done by hand: pick font face, since, boldness, etc.

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