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(Archived) wanted feature: Selectivce OCR

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Problem: some files are OCR'd even if they don't need to be, giving me unwanted query results.

Solution: let users allow disable OCR function for some notes.

Example: Each time a new file is uploaded (i.e. JPGs) let the user allow to select if this file needs to be scanned or not, by having an ON/OFF swtich or checkbox.

Benefits: less OCR queue in the server, resulting in a faster OCR for all users.


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Problem: some files are OCR'd even if they don't need to be, giving me unwanted query results.

Solution: let users allow disable OCR function for some notes.

Example: Each time a new file is uploaded (i.e. JPGs) let the user allow to select if this file needs to be scanned or not, by having an ON/OFF swtich or checkbox.

Benefits: less OCR queue in the server, resulting in a faster OCR for all users.


Selecting to have an image or a PDF to OCR or not every time you add a file into Evernote would be too excessive. A better solution would be an opt in/out option in the Preferences setting in Evernote. All notes starting from the time you change the setting would pertain to the preference you have chosen, so that it would not affect notes created previously when you didn't change the setting. (For example, if you set to No OCR default from OCR enabled default, notes created before this settings change should not be affected.)

For those who have chosen No OCR as their default option, there could be an option under the little circle with the triangle next to a note (>) that expands for further information regarding the note to enable OCR on the next sync.

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  • Level 5

The solution I use with can be implemented today and requires no additional programming by the Evernote code writers.

The graphics that seem to cause the most amount of trouble for me are maps with hundreds of cities and town names. Whenever I get a hit due to a graphic OCR that I do not want, I add a tag named X to the note. When I run a search, if I don't want those graphics to be included, I add -tag:X to the search.

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