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Text Line Spacing and Font Size

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I just was forced to switch away from legacy and am adjusting to the new product.  The first thing I noticed was that the fonts display larger in the new product, which is surprising since I thought that size of the legacy fonts were accurate.  I also notice that the interline spacing is much greater.   Should be no problem I thought, I'll just decrease the font size.  To my surprise I found that reducing the font size reduces the size of the characters but DOESN'T reduce the height of a line.  If I change the font size from my previous 13 pt. font to 10 pt. I save no vertical space at all, the space between lines just goes from extreme to useless.  The overall effect is that I see much less information for a given screen area.  I estimate with 10 pt. font I loose 33% horizontally 33% and vertically.  Consequently for a given screen area I can view only 44% of the information I could with Legacy. 

I already wish I had a bigger screen and spend time moving around windows to see multiple notes/documents my screen.  Seeing 56% less makes this problem worse. 

Please tell me there's a way to make fonts behave as they did in legacy (not to mention other text editors like MS Word and other products that allow specifying fonts). 




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Hi Gazumped,

Thanks for the offer.  However for now the worst problem has mostly gone away.  The fonts seem bigger and the interline spacing is still excessive but the worst problem, line spacing didn't change when font size changed, is gone. 

I looked around and couldn't find any way to fix the interline spacing.  I still find it frustrating that Evernote windows (list pane and note pane) waste so much space while all my other critical apps (Thunderbird, Excel, Word) use conventional spacing, but I'm guessing that this is not configurable.  If it is I'd love to hear about it. 

There’s another problem that is intermittent but extremely aggravating when it happens. Sometimes the echoing of text just stalls, sometimes for up to a minute or more. I have no idea when it will happen. Luckily I just tested and it happened again. The echoing got so far behind that if it had been real work I’d have just had to wait 30 or 45 sec. to see or edit what I typed.  Every other app I run echos typed text instantaneously.  An mp4 file is attached.

I'm running Windows 10 ver. 22H2 build 19045.4170 and Evernote ver. 10.81.4. 



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  • Level 5*

Wow.  Thanks for the demo - it's amazing in a really really bad way...

No clues as to why it should be so slow for you - I don't see anything similar in Win11 (My win10 laptop is currently in intensive care having accidentally nuked itself).

Evernote v10 does a lot in the background during the first week or two of installation,  so if you're in that window,  you may have processes running that aren't apparent.  I'd leave Evernote open for as long as possible for the meantime and see if things improve.

If not,  only suggestions are - try a clean reinstall:  sign out of the app  / don't save data on the device / uninstall using Revo Uninstaller Free (which finds scraps that Windows ignores) / power your device off and back on again,  and re-download/ reinstall.  Leave Evernote running as much as possible for reasons above.

If you can live with the performance for the time being...  contact Support on https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new and -patiently- follow through with them.  It'll take a while but at least they can monitor processes from their end.  (In case you didn't already know we're mostly other users here...)

Good luck!  (And please let us know the outcome.)

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That's not normal at all. Even on my old battered Win 10 laptop it works as expected.

As @gazumped said do a full reinstall as something is not right somewhere.


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I don’t like the change. More “blocky”/“chunky” font and increased space between lines. Like this in all my notes now. :(  Is there any way to undo it & get it back like it was?

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On 3/27/2024 at 9:00 PM, mikea144 said:

The echoing got so far behind that if it had been real work I’d have just had to wait 30 or 45 sec. to see or edit what I typed.  Every other app I run echos typed text instantaneously.  An mp4 file is attached.

Did the problem solve ? I am  facing the same issue. Let me know what worked for you. 

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Hi gazumped,
I've been busy with other things and so am just getting back to this.  I've found that tiny documents seem to work ok but larger ones often don't. Beyond the typing echo delay other things aren't right: a note takes a long time to appear and then it's another min. or more before it's responsive. The whole app seems sluggish and nowhere near as responsive as legacy. Not to mention the "Something went wrong and we were unable to sync your latest changes" message which happens maybe once a day. And since the sync process is now hidden there's no way to ensure that changes have been committed. And since they've hidden the sync process there's no way to ensure that changes have been committed. 
I wanted to backup my notes before uninstalling & reinstalling. With legacy I backed up by selecting all my notes and then exporting, but now I can't because the new EN only allows selecting 100 notes at a time! Since I have over 2,800 notes that's not very helpful. Is there any way to export everything all at once as with legacy? Doing 29 exports doesn't sound like a reliable or safe way to backup. I finally exported the last 30 notes changed, but that's not a long term solution. 
I uninstalled and reinstalled as you suggested. Immediately after it still ran slow but we'll see how that works out. I'll leave it open all night. 
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  • Level 5

We have indications that the new „collapsible“ sections of headers and bulleted lists make the app very sluggish. This will happen on large notes, especially those that have headers and/or formatted lists.

We hope it will be solved with a future update.

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Also, for backups, there are lots of posts on the forum about the Github project that does just this.  I don't use it so I can't offer any specific advice, but it should be pretty easy to find post about it.



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It is well documented on the project page on GitHub - but it requires a little work from the command line.

Nice is that it can be automated.

Even nicer is it runs the backup incrementally - after the first full download, it will only load new and edited notes again.

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I decided that large files might be causing the problem.  Performance was so sluggish on v.10 that I couldn't work there to test.  On a laptop that still has legacy EN I made a bunch of notes starting with the note that had problems on v.10 with each one half the size the size of the previous one down to a 150 KB note.  I exported them to enex format, moved them to my desktop, and imported them into v.10.  I then tested to see how size related to performance hit.  To my surprise every one of them ran fine with no significant problems, and the original file worked fine too.  

For now I'll watch to see if the problem returns.  I'll try leaving EN running overnight to see if that makes a difference.  In any case it's comforting that I can keep legacy on a different PC to edit a note that can't be edited on v.10.  So I might be fine and I might not, depending how v.10 acts.  

Thanks for the github backup reference.  I looked at it before and gave up (without trying too hard) when I found that you needed to install and learn about several apps just to support the EN backup app.  Now maybe I'll try it again.  


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Can you check the CPU usage of the Evernote client in task manager when this is happening? I'm wondering if there is some background conversion going on or a large background download of your database occurring since you just moved to v10.

Can you also share a little more info about your hardware? CPU/RAM hopefully you have an SSD.

The v10 client likely has higher system requirements than the legacy client given that the legacy client was written for 15 year old hardware and the v10 client expects modern hardware. It's possible if it's busy syncing your notes and you are running an older CPU, 7th gen Intel and back you may be running into a bottleneck while that is happening. I'm not making an excuse for the performance issues, just trying to narrow it down.

Can you also test out the web client, https://evernote.com/client/web and let us know if you see the same issues there. If that is the case I suggest opening a run box Win+R and typing %appdata%. Delete the Evernote folder. Do this with the client completely closed, File -> Quit. This does the exact same thing as using Revo Uninstaller. People need to stop suggesting that, just delete %appdata%\Evernote. It's an Electron client, nothing of importance is stored in the registry.

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I do see high CPU use when these problems are occurring. Typically when EN is misbehaving the CPU time is between 35% and 85%. Sometimes when I’m not doing anything with EN the CPU is elevated and sometimes it’s only ~1% or 2%. I've been leaving EN running all the time to give any background conversion the chance to complete. Now it’s been almost 2 weeks and the problems are still occurring. My PC is running Windows 10 ver. 22H2 and has an Intel i5-6500 3.2 GHZ CPU with 16 GB of memory and all drives are SSDs. Everything else works fine.

I have more problems. At random times I get the message Window is not responding: Relaunch or Keep Waiting. If I relaunch sometimes the message pops ups again, and sometimes it just keeps popping up. If I choose Keep Waiting the message usually pops up again, although occasionally it doesn’t. Meanwhile the app is completely unresponsive. 

Maybe once or twice a day I get the message Something went wrong and we were unable to sync your latest changes. This typically happens when I go back to view a note that I haven’t touched for a day or two so I generally have no recollection of what was lost.  It seems there’s no way to find out what was lost or recover it so I’m faced with losing some of my work and I don’t even know what. It occasionally happens on my phone too. This is terrible! No app should be randomly discarding my work! I can’t keep using EN if this can’t be corrected.

I tried the web browser client. I see even worse performance with larger documents with max CPU usage around 35%. I don’t see performance problems with smaller notes or random spontaneous high CPU usage. Also I haven’t seen the Windows is not responding message or the weren’t able to sync your changes message. I wouldn’t be able to use the web version regularly in any case because I often have multiple notes open simultaneously and the web version doesn’t support that.

I submitted a support request on 4/2 and so far have received no response. I provided the best description of the problem I could muster and included a log, screenshots, and mp4 of the typing test. Can anyone advise what I can do to get the attention of support? 

I’m at my wits end dealing with this.  I’d appreciate any suggestions.



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  • Level 5

Large notes can create CPU peaks, since the collapsible sections were introduced. Try to update to the latest version from the EN website - it tells in the release notes it holds a performance improvement for large notes. It doesn’t claim a fix, so it’s probably a first measure, with more to come.

You can usually open several tabs of the web client, each one showing it‘s own view of your account. Since RTE syncing was introduced last year, this can be done without risking conflict notes and duplication. I think there are browsers that don’t support multiple tabs, but the usual ones will do.

Support is dreadful since last summer, there is no excuse. I don’t know why the new owners believe they can ramp up prices, and at the same time let a key service element slip to that unacceptable level. It seems they simply have not the capacity to provide a sufficient level of assistance, and in their desperation employ automatic (AI ?) answers that are simply inadequate. No idea to help you about it - we are other users here,

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