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(Archived) Older version of Evernote

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Anybody know a way to get an earlier version of Evernote for the Palm Pre (WebOS Version 1.4.5)? I am currently using the 1.3.8 version of Evernote and it is killing my phone each time I launch it. Is there a way to get an earlier version installed, one that actually worked before this 1.3.8 phone killer?


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How about just putting the old version back into production. I raised this issue on Jan 8th. On Feb 2nd the problem was acknowledged with this post "We do have someone working on the WebOS version, but I don't have a date for when this problem will be fixed in a release." So far I still can't use the software on my phone. Pretty much this is keeping me from going to the paid version of Evernote.

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Thanks for your comment. We would like to move forward instead of moving backward. If our application has issue(s), we will try to re-solve it and move on to the next level\build. This Palm client has to work\develope along with all other Evernote clients and it can't stay behind. As a matter of fact, I know that our QA is currently working on a new build and I expect that it should release in a few days. I recommend all of you here to give it a try before moving back to an older build. If there is still any issue in the new build, I will work with you to re-solve as soon as possible.

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