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(Archived) Certain Notes created on Android phone not sync'ing


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Most notes I have sync properly whether I created them on my Android phone or on my desktop. I have certain notes that when I make changes on the phone they never get sync'ed on my web version or my desktop version of Evernote. Is there some way to force it in? Is there a missing setting? I have saved it on the phone and I get a message saying file uploaded. I have tried hitting the Sync button on the desktop version but it does not pick up the changes to this note. I am not sure if there is a sync button on the web version. I thought it was automatic sync but certain notes just don't sync. Is there anything I can check or do?



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Please go ahead and create a support request so we can help provide a resolution for you. When submitting a support request please try to sync again then attach a copy of the log from your Android phone so we can look at the log and see where the issue is. To access your log on your phone, go to Menu, Settings, Send Log. To submit a request go to http://www.evernote.com/about/contact/support/

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