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I use OmniFocus as my external task management software (tried EN Tasks and they don't work for me) and Evernote as my note taking app. For years I would copy the OmniFocus task into Evernote, and it would appear as a text link. If I clicked on that link, it would take me directly to the link in Omnifocus. Worked like a charm. Now, it looks like it will work, gives a popup box and everything, and is blocked. 

Is anyone else experiencing this? I submitted a ticket but got the usual "we're prioritizing as best as we can" redirection and the ticket closed. It's unfortunate, because I really like using Evernote, but the lack of this functionality, which worked as described for years, makes me consider other free tools like Notion. 

Let me know if you've seen this on your own and solved it. 

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I hear you!

As you can see in previous posts, this issue has been going on for months. First, I thought it was a bug, but now it seems like a deliberate "feature". Ever since the first day this "bug" occurred, I haven't been able to use Evernote since I rely on external links to Things 3, Apple Notes, Workflowy, my Calendar, and so on. I have also submitted a ticket and got a crappy auto-generated "response".

Consequently, I have decided not to renew my Evernote Premium subscription. For the first time since I signed up for the premium subscription back in 2013/2014.

Evernote truly doesn't care about their core customers. First, they took the "sort by tag" feature away from me (thus making my +10k tags more or less useless) and now this. 😞

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I hate to disappoint,  but I have several dozen links from Evernote to other apps with individual 'dashboards' for various tasks.  They all work fine,  and in Evernote Settings there's now an option to open external files and applications.  I can't imagine why you're having issues though - have you tried setting up a new link in a new note?  If you want more coherent suggestions,  please confirm your device and OS/ Evernote version numbers.  If you have a link you're willing to share that won't open from Evernote for you,  that would be useful too.

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This feature has been broken in Windows for a long time, too. Disappointing, as it's a very handy feature to move quickly between applications. Most other note-taking platforms seem to recognize how useful this is and there are good alternatives to replace EN for those who rely on a suite of apps.

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OK I'll caveat my previous reply with:  links from a browser based app will fail because of browser security - there's a limit on how much interaction is allowed by internet-based apps with local computers.  However installed versions of Evernote (or any other note-taker) should have no trouble linking to websites or local applications.  I have an Evernote link to open Calibre and Freeplane on my desktop which works fine.

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Similar problem here. MacOS Desktop - Direct Download (not app store) -- 10.92.3-mac-ddl-public (20240612161827)


Just created a new link in a note:


I get this popup when clicking on it:


I click 'Open', but then nothing happens.


That same Things link from two other apps opens up the Things app just fine.

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5 minutes ago, Boot17 said:

I click 'Open', but then nothing happens.

Since that link is going to a specific entry,  I assume you have to be logged in to Things to see it.  Maybe the way Evernote tries to open the link is different from the other apps where the connection works.  Have you tried talking to their Support?  They may not be able to help,  but you'll get a faster response than from ours...

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5 minutes ago, gazumped said:

Since that link is going to a specific entry,  I assume you have to be logged in to Things to see it.

6 minutes ago, gazumped said:

Have you tried talking to their Support?  They may not be able to help,  but you'll get a faster response than from ours...

Already answered here: 

14 minutes ago, Boot17 said:

That same Things link from two other apps opens up the Things app just fine.



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2 minutes ago, Boot17 said:

Already answered here:

Not exactly - while it does work from other apps,  we don't know why links from Evernote would be different.  Talking to the support team there might be useful,  it might not - but it will help to eliminate one possibility.

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...nothing happens.

Shall I get with Bear support too about why links from Evernote won't open the Bear note when other apps will open the Bear link just fine and Evernote used to open the link just fine?




...nothing happens.

And then I should get with DayOne support to ask them why Evernote won't open the Day One note when other apps will open the DayOne link just fine?

My comments are just additional validation and extra information for reports from @someoneCool, @thefryhole, and @Cucumbercutter


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57 minutes ago, Boot17 said:

Similar problem here. MacOS Desktop - Direct Download (not app store) -- 10.92.3-mac-ddl-public (20240612161827)


Just created a new link in a note:


I get this popup when clicking on it:


I click 'Open', but then nothing happens.


That same Things link from two other apps opens up the Things app just fine.

Yes, yes, this is the exact problem I'm having. It was working fine for years, and now appears to be blocked. If you check the "Always open" box and click Open, it will just close the popup, and never show the modal again, while also not working. 

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Almost as though Evernote changed the way it interacted with the rest of the internet - oh wait...

And yes - I'd bet that all the links your showing as inaccessible from Evernote have had some feedback from their own users,  and may have identified why they won't  (or can't) accept links from Evernote.  But they have no special duty to share the information (if they have it) directly with Evernote.  But if a customer using DayOne and Evernote forinstance were to ask nicely they might get some information that would help Evernote find out why things don't work and fix it.

At the very least if you have a failed connection please send the links to Evernote if you have a ticket open,  open one if you don't.  The more (and more helpful) feedback Evernote gets,  the sooner you are likely to get things fixed.

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9 minutes ago, gazumped said:

At the very least if you have a failed connection please send the links to Evernote if you have a ticket open,  open one if you don't.  The more (and more helpful) feedback Evernote gets,  the sooner you are likely to get things fixed.

I've opened a few tickets on this topic. They have all gotten the same stiff armed pushback, and show me that they have no interest in working on or solving this bug. 

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21 minutes ago, gazumped said:

Almost as though Evernote changed the way it interacted with the rest of the internet - oh wait...

This has nothing to do with the internet. It's local on the Desktop. I don't think you are understanding the problem.

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Seems like more people are having this issue than I initially thought. Hopefully Evernote uses these discussions from time to time for developer prioritization. 

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1 hour ago, someoneCool said:

"Got your feedback. Can't give timeline. Working on it." - Then closed the ticket as resolved. 

Seems pretty self-contained,  at least they're aware of the issue.

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Sounds like the bug is pretty wide spread and persistent. Can someone from Evernote chime in on this one, or is this forum no longer monitored by the company it supports?

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6 hours ago, someoneCool said:

Sounds like the bug is pretty wide spread and persistent

"Wide spread"?  There are four people involved in this conversation so far,  and one of them is talking about phone calls...

I agree that it used to be possible to make calls from a link - I haven't had cause to do that in a while.  Again I'd suspect that browser based apps (which includes Evernote) might be limited now by the browser security which sandboxes as much as possible.  There's a ton of material online about the HTML code and some browser extensions,  and I currently use MS Phone Link to manage my phone from the computer.  If someone figures out how to do the phone thing from Evernote I'd certainly be interested - otherwise we're back to:  if it doesn't work but used to do so recently then you need Support - https://help.evernote.com/hc/How-to-contact-Evernote-Support 

If you'd just like to see this as a feature,  please use the feedback - also linked from that  page.

On app and web links - I'm still in that alternate universe where they work for me from an installed app,  and even Evernote desktop - but app links won't work from web-based apps.  (I've not tried links with any pages that are behind paywalls).  Again - Support if its not working for you,  but see the link above for more on that.

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This used to work recently. Already been in contact with Evernote, and they closed the ticket, yet the issue still remains. The browser based security needs to be worked out in the Desktop version of the app, which is where the problem lies. 

Thanks for your "help" gazumped, but you're not really understanding the problem, and just causing a strange distraction for users that actually rely on this. 

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9 hours ago, gazumped said:

"Wide spread"?  There are four people involved in this conversation so far,  and one of them is talking about phone calls...

Just to be clear I was adding tel: to the lists of URIs that are broke, I have a long list and have posted before on them (and reported them to Evernote.)

Lastest bug report: 3907553  about 16 days ago.

Edited by Dave Green
Added Evernote Issue #
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  • 2 months later...

This bug apparently has not yet been fixed. I just tried to add external app links to OmniFocus. Same behavior as reported above. Works as expected from TextEdit, Word, ..., but in Evernote, nothing happens. I found the following entry in the Evernote log: "unhandledRejection Error: Unsupported protocol: omnifocus: ....".

I have submitted a new bug report, #3995356.

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I just found that this bug is also present in Evernote for iOS, not just in MacOS. Trying to open external app links on iPhone just crashes Evernote!
(I checked that this works correctly in the native Notes app: Pasting an omnifocus:/// task link into a Notes note on iPhone makes it a clickable link, and clicking the link opens the correct task in the OmniFocus app).
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