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(Archived) Combining Evernote & DropBox

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Thinking of more ways to streamline my life. If I setup dropbox so everyone's work documents point to the dropbox folders, then tell Evernote to sync with these folders but NOT delete.... what happens if I edit a file in Dropbox folder - does the file in Evernote (i) not change (ii) change (iii) duplicate so old and new version. What happens if I delete a file in Dropbox folder (i) backup stays in Evernote (ii) Evernote copy deleted as well?

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EN can import files but does not sync files. (Not to be cOnFuSeD with EN syncing your notes up to/down from the EN servers.) SO, answers in red...

what happens if I edit a file in Dropbox folder - does the file in Evernote (i) not change (ii) change (iii) duplicate so old and new version.

What happens if I delete a file in Dropbox folder (i) backup stays in Evernote (ii) Evernote copy deleted as well?

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Cheers for that - so my idea to "backup" works database when the mdb file is constantly changing could result in 1000's of copies of the database if I set Evernote to Sync every 15 mins (As I have it set now to make sure all my data gets to the cloud ASAP when put in my "To Evernote" folder.

Hmmmm may have to rethink that ;-)

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