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(Archived) Feature Request: Back Button

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Evernote needs a back button so I can get back to the last selected note after I click in to a new notebook or a new note.

[edit] It could be an optional toolbar button so as not to distract people once they become Evernote Jedi. [/edit]



A fully correct back button, that returns to the last configuration: which notebook, tags, search, etc EN was showing. It's often quite confusing to figure out what EN is doing. Tag folders appear and disappear seemingly randomly (though I'm sure the method is logical, it doesn't feel like it.)


I was going to let him have a week or two to come up to speed before posting a "welcome!" message on the forums, but ... Phil (Dean) is our new VP of Customer Satisfaction. He has 18 years organizing and growing organizations to handle community management and support, and he's going to be in charge of improving all aspects of such things here. He started on Monday, so is coming up to speed rapidly.

  • Level 5*

No way.. he's gotta hit the ground rolling, er, running!

(we'll try to be gentle)


Tag folders appear and disappear seemingly randomly (though I'm sure the method is logical, it doesn't feel like it.)

Be sure you don't have "hide unassigned tags" ticked. (Right click "tags" in left pane.)

  • Level 5
Thanks for the suggestion. Keep them coming.

Not a feature request, just a process request:

Have QA set up a systematic check of Support Request answers on a regular basis.


Our QA folks do read the specific product forums for bug reports, and file them appropriately. Bug reports via our direct support channels also get delivered to QA via internal channels.

Of course, reproduceable reports (with screenshots, etc.) are the most helpful.

General requests for future features aren't really QA's department, but folks like me read the forums (and literally a dozen other channels of communication) to keep tabs on community desires.


  • Level 5

Dave, maybe I should have highlighted the important part of my suggestion. I don't have a problem with the free flow of ideas in the forum.

I was replying to the VP of Customer Satisfaction, Phil Dean and his request for suggestions. I responded with:

Have QA set up a systematic check of Support Request answers on a regular basis.


The answers coming out of the Support Request department should be consistent and rock solid. Especially the basics. If the answer is to test a concept, it should clearly be stated that it is just a test.



Also, when the web clipper comes up from Safari - there's no 'done' or 'complete' button. >very confusing - you actually have to quit out of the window by closing the Mac dialogue box. First time it took me 10 minutes of testing to make sure the app/server was picking it up.


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