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  • Level 5*

Hi.  We're mainly other users here. For a more timely notification please raise this with Support https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new (be very patient for a response) or feed it back to feedback@evernote.com.     

In both cases you'll get a 'thanks' response but they won't keep you in the loop - when and if the feature changes it will come as part of a future update.

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  • Level 5

You don't see it because it is not there.

We need to wait & see if there will be a lot of disabling options added. Use the feedback address provided, and hope for the best.

What would be the best for you - I think the calendar makes a lot of sense, it is just not yet finished. I don't see value in spending devs hours on options to disable anything.

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I would be disappointed if the calendar were removed, I use it a lot along with tasks.

If you are only using Evernote for notes, you are using the wrong app and should look for something that is meant solely for notes.

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  • Level 5
10 hours ago, mackid1993 said:

If you are only using Evernote for notes, you are using the wrong app and should look for something that is meant solely for notes.

Not at all.

Every user should be able to customize EN for his or her needs. All comparable apps have this feature. I also do not need Calender and would welcome the ability to disable Calender.

EN used to be fast, efficient and reliable.

Now it is slow, clunky and unreliable (Search). Making customization available for some features would at least alleviate some of the problems.


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  • Level 5*
5 minutes ago, Wern said:

Making customization available for some features would at least alleviate some of the problems.

If Evernote is slow and unreliable you may be using older devices or need a clean reinstall.  If you'd like to have more customisation please feed back to Evernote.  Plus - not being able to see the calendar (or any other) page won't necessarily make Evernote quicker on any device - the code will still be present in the app.

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I second this. I much prefer Omnifocus for tasks and Fantastical for calendar.

I've been an Evernote user for over a decade, and I miss when it worked better and didn't have all this feature bloat. At a minimum one should be able to hide or disable a feature to clean up the UI a bit.

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