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(Archived) Coloured Notebooks / Tags

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Could we have the ability to add colour to our notebooks and / or tags. These could be used to highlight certain types of notes when viewing multiple notebooks or tags at once, for example, status or priority.

Would need some way to indicate the colour of a note in the note lists, and quite how you display a note with more than one colour (from tags or notebook) not sure, just make one take priority over the over. First tag > other tags > Notebook.

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No thank you.

Yes, please do. More customisation the better. The stars system (iOS) should stay as is (Not like the Gmail labs 'superstars' option - That one is super confusing.), and a coloured notebooks and notes system should exist, but not tags.

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Given a choice between eye candy or bug fixes and core functionality improvements I think I'll leave the pink notebooks and hulk hogan icons to MSN.


Also, I'd like for EN to remain a pretty trim app, since I have it invoked 24/7 on two computers & also use it on my netbook & iPhone.

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