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So many update notifications per day! Why & what to do about it?

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I am a 10+ years loyal premium customer. Since a year or so, I get updates from Evernote every hour of the day - why is that?
The install reminders popup in the middle of presentations or netflix moments. I dont understand why updates this frequent should occur.
pls enlighten me.
10.92.3-mac-ddl-public (20240612161827)
Editor: v178.12.0
Service: v1.113.6
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  • Level 5*

Hi.  Sounds like you have a local issue - updates have been quite frequent lately,  but that's on the order of one per every week-10 days,  not every hour.  I'd suggest you uninstall with Appcleaner,  power your device off and back on again,  and reinstall from Evernote.com to reset the situation.

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