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Buenos días, sería muy útil poder enviar una nota a varias libretas a la vez, y no tener que ir una por una.

Tanto por ahorrar en tiempo como sobre todo porque en ese proceso siempre se queda alguna sin pasar.



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  • Level 5

What you describe is to duplicate notes, just to have them in different places.

This is what typically happens in Tree-style file-folder-Systems. And it should be avoided, it is bad practice.

There is the concept of tags in EN. The idea behind tags is that every note can be tagged with several tags at the same time - but it is always the same note, existing just one time. This way the note is updated in all "views" (created by the tags) at the same time, when it is edited.

Example: You have a note related to 2 persons (Carlos, Luisa), a project (Project A) and a Place (Mystery Hotel). Instead of copying this note into a notebook for Carlos, one for Luisa, one for the Project A and one for the Mystery Hotel, you have it (for example) only once (1) in the Notebook for Project A. You then add tags for Carlos, Luisa and the Mystery Hotel. Need to add Alexandro ? Don't duplicate the note again - just add the Tag Alexandro.

You can easily filter for tags, together with notebooks or other properties. You can build searches from the filters, and save them for future use.

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hace 4 horas, PinkElephant dijo:

What you describe is to duplicate notes, just to have them in different places.

This is what typically happens in Tree-style file-folder-Systems. And it should be avoided, it is bad practice.

There is the concept of tags in EN. The idea behind tags is that every note can be tagged with several tags at the same time - but it is always the same note, existing just one time. This way the note is updated in all "views" (created by the tags) at the same time, when it is edited.

Example: You have a note related to 2 persons (Carlos, Luisa), a project (Project A) and a Place (Mystery Hotel). Instead of copying this note into a notebook for Carlos, one for Luisa, one for the Project A and one for the Mystery Hotel, you have it (for example) only once (1) in the Notebook for Project A. You then add tags for Carlos, Luisa and the Mystery Hotel. Need to add Alexandro ? Don't duplicate the note again - just add the Tag Alexandro.

You can easily filter for tags, together with notebooks or other properties. You can build searches from the filters, and save them for future use.

Gracias por la respuesta y es una buena solución, pero necesito que cada nota sea independiente para que ellos escriban sus apuntes y añadan sus imágenes sin sobreescribir la anterior o borrar algo sin querer.

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