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The code block in v10 makes no sense anymore

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Hello there,

I don't get it.

in v10 no markups are available any longer in code blocks :(

But also in v10 some "<" and ">" inside code blocks are now replaced by little arrows. What makes no sense at all in a source code!


I really doubt, BS has any idea what they are doing 😠😡

(EN client v10-latest, Windows 10)

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  • Level 5*

Hi.  You're already complaining about code blocks in at least one other thread.  Please don't duplicate that discussion here...

Evernote describes this feature as a 'code block' which according to my friendly neighbourhood AI is "a section of text that is formatted differently from the surrounding text".  Some editors use colours to help differentiate between sections of code,  but Evernote has never offered any particularly advanced tools in the area - all I ever used was plain text.

You may have seen that Evernote introduced 'real time editing' and faster syncing recently,  a side-effect of which which meant that current v10 notes use a different format (??) from older v10 and the obsolete Legacy formats.  Older notes may still need to be translated from these older formats to the current code when opened for the first time.

So it's entirely possible that converting notes from the old format to the new causes issues with some code block content,  particularly if extra formatting like colours or symbols has been applied.  It's likely that such extra formatting is only used by a very small proportion of users,  and quite possibly issues with conversions have not yet even been reported to Evernote.  

So please report this issue to Support (yes - I know...) and bear with them until someone gets to look at the issue.  I suspect you're an edge case,  but unless someone here has already reported the matter and gotten some sort of response,  we won't know what - if anything - they can do.

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6 minutes ago, gazumped said:

Hi.  You're already complaining about code blocks in at least one other thread.  Please don't duplicate that discussion here...

Well, it's a totally different issue with code blocks.
Saying it's a duplicate is like saying each EN complaint is a duplicate to any previous complaint, isn't it? ;)

Also I don't consider my case as an edge case. It is still literally called a "code block", not a "text that is randomly formatted differently" area.
On major property of "code" is that is must be displayed as-it-is ... not encoded, nor decrypted, nor formatted, nor transformed etc.
And sources like xml, jsp or html use a lot of "<", ">"


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  • Level 5*
5 hours ago, Farbauti said:

But also in v10 some "<" and ">" inside code blocks are now replaced by little arrows

When you copy these code snippets into where they are used, you will see that they display correctly.  That said work is apparently being done on the code block, so if you have suggestions this might be a good time to: feedback@evernote.com

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3 hours ago, gazumped said:

Hi.  You're already complaining about code blocks in at least one other thread.  Please don't duplicate that discussion here...

Evernote describes this feature as a 'code block' which according to my friendly neighbourhood AI is "a section of text that is formatted differently from the surrounding text".  Some editors use colours to help differentiate between sections of code,  but Evernote has never offered any particularly advanced tools in the area - all I ever used was plain text.

You may have seen that Evernote introduced 'real time editing' and faster syncing recently,  a side-effect of which which meant that current v10 notes use a different format (??) from older v10 and the obsolete Legacy formats.  Older notes may still need to be translated from these older formats to the current code when opened for the first time.

So it's entirely possible that converting notes from the old format to the new causes issues with some code block content,  particularly if extra formatting like colours or symbols has been applied.  It's likely that such extra formatting is only used by a very small proportion of users,  and quite possibly issues with conversions have not yet even been reported to Evernote.  

So please report this issue to Support (yes - I know...) and bear with them until someone gets to look at the issue.  I suspect you're an edge case,  but unless someone here has already reported the matter and gotten some sort of response,  we won't know what - if anything - they can do.

Oh common, BS has broken 'code block' -- it wasn't a code block BTW, just a block of text with monospace font, it's usually called "preformatted".
(And yes, you coulld apply bold/italic/color over text in 'codeblock' because it's just a text with monospaced font)

And now that 'code block' is really broken (I've put ticket about blank lines in codeblock several days ago).

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11 hours ago, Farbauti said:

But also in v10 some "<" and ">" inside code blocks are now replaced by little arrows.

Yeah - one of the take-aways for me in this thread is that those arrow ligatures are also being done in the code block -- and I don't think they should be done there either. (similar to how "---" shouldn't (and doesn't) translate to a divider in a code block.) Hopefully it's just an oversight with a new feature implementation.

I've seen reported that BS has plans to add syntax highlighting for specific languages in the code blocks so hopefully (/perhaps?) they are planning to do some major work to it and will address it then (if they know about it)

4 hours ago, BLK Dragon said:

Oh common, BS has broken 'code block'

FWIW, BS didn't break code blocks as far as adding bold/italic/color. It has been this way since the inception of v10 -- well before BS got involved. I'm not aware of anything BS has done to make it worse per-se except for the arrow ligatures.

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I doubt if any of this will get looked at as advanced code blocks with syntax highlighting are planned which will solve all the issues here.

Not sure when but I'm waiting for it.

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On 4/12/2024 at 7:35 PM, gazumped said:

advanced code blocks with syntax highlighting are planned

NOW I'm scared :)
I just hope there'll be 'no any fancy syntax highlighting' option.
And I hope EN won't try to automagically assign syntax to existing code-blocks. But that' exacly what will (most probably) happen, just like with "->" conversion.

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