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(Archived) Internet Explorer 9 options


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  • Level 5*
Just tried it, and it doesn't seem to work. I'd love to see a good solution for IE 9 that rivals the great solution for Chrome...

I'll have to wait until I get home and install IE9RC on my Win7 machine there and try things out; we've not switched over to Win7 here at work (but soon, though).


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  • 1 month later...

I've just upgraded to the release version of Internet Explorer 9, and I'm having more problems with the Web clipper. This time, although it creates a note with a link to a Web page, it's not actually copying the text. Also, the tags don't autopopulate as they do in the Chrome browser.

Any plans on coming out with better IE 9 support anytime soon?

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Just upgraded to IE9:

  • [*:13snraqx]EN Win 4 Clipper seems to work OK so far.
    [*:13snraqx]Login to Evernote web site

    • [*:13snraqx]produced a warning to the effect that I was using an "incompatible browser".
      [*:13snraqx]It then listed Browsers, and IE9 was NOT one of them.
      [*:13snraqx]But it seemed to work OK with my very limited testing.

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  • 1 year later...
  • 8 months later...

the web clipper in my IE 9 is not installed or working.  I see an option to add to OneNote, but not Evernote.  Anyone know if it works with IE 9??  Why is there nothing on the Evernote website about this??

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Hi Irene,

If you have the latest Windows client installed the IE 9 clipper is installed along with it. The new IE clipper was part of the Windows 4.6.2 release so you need to run that or higher version. There is no way to install it separately.


IE may require som user actions for the button to show up (depending on your existing user preferences)


Here are some things to try:

1) Make sure you are running IE in 32-bit mode and not 64 bit mode (not supported)

2) Make sure the 'Command' bar in IE is visible. (Right click the IE application frame and in context menu tick it) This is where the toolbar button is by default.

3) Try a clip using the right click menu by right clicking in the body of a webpage and choose 'Add to Evernote'  


If the problem still persists please file a support ticket as they can walk you through it. 

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