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  • Level 5

This is how it works now, for a TOC of notes.

There is a new feature since a month tho create a TOC for the content of a single note, in that note as well. This takes all header elements and convert it into a TOC.

So we now have 2 TOCs, one for a list of notes, the other for the content of a single note.

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Being able to select notes and get all the internal links at once is nice. I didn't know that was available. Thank you.

I'd still like to see a more automated method like what used to be available: selecting all notes, choosing "make a tOC", and having the TOC note create for us. it's one of those things they took away that doesn't make sense.

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  • Level 5

Actually it is not necessary to integrate all steps to create a TOC.

Creating a note is a matter of seconds, selecting the notes for the TOC must be done anyhow. Choosing copy links, and insert them is done quick as well. So why for a once in a while action create a fulls integrated workflow ? It’s one of these nice to have functions that in total make an app bloated and hard to maintain.

We have many users coming from legacy who say this would be nice or that would be good. The main issue for me is that they hardly agree on what would be important. This is what was my experience in the legacy days on this forum as well: There was an amazing depth of functions - but the same functions was only seldom asked for twice. Which translates for me into: Every user had his own pet function, but most of them were so rarely used that it doesn’t justify to code it fresh into a new app generation. Hardly any user was able or had the necessity to apply all of these hidden gadgets.

So better don’t wait for anything like that to be coded, just to avoid a short user interaction.

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