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Search old ways

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I use to WIN+SHIFT+F to find anything, sometimes adding [intitle:"whatever"]. Now, I am not able to find anything I was able to before updates.

The IA shows always wrong results, then I press three dots options to show regular search results but the search words changes. Example I search for [intitle:Manual intitle:msi] and in the regular search box I find [Manual OR MSI] withouth the intitle and without the AND. If I change it, it wil start over the loop.


Help please.


I think you are going to be a little more clear:

12 minutes ago, exceles said:

The IA shows


12 minutes ago, exceles said:

then I press three dots options to show regular search results

I don't understand this either. Whih three dots, where?

Although search has some major problems, normal text searches and searches containing advanced search syntax seem to work fine for me.

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