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Delete Tasks which Have Become 'Orphaned'

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I'm hoping for guidance on how to remove four orphaned tasks which I've been unable to delete for many weeks. The tasks can be seen in screenshots from my Windows EN - 'Paint Utility', 'Finish painting hall', 'Fix workmate' and 'Untitled task'. The task labelled 'Genuine task' is something I've simply added to evidence that tasks are generally displaying OK - I've temporarily moved away from using tasks while I'm getting these unexpected behaviours.
On Android and iOS I've tried deleting / re-installing the EN application, but it hasn't helped me in removing the tasks.
I've raised a couple of support calls with EN (I have a 'Personal' subscription) a few days ago, but not had any response.Your help would be greatly appreciated.
Kind regards, David

1.My Tasks Tab.png

2. Notebooks Tab.png

3. Notes Tab.png

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Have you tried the web version of EN to see if the problem is there as well? If it is OK on the web then it sounds like a local issue. You can refresh your local data by signing out of  EN and choosing "remove my Evernote data from this device".

I assume clicking the task name does not give you the normal task pop up.

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There seem to be many different problems withs tasks at the moment. I have experienced recurring tasks that's not show up in tasks widget, tasks that can't be moved from note to note, sorting not working in tasks widget, and also a couple of those orphaned tasks.

At the moment I really don't know what to do or think about Evernotes future. But one thing is clear: as the situation is now, Evernote can't be fully trusted. 

About Evernote support: I don't think they have any support staff. Only automated responses with a standard text. I have been waiting several months for answers.

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This reminds me of a problem I encountered before
I have many notes that contain encrypted text. When I delete the notes, because I did not decrypt the encrypted text, my subsequent searches will still show the deleted notes.
The official can never fix it
My solution is to directly create a new evernote to use 😅

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Existential questions about Evernote aside 😀 and back to the original and specific problem that  @david_woznyorg asked about... I endorse @MikeP's suggestion as a first step.  If the problem does indeed exist on the web client too, my next question is, are these tasks saved your default task note (settings/tasks/select a note).  If so, you might try creating a new note to use for default tasks, and change this setting to that new note.  Then delete the original task note (assuming there are no more tasks in there that you want to save - if there are you will need to move them first).  See if the problem goes away.



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Thanks for the suggestions folks. I've included a web view of my Tasks, which only shows the one 'legitimate' task (attached pic) - but it suggests that there are five tasks - which I imagine references my four orphaned tasks. So, it is a little better on the web edition, but not perfect.

I've done complete local re-installs of EN on my Windows computer, my Android device and my iOS device (each time deleting all local EN content) - this hasn't resolved my issue.

I class the problem as an annoyance only, something I'd like to be resolved, but doesn't impact the fantastic experience I get with EN.

I'll hang on to see if there are any further suggestions, but want to say that "Evernote Rocks" 😀

Web View of Tasks.png

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14 hours ago, david_woznyorg said:

've done complete local re-installs of EN on my Windows computer,

This will not delete the database which may have been corrupted. You need to either signout and choose to "remove my Evernote data from this device"as I suggested or uninstall the app using something like Revo uninstaller (free)

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Hi Mike, thanks for following up. I've just done the signout with removing Evernote data - unfortunately when I signed in again I can see that it hasn't purged the orphaned tasks.

I'm hopeful that EN support can do something for me, as I saw in some forum dialogue that they'd fixed a similar problem.

Cheers, David

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  • 3 months later...
As a follow up to the unresolved query about orphaned tasks which I've raised in this forum, I went ahead and seemingly raised an Evernote support call on this matter in May of this year. I didn't get a response, so I've tried again earlier this August, but again with no progress.
There's no great importance to my support call, but I wanted to check with this group that I'm using the correct protocol.
I've accessed the page here https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us Then clicked submit a request, then provided my account request to confirm my subscription.
Can any one advise whether I should be doing something different?
Cheers, David
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