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(Archived) Feature Request: List tags for current Notebook/Stack

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I think the above would make a great addition to an already wonderful product.

My idea is something like the following:

Click a Notebook (or a stack) and list all available tags for just this selection.

The benefit of this approach is that you easily can browse a notebook of available info.

I tend to use my Notebooks as categories and many times a note doesn't fit into just one Notebook/category, so that's where tagging comes in. But it can also mean that I won't find a note in a Notebook I expect.

Using the TAGS section for me is a bit of a hassle as I almost drown in tags, I would love the ability to drill down just showing (or at least have the option to just show) the currently available tags.

Hope someone can make sense of my ramblings... :lol:



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  • Level 5*
Didn't grasp that it worked like that, thought the choice only would hide tags that didn't have any notes associated with them.

Actually, that's exactly what it does: for the notes shown in the note list, which is dependent on your search filter (e.g., via notebook/stack, text search, tags, dates, or other search criteria), it shows only the tags that are present (plus the parent tags to the root, I think).


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