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Company direction and future-proofing

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New to these forums but not to Evernote (user since 2012). I have a few concerns and wanted to ask if others share these or could alleviate some of them.

I worry that the app is morphing into a do-everything app. In the sidebar of the app, my notebook-list now appears way down - below three big buttons, then: Tasks, Calendar, Files and so on. I understand each of these new features (tasks for example) has some relation to note-taking and hence of some relevance but then so is email - why not build out a new EN email module?

The reason I ask is that I would like to stay with Evernote for my note-taking needs. This would work best for me if their focus remained on 'Notes' - including bug-fixing, minor feature-requests, general improvements and Support. If however, their focus shifts towards becoming a productivity suite, the 'notes' aspect will certainly not receive the attention it would otherwise. 

Thank you for reading this.

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Hi.  Most folks here are other users,  and anyone who says they have any hint where Evernote is going is peddling fake news.  You'd need to ask your question of the new head honcho Federico Simionato who's quite active on whatever Twitter is called this week - or or at least give Evernote some feedback if you feel they're headed in the wrong direction. 

Like any software company they're driven by the market - users want AI,  they get it;  users want tasks and a calendar to manage them - they get it.  Anything to make the package more attractive.  While I'm using most of the new features (except - ugh - AI) I agree that maybe there should be a way to hide controls that you feel are unnecessary or just take up too much screen space.

Note-taking though is a core feature and will no doubt get further enhancements as users request them.  I have something approaching 70k notes acquired over a similar timescale and use Evernote on desktop and tablet every day.  I'm using my usual approach to tech - I'll keep on using Evernote until I find something better... without wasting a huge amount of time checking out the newest products on the market plus updates on all the old wannabees. 

If I happen to find something better,  I'll swop without conscience:  but until I do,  I'm not going to worry about what might happen at some unspecified future time. I have too much to do and too many current problems!

Plus I have a backup of my Evernote content - just in case...

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The course is to be successful.

This means as well not to continue what happened in the years before. Because this was not successful - and more of the same effort just breeds more of the same results.

The team will have a pretty good insight of how the different features are taken on by the users, especially in which interaction.

If it makes me and you more productive, there is value. If not there are alternatives.

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