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Synchronized folders not working.

Go to solution Solved by rbianchi,

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On MacOS 10.15.7 and Evernote 10.98.3
I set a folder to sync its contents to Evernote, and it works the first time.
Then if I log out of Evernote, the next time I run it the new files in that folder are not synced, even though the setting is made in 'settings'.
Any help to resolve this issue would be appreciated.

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  • Level 5

Import folders have been dropped for me 3 or 4 times in the past. I reconnected them, and they returned to work. This always was after updates. I rarely if ever log out of my account.

Last time the Import Folder got dropped was maybe 3/4 of a year ago. Working since …

I think you simply reconnect, and observe. If it repeats itself, you can contact support.

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Thanks for the reply, PinkElephant.

Yes, I have reconnected several times, but the problem keeps coming back.
I will try again and if it persists, I will contact Evernote support.

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