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Last july31st I( user Ebitasxxx) logged out of Evernote Desktop app. If I remember well it was v 6.25.1.
I had 2 useraccounts for Evernote:
Jolandaxxxx 4 notes
Ebitasxxxxx   1065 notes and I think 6 or 7 notebooks.
I logged out because I could not add the other useraccount. So I thougt: maybe I can log in if I log out from this account..
But…..what a disaster….after that I had no longer acces to neither of the accounts…
I have tried to skip the login proces by adding a username in the registry.
Indeed, i saw the userpanel…but……it was empty and it did also not work anymore; I could not add a note etc….
The problem now is that the synchronisation stopped months ago because my limits were exceeded. I did not understand that, because Evernote said that my montly usage was nearly zero. But because I had free accounts, I could not send in a ticket, so I thought: ok, everything is works fine.The software works, I can still add notes, no problem….
Until Juliy31st when I logged out from the ebitasxxx account.
I could no longer login anymore.
I did install V10;de_installed the older version.
When I installed the V10 I was forced to buy a subscription!!!! I had 1065 notes and it was only free untill 50 notes, so I took a paid subscription. 
But when I opened V10 I saw only 440 notes in the ebitasxx acount.
For your info: the paid account is connected to user jolandaxxxx, and I think I also need one for ebitasxxxx????? Maybe it doens’t matter, but I just mention it for your info
I restored windows to the restore point before deleting Evernote V6.25.1.
On my pc I see 2 *.dxb files, one for each useraccount……about 148.000kb, so something must be in there?
And the date is juli 31st 2024 at the time before the de_install. According the restore point in windows.
So I think that the settings that I had selected in de Evernote desktop app were:
- Open Evernote at start up
- Keep a copy of my notes on this device at sign out. 
So therefore I hope that in the *DXB files (user ebitasXXX 1065 notes and jolanda xxxx 4 notes) alle my notes are saved.
Can anyone check or about 1065 notes are in the ebitasxxx database, and if yes can you see a notebook named “Kamerstukken” , because the note book I created on Juli 30th or 29th…..So when that notebook is in the database then the most recent data is in there.
But then we have next problem:
How do I get those notes into the new V10?
I think I had ‘offline notebooks’’  and no local notebooks because my notes were synced until limits exeeded. (https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/209005177-Set-up-offline-notes-and-notebooks-on-mobile-devices). So therefore I think I cannot convert those notebooks and use the tool that is mentioned here( ita lso did not show up in V10) https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/209005177-Set-up-offline-notes-and-notebooks-on-mobile-devices
Can anyone help me to get my 1065 notes into the V10 desktop app? As I said: the pc is restored tot the point before de-installing V6.25.1 on Juli31st. 
Question: Do I also need a paid subscription for the user ebitasxxxx (with the 1065notes)


EDIT aug 4rd:

I see in my downloadfolder an evernota *.EXE file download date dec 9th 2023. When I check the properties it shows: V10.67.4.

I can't remember if I installed that, but would it be possible that i had that version in use on juli 31st? I always had the program with the interface that showed the BLACK leftside..

But, as I said I retored windows before that de-install date, and when I click in the taskbar on the icon of Evernote, It shows version V6.25.1. So I think I had V.6.25.1 in use when everything collapsed on juli 31st2024

DXB files.PNG

Edited by Teddie2021
see below my post
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  • Level 5

Actually legacy was cut from syncing in May 2024. If you didn't notice, something was wrong with your install even before it.

Your serious mistake was to log out of your account. This closes the use of the client for security reasons, and without a server to connect, you can't log in again.

There was a friendly user who posted a rather tech-nerdy way of tricking the registry to believe that there is a valid login when there isn't, and through this allow to access the data again. Since I have dumped legacy quite a while ago, and don't use Windows, I was not really interested, but you may be able through forum search to locate it.

Keep your v10 install updated - v 10.67 is WAY behind of the actual release. I currently have 10.101.5 installed.

To import any relevant volume of notes, you need to be subscribed.

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