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Bug - Bullet point coming up as •

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Hey all, 
Is anyone else having issues with bullet points coming up as image.png.48a440ac46bbf88eb2a0d00358d49ec6.png instead of an actual bullet point? 
I use evernote for studying and this has made the program virtually unusable for me. 
I've already sent it as feedback, but hoping for a quicker response so I can actually, you know... study... 

Edit: It has also done it retrospectively to all of my notes.


Cheers all. 

Edited by beastudies
adding additional information of the problem.
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On 3/22/2024 at 7:59 PM, Jon/t said:

I had this last week. A reboot fixed it.

Also make sure you're on the latest version of the app.

Hi Jon, 
Thanks for the response, unfortunately it didn't work. 
I'm on the latest version of the app, so if anyone else has any suggestions it would be greatly appreciated! 

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Maybe try signing out of Evernote and logging back in again.  Important: logging out is different from quitting.  Do it from the account menu on your Windows client.



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  • Level 5*

Also, concerning the latest version, did you download it directly from Evernote’s website?  Sometimes there is a new version there even if your inapp check says you are up-to-date.

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  • 2 months later...

 Thank you for the solution. At least for me.

That was annoying me 😁


On 4/1/2024 at 11:17 PM, Dave-in-Decatur said:

I've got the latest (10.82.2), and this has happened a few times. I think once I did a Ctrl+R refresh to fix it, otherwise moving to a different note and back worked. 

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