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I still don't understand attachments in EN


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As a premium user I can drag any kind of file into EN, which is excellent because I seldom need to worry about syncing my desktop and laptop anymore. As time passes and I accumulate more of these notes (and as my abused memory falters), I'm having trouble remembering to process notes that contain embedded files. I've been manually tagging them with msword and msexcel and zip, but it seems ridiculous for me to have to do that. And sometimes I forget, and something falls through the cracks.

From the time I started using EN I've been wondering, and now I'll ask again: What exactly did the designers have in mind as positive a hit for "Attributes|Contains|Attachment"? I now have more than 1000 notes, NONE of which contains an attachment per this search query.

Even if I use the File|Attach Files command to embed/attach(?) a zip file into a note, and immediately after that I use the Attributes|Contains|Attachment to search for it, STILL the search generates zero hits.

Is there a way to search for notes that contain embedded/attached(?) files with an extension of *.doc, *.zip or *.xls?



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  • Level 5*

I don't know about Attributes|Contains|Attachment. Never used it.

To find the following file types, use the associated search item:

Excel files: resource:application/vnd.ms-excel

Word files: resource:application/msword

Zip files: resource:application/x-zip-compressed

These can be found by opening up the registry editor to Computer \ HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT. You're looking for keys that are the extensions of the files that you want to search for, e.g. .zip', .doc', etc. Click on one of those and you should see a string value (REG_SZ) labelled "Content Type". The associated value is what you plug into a 'resource:' search term. I don't know of any easier way to get this kind of information.


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  • Level 5

recoType pulls up some interesting results also.It matches notes that contain some type of recognition information (such as an image containing text). Possible values for this operator: 'printed', 'speech', 'handwritten', 'picture' and 'unknown'.

  • recoType:picture


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I have the same problem. I select a notebook which contains some notes with attachments (small .exe-files) and then filter for notes with attachments. But no notes are listet.


Very strange.

Information: PDF's don't count as attachments because they are shown embedded.

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From the time I started using EN I've been wondering, and now I'll ask again: What exactly did the designers have in mind as positive a hit for "Attributes|Contains|Attachment"? I now have more than 1000 notes, NONE of which contains an attachment per this search query.

FYI I did contact support about this last week. They had me try a few standard uninstall/reinstall/clearthis kind of things, and then said they were forwarding on to developers. I don't know if this means there's an actual ticketed bug for the issue or not, but I'm hoping it does. It's not a deal killer for me, but there are times when I wish attributes-->contains-->attachment would do what it seems to suggest it would.

On the upshot, trying their suggestions has gotten me onto the prerelease, so now I can have PDF's attachments that are nice little icons (like all the other attachments) instead of being open and visually taking over my notes. :D

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Just as an update...

Interestingly, as of the current preview release (which may be unrelated) a very small number of the notes with attachments (4 notes out of 10's of notes with attachments) do show up when filtering as noted. The rest still do not -- I haven't determined a common denominator regarding type of attachment or etc which does not also apply to notes which are not showing up.

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  • 3 years later...

I don't know about Attributes|Contains|Attachment. Never used it.

To find the following file types, use the associated search item:

Excel files: resource:application/vnd.ms-excel

Word files: resource:application/msword

Zip files: resource:application/x-zip-compressed

These can be found by opening up the registry editor to Computer \ HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT. You're looking for keys that are the extensions of the files that you want to search for, e.g. .zip', .doc', etc. Click on one of those and you should see a string value (REG_SZ) labelled "Content Type". The associated value is what you plug into a 'resource:' search term. I don't know of any easier way to get this kind of information.


Very helpful.


Is there a list of all these various search strings?  The ones I found from Evernote were limited and didn't include these you provided above.  I get the feeling the list of possible search attributes if Huge.

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Also I tried the searching for Word documents with the syntax you provided and also with the one you provided for Excel files but substituted word for excel (resource:application/vnd.ms-word).  These separate searched brought up different results.  This is disconcerting--are there multiple ways to search for an attachment and each way provides differing results?

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