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(Archived) Search for "Not Tagged"

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First off, Thanks for the app - Evernote is the second most used app on my Macbook air behind Firefox. Interesting fact - I switched to Mac specifically for the Mac version of Evernote 3. I like it THAT much better than the same on WinXP.

My question: I often clip screenshots, dump in pictures, clip from the web and don't take the time to tag the note immediately. I would, however, like to go back and tag these notes later. I can't figure out how to search for "Not Tagged" to quickly see a list. Thoughts?



Glad you like the app!

You can search for this to find all of the notes that do not have any tags on them: -tag:*

That will work when you have a notebook selected, or when you have "All Notebooks" selected. So if you were to search for that in "All Notebooks", you'd see all of the notes in your account that have no tags on them.


Exactly what I was looking for, thanks!

Is there someplace that all of the expressions are documented? Have I just overlooked it?

Thanks again,




Expressions are not documented and vary between systems. We hope that EN3 new beta version will consider this and normalize the syntax, or publish a syntax help section in their "Help" file.



The expression syntax is the same across platforms. Wherever the actual behavior varies between systems, that is a bug ... thanks for helping us track these down during this beta.

We're working on more documentation on our data model and search grammar as part of our plans to open up APIs for third-party applications. We'll make this available in a few weeks.




Please remember to correct the any: reserved word on the IPHONE, it is taken as it was a "normal" word and not a reserved word... Try to make a search with any: in the Iphone to see the result.



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