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Where are my exported PDFs?

Go to solution Solved by PinkElephant,

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This seems so basic, but I don't know where my exported PDFs are?? 

I'm using the Evernote 10.88.4 app on my Mac and trying to export a note as a PDF. 

  • I select "Export as PDF", then the preview window opens, giving me the page layout options, but no option to select where it exports to.
  • So I click EXPORT button, then nothing happens. No staus bar or window, no indication that anything even happened.
  • So I tried the "Print" option. Then I selected "Save as PDF" under Destinations dropdown menu...same result. I don't know where on my machine these are being exported to. 

Am I missing something?



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  • Level 5
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"Export note to pdf" works fine on my Mac. 

After hitting "Export", a Finder "Save" window shows, which let's you select the export folder.

The same with "Print note", then selecting "Save as PDF". Both processes use the same code, when you choose "Export note to PDF", you can select to print instead from the export dialogue.

What might be a reason is that you are WAY back with your updates. The current EN client for the Mac is 10.97. You are on 10.88 !

Update and check again.

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