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REQUEST: Insert date & time




Subject says it all. Available in most text editors etc. Would be nice if available in Evernote as well. Thanks.

If it is available, please do advise.

Gladly accept a month's extension on my account if my feedback is found useful, of course. :)

32 replies to this idea

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The time stamp, I believe we're using the format you've set for the operating system. The date formats are also based on your short, medium and long formats in OS X.

Sorry, I don't understand. OSX explains the repeat of "May 1, 2012"?

As far as combining the two, the Mac team thought it would be more flexible to have them separate since often times users want one or the other. If you do combine them, I suggest doing time, and then date. Since the date won't have changed in the time it takes to go through the Menu (or use the keyboard shortcuts).

Makes sense. I still maintain my request for a single shortcut to insert both.


It's been available in the betas for a while now. Should be coming to a full release near you


Look under the Format menu, it's right under Insert Date :)

Format >> Insert Date, Insert Time

The shortcut is shift+option+command+d for time


Ah, great. Thanks, dlu, and sorry I missed that. I'll add two follow-up requests then:

1. One single date and time stamp that, with a hotkey, inserts something like "8:16 AM on Wednesday, May 2, 2012." It seems that's what a few people above (mlgoodson, steveberl) were asking for too. The four-key hotkey for the time stamp (is there a way to change that in Preferences?) is pretty cumbersome, especially since it only give you half of a true time and date stamp.

2. The ability to add the time stamp in YYYYMMDD format. Or maybe that's an option and sometime's wrong with my preferences? I see "May 1, 2012" twice, so maybe that's blocking something else?



Just thought I would add a "me, too" to this thread. I often use evernote as a phone journal and if I have multiple calls about something, it's nice to be able to add a time/date to each call.


Ah, great. Thanks, dlu, and sorry I missed that. I'll add two follow-up requests then:

1. One single date and time stamp that, with a hotkey, inserts something like "8:16 AM on Wednesday, May 2, 2012." It seems that's what a few people above (mlgoodson, steveberl) were asking for too. The four-key hotkey for the time stamp (is there a way to change that in Preferences?) is pretty cumbersome, especially since it only give you half of a true time and date stamp.

2. The ability to add the time stamp in YYYYMMDD format. Or maybe that's an option and sometime's wrong with my preferences? I see "May 1, 2012" twice, so maybe that's blocking something else?

The time stamp, I believe we're using the format you've set for the operating system. The date formats are also based on your short, medium and long formats in OS X.

As far as combining the two, the Mac team thought it would be more flexible to have them separate since often times users want one or the other. If you do combine them, I suggest doing time, and then date. Since the date won't have changed in the time it takes to go through the Menu (or use the keyboard shortcuts).


Guys, any news about this feature? DLU took a note of this request more than 90 days ago. Any plans to release it on a forthcoming version? Thanks.


The time stamp, I believe we're using the format you've set for the operating system. The date formats are also based on your short, medium and long formats in OS X.

Sorry, I don't understand. OSX explains the repeat of "May 1, 2012"?

We use whatever OSX uses, so if you have two settings that repeat "May 1, 2012" in OSX, we'll do the same


Ah, figured it out. The third option is a three-letter abbreviation of the month. In May, that results in the repetition of "May 1, 2012." (In other months, the third option should be something like "Jan 1, 2012.") Thanks.


What would be very very useful is to be able to insert a time stamp based on the record location of an audio recording in Evernote. Think about it... your recording a presentation or a meeting while taking notes. you make a note about something in the meeting. Having a time stamp based on the record time in the notes would allow you to find the spot in the 1hour or more long recording that this subject or note appeared.

Would make my life a lot easier. Right now i have to go back and guessedimate the time. which is ok. but a key click would be even sweeter. Even sweeter yet woud be to automagically time code it. then as i scrub thru the recording highlight text that was entered at that time (within a 60 second window or so)


+1 for Android

There are work arounds that work good in windows I use "AutoHotKey". but I don't have a way to quickly insert date and time on Android. There is currently nothing on the menu button when editing. I would be happy to see something there or an Icon.



not finding in the windoze version.  I have downloaded Phrase express, and it is hughly powerful.

Quite complex in its possibilities, but simple in operation


I have set



as it is quick and easy to type


to return  this 07/02/2014 12:03:13


It often takes a long time for Evernote to deliver features—and those are the ones they say they'll deliver. They've been promising due dates for over two years...


Thanks for the suggestions above about how to achieve this using other tools. I will look into it for my own needs. However, Evernote is for taking notes. I am sure a number of people takes "rolling notes" in the same note and add timestamps or datestamps to their notes because they need a record of what time each note in the text is about. So it seems like date/time stamping is probably core to note taking and could certainly be part of Evernote. Naturally, there would need to be a keyboard shortcut for this. Thanks!


Just a suggestion if you do decide to implement an insert date/time feature within the products; perhaps add a simple icon to the right of the "updated" date that inserts the date/time at the cursor point. And a shortcut key of course if the focus is on Evernote. I'd love it for tracking phone conversations. And yes, I know there are workarounds to do this, but I believe the initial poster was asking if the Evernote team would consider it. Thanks!


The people telling me to try another piece of software or to do anything to my operating system, you're missing the point. The more complete Evernote is as a product, the faster and more virally it's going to spread across industries and nations. I do appreciate the note about services in Mac, because that's useful otherwise, but I'm a bit annoyed at the tone of the people telling me to do other stuff when I'm merely asking that Evernote add an additional feature which I would use quite often. Something like CMD+T inside of Evernote would be ideal.

Part of my use for Evernote is that I track development of ideas and patents I am working on. I would like to be able to draw trends from the date and time data -- my best ideas occur when. There is other data I would like to add in the future. Eventually I will find the best possible time and conditions to work in and under, and thus I will be able to bring these things to fruition all the quicker.

Maybe this is a bit late, but I don't care. I want to remind you that people GIVE you their time in an attempt to help find a workaround until such time as the feature you want is added. I wonder who you think you are.


I know there are others here who use MacJournal, which in some ways competes with Evernote. It has a lot of these niceties like a command (with keyboard shortcut) to insert a time stamp. Very handy.

It also has "star ratings" for entries, and a separate field for inserting a comment about a note, both of which I wish EN had.

The people telling me to try another piece of software or to do anything to my operating system, you're missing the point. The more complete Evernote is as a product, the faster and more virally it's going to spread across industries and nations. I do appreciate the note about services in Mac, because that's useful otherwise, but I'm a bit annoyed at the tone of the people telling me to do other stuff when I'm merely asking that Evernote add an additional feature which I would use quite often. Something like CMD+T inside of Evernote would be ideal.

Part of my use for Evernote is that I track development of ideas and patents I am working on. I would like to be able to draw trends from the date and time data -- my best ideas occur when. There is other data I would like to add in the future. Eventually I will find the best possible time and conditions to work in and under, and thus I will be able to bring these things to fruition all the quicker.

Don't get your shorts in a knot. You've stated a use case, as well as a request. The request may or may not be something EN chooses to put into their software. I'd guess it will eventually make it into the Mac desktop (which is newly reworked, IIRC) b/c it exists in the Windows client. But if it doesn't, I rather doubt it's the one feature that is going to make or break the future of Evernote, especially since there are many viable workarounds.

However, people are being helpful in offering up ways to do what you want to do (insert date & time) that will function for you today. Your other option is to ignore the suggestions & simply wait until this feature is rolled out in the Mac desktop, whenever that may be. If it ever is. (shrug) I vote for using a workaround unless & until this feature is rolled out in EN.


The people telling me to try another piece of software or to do anything to my operating system, you're missing the point. The more complete Evernote is as a product, the faster and more virally it's going to spread across industries and nations. I do appreciate the note about services in Mac, because that's useful otherwise, but I'm a bit annoyed at the tone of the people telling me to do other stuff when I'm merely asking that Evernote add an additional feature which I would use quite often. Something like CMD+T inside of Evernote would be ideal.

Part of my use for Evernote is that I track development of ideas and patents I am working on. I would like to be able to draw trends from the date and time data -- my best ideas occur when. There is other data I would like to add in the future. Eventually I will find the best possible time and conditions to work in and under, and thus I will be able to bring these things to fruition all the quicker.

You don't need any software to do this. On a Mac, create a keyboard shortcut in Services to insert the date and time in the format you'd like into any field that accepts text.

Thanks for the suggestion.

Unfortunatelyl it is not obvious as to how to do this.

Could you please give us some detailed instructions?



You don't need any software to do this. On a Mac, create a keyboard shortcut in Services to insert the date and time in the format you'd like into any field that accepts text. I am sure the same functionality is available under Windows in Control Panel.

  • Level 5*
Take a look at TextExpander - it allows you to add 'snippets' into any app based on key combinations - date and time is just one that you can do.

I also want to add my +1 vote for this feature. Would love to be able to click a single button in the note editing window to insert a date and time stamp.


  • Level 5*

Take a look at TextExpander - it allows you to add 'snippets' into any app based on key combinations - date and time is just one that you can do.


Just thought I would add a "me, too" to this thread. I often use evernote as a phone journal and if I have multiple calls about something, it's nice to be able to add a time/date to each call.


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