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Is it possible to keep Evernote v6 (Legacy) programs on Windows computer?

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I'll install v10 in the next day or so.

In case v10 doesn't work for me, or while I'm getting used to it, I'd really like to maintain single-user access to Legacy Evernote on my desktop.

This means I want both new and old programs. I have the system copy of current data (v6) as well as another copy of v6 data.

Is it true that the v10 upgrade will delete v6 programs and data?

What can I do to save/secure these source files?

What do I set up on my computer to prevent Legacy evernote from trying to sync with web version?


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31 minutes ago, Dave-in-Decatur said:

Please look around the forums on  this topic. Suggestions have been made, usually involving a firewall setting to keep Legacy from accessing the Internet.

Dave, I've been reading all morning. Don't know where to look, what to ask for . . .

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  • Level 5
42 minutes ago, TdeV said:

Is it true that the v10 upgrade will delete v6 programs and data?

What can I do to save/secure these source files?

What do I set up on my computer to prevent Legacy evernote from trying to sync with web version.

If you have the installer, you can always reinstall. But you need to do it NOW, because you need to be logged in to access your data.

First sync legacy, then quit the app and make a copy of the EN database folder. Rename it (like putting an .OLD at the end).

Then install v10. Follow the instructions.

After you have v10 running, log in, check that it works and is syncing your notes. Leave it open for a little to allow the initial download, then quit it again.

Now install legacy using the installer. Open, log in. You can wait until it has downloaded a fresh copy. It is important you stay logged in ! Even when closing it, never ever log out.

After the database is recreated (the copy you made before could serve as a backup), you use the Firewall to cut the legacy client off from the server.

Set up a Firewall rule that blocks all server traffic. From now on the Firewall must always be running before you open the legacy client.

Personally I think it is close to useless. But it should work this way

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21 hours ago, PinkElephant said:

If you have the installer, you can always reinstall. But you need to do it NOW, because you need to be logged in to access your data.

First sync legacy, then quit the app and make a copy of the EN database folder. Rename it (like putting an .OLD at the end).

Then install v10. Follow the instructions.

After you have v10 running, log in, check that it works and is syncing your notes. Leave it open for a little to allow the initial download, then quit it again.

Now install legacy using the installer. Open, log in. You can wait until it has downloaded a fresh copy. It is important you stay logged in ! Even when closing it, never ever log out.

After the database is recreated (the copy you made before could serve as a backup), you use the Firewall to cut the legacy client off from the server.

Set up a Firewall rule that blocks all server traffic. From now on the Firewall must always be running before you open the legacy client.

Personally I think it is close to useless. But it should work this way

Why do you have to reinstall legacy if you already have it installed and running? All you've done is move the database location.

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15 minutes ago, justacat said:

Why do you have to reinstall legacy if you already have it installed and running?

Because every new- and update-installation of EN10 will remove Legacy program (not data). I've done this at least 20 times the last months 😉. I takes me only some minutes to re-install and setup my options (because these will go when Legacy's uninstall-procedure executes...)

The automatic un-installation of Legacy will be a problem in future also. If you try to keep Legacy running without iNet access (see hints above to use a firewall setting), you should do this only on a separate maschine. Never install EN10 there!

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On 3/7/2024 at 12:40 PM, ben353253 said:

You four or five defenders of blatantly poorly coded and lazy software - I'll have what you're smoking, please.

I was a fairly valiant level 3 defender at one point, but lately these days I'm mostly just smoking a flavor of Obsidian.

Having said that, my experience of Evernote is not near so bad as yours. (I mean I couldn't even say it's bad.) There are a lot of different factors that go into it: use case, personal preference, work flows, platforms, number of notes, hardware, configurations, technical expertise, frustration tolerance, years of experience (on both Legacy and v10), etc. Some people can love Evernote for various reasons and some can hate it for others and they can both be right.

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7 hours ago, AlbertR said:

Because every new- and update-installation of EN10 will remove Legacy program (not data). I've done this at least 20 times the last months 😉. I takes me only some minutes to re-install and setup my options (because these will go when Legacy's uninstall-procedure executes...)

The automatic un-installation of Legacy will be a problem in future also. If you try to keep Legacy running without iNet access (see hints above to use a firewall setting), you should do this only on a separate maschine. Never install EN10 there!

I don't understand what I've done then. Because until 2 days ago I was running only on my laptop.  Following instructions I found here I copied my Evernote folder within the Evernote directory and also moved the location of the database.  Then I installed the newest version 10. It did not uninstall 9091. I did not have to reinstall it. I can run them both.

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Then just use it as it is. 15 more days, and counting.

Anybody who has no local only notebooks is safe anyhow.

Just be warned that running legacy and modern intermittently, switching between the two will drive up system usage, sluggishness (because a note needs to be converted several times) und probably the likelihood of mistakes. It is not recommended since the modern version got the RTE syncing.

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2 minutes ago, PinkElephant said:

Then just use it as it is. 15 more days, and counting.

Was this aimed at me? If so I'm not sure what you mean. I just asked the question, why, if someone wanted to maintain legacy firewalled off, they would have to reinstall it after installing v.10, since I did not have to reinstall it after installing v.10. I wondered if I was missing something.

 I had already started using the new version on iPad at least quite a while ago, so I'm assuming they my notes are all converted, and now I have it on my laptop too. Of course I haven't been able to open every note to check that they're all there and uncorrupted, so I will export everything from legacy to html, just in case, and possibly try firewalling legacy, though I am not confident about this.

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The remark simply says that there is a lot of effort invested here in setting up a double app structure.

This structure has a remaining usage of 15 days. After that one part of it is simply cut off, either by the system or by the user firewalling it. Which converts the legacy part into the digital equivalent of a paperweight.

To me this seems a very backwardly pointed approach, a lot of effort without a perspective of future gains. Maybe interesting as a proof of concept, but who needs this ?

More focus at learning v10, and adapting the own workflows to it has a much higher return of the effort invested.

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3 hours ago, PinkElephant said:

The remark simply says that there is a lot of effort invested here in setting up a double app structure.

This structure has a remaining usage of 15 days. After that one part of it is simply cut off, either by the system or by the user firewalling it. Which converts the legacy part into the digital equivalent of a paperweight.

To me this seems a very backwardly pointed approach, a lot of effort without a perspective of future gains. Maybe interesting as a proof of concept, but who needs this ?

More focus at learning v10, and adapting the own workflows to it has a much higher return of the effort invested.

The benefit of it is that if you have many thousands of notes, there's no way to check and make sure all of them are there, intact, uncorrupted, etc. There have been many accounts of people losing notes or of notes not opening, etc etc, during the conversion. Having a full, accessible, easily navigable backup in the form of legacy Evernote, where you can easily search for your notes and check them against converted versions, double check search results, etc, is reassuring, especially during the transition, especially for people with thousands of notes who have relied on Evernote for many years and are very unhappy with this change. It has nothing to do with not using v.10. Those of us who are sticking with Evernote are going to use v.10, like it or not. I'm not going to sit around looking at Legacy every day. But it makes me feel better to know my almost two decades worth of notes are safe and preserved and accessible through the GUI I am familiar with, if necessary.

You may not want or need this. That's your choice. But others clearly do find the effort invested to be worth it, and simply saying that it isn't is not helpful.

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Actually for the regular user all notes ARE already „there“, and have been since 2020. v10 uses the same database as legacy, just different data structures.

You simply install v10 and open your notes.

If local notebooks are involved, it means a one time import. I just imported 1.000 notes in several notebooks from a secondary account. No issue, went smoothly.

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On 3/6/2024 at 12:06 PM, PinkElephant said:

Now install legacy using the installer.

@PinkElephant, should this be the link in downloads?

I *was* running Evernote_6.25.1.9091.exe, but on March 6th I downloaded Evernote_6.25.3.9348.exe. Which is correct?

Will this "exe" give me an option to redirect where the data files should be located?

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  • Level 5*
4 minutes ago, TdeV said:

Will this "exe" give me an option to redirect where the data files should be located?

I don’t recall if Legacy had that option or not, but it is an option in V10.

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Legacy had the same option, somewhere in settings. All „last release“ clients are the same code as before - they just have a lock to prevent them from updating automatically to v10.

But moving it around on the local drive will do nothing from stopping it to sync. 12 days, counting…

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@PinkElephant, I have to respect your much greater knowledge of Evernote and its versions.  But I have to agree with @justacat about the desire to have untampered access to old notes for awhile.  I guess it's because I don't want to just trust that everything will come through intact.  It wouldn't be my first experience of a broken tech promise, or of learning things the hard way.

For example, right now I have an older Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 tablet running Android 7 that I mainly bought to hang on the kitchen wall so that I could see recipes in Evernote as I worked. The Evernote v8.13.3 running on it is telling me that it will stop working on March 23rd and I must update now, but clicking the link takes me to an evernote.com page that says to use Google Play to get it. However, Google Play doesn't show updating as an option (nor does the Updates piece of the tablet OS).  Don't get me wrong, I know that old OS's eventually become obsolete, and the software you used on them with it. I just wish I could have predicted the big change to Evernote when I bought the tablet - shortly before the big change first happened. I spent $300 on that thing...

On 3/8/2024 at 3:01 AM, PinkElephant said:

Actually for the regular user all notes ARE already „there“, and have been since 2020. v10 uses the same database as legacy, just different data structures.

So are you saying that the installation of v10 leaves the existing EXB file(s) alone? I'm really confused about how the conversion alters the user database - or doesn't. Can you explain your statement some?

To your feeling that there is a lot of "much ado about nothing" (not your quote, obviously), if the experience of @justacat can be expected for most people (if using his tweaks), I agree with you! That experience was the business of being able to install v10 on top of v6x as mentioned below:

On 3/7/2024 at 5:50 PM, justacat said:

I don't understand what I've done then. Because until 2 days ago I was running only on my laptop.  Following instructions I found here I copied my Evernote folder within the Evernote directory and also moved the location of the database.  Then I installed the newest version 10. It did not uninstall 9091. I did not have to reinstall it. I can run them both.

However, most of the forum posts I've read, starting months ago, and of course, everything Evernote corporate says, runs counter to that - making users like me confused and concerned. If I were convinced that I could do as @justacat did, I could move forward without fear. But everybody seems to be saying that v10 will not just uninstall your Legacy version but permanently alter your database as well. True? Or not?

Note: I am currently running just as @justacat was, based on previous advice from this forum, and I have the .exe file safely tucked away. 

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The system requirements for v10 are clear (and have been improved a notch for Android users recently): Android 9, iOS 13, Windows 10, MacOS 10.14.

This recipe displaying tablet is running an Android version more than 7 years old. Ask the maker if it can be updated. If you can bring it to Android 9, you can load EN v10 to it. We run an iPad Air2 for the same purpose - it is vintage 2014, but it runs iOS 15, released just 2 years ago. v10 is not fast on it, but it is running.

The EXB file is of no use for v10. It has an outdated data structure that v10 can't use. If you want to keep it, just duplicate it before you install v10. Give 1 copy a different name. It will be of no use, but if you have nostalgic reasons, just store it.

From the logic of upgrading a client, you install v10, and it will replace legacy. You can run an installer for legacy after you got v10 installed, and install it again. IMHO a lot of work for 12 days left. Currently the server holds 2 versions of the same data: A v10 version, a legacy (server) version. After they stop syncing, the legacy version will probably be discarded, to free up server space and make operations easier.

At the moment the server needs to convert between the data structures. This puts a stress on the server operation, and can lead to problems. Most visible is a delay when opening legacy notes for the first time under v10. This will be over once legacy is gone. We advise against using any legacy client together with v10 since the new RTE syncing was launched last May. 

That's more or less what will happen in the engine room in a few days.

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1 hour ago, Mike DM said:

However, most of the forum posts I've read, starting months ago, and of course, everything Evernote corporate says, runs counter to that - making users like me confused and concerned. If I were convinced that I could do as @justacat did, I could move forward without fear. But everybody seems to be saying that v10 will not just uninstall your Legacy version but permanently alter your database as well. True? Or not?

Note: I am currently running just as @justacat was, based on previous advice from this forum, and I have the .exe file safely tucked away. 

Oh no, I don’t want to give the wrong impression! I certainly don’t feel like I can move forward without fear - I am full of trepidation about this transition and hate the fact that it is happening. The only thing I can say for sure is that right at this moment I am running Legacy and v.10 simultaneously. But once Legacy is no longer supported, as I understand it, unless I have Legacy firewalled from the internet, I’ll lose my legacy-format local EN database (I think that’s what will happen?).

What I don’t understand is where this idea that installing v.10 will uninstall legacy and/or change your database comes from. I mean, I didn’t do anything magical. I found the instructions for what I did right here in the forums, from @KoZz, here: https://discussion.evernote.com/forums/topic/148007-this-version-of-the-app-is-outdated-you-need-to-install-the-latest-version-to-keep-using-evernote-update-now/?do=findComment&comment=701103

In brief, these were the steps (preceded by backing up everything first to be safe if you want): 1) make a copy of the entire  EN legacy folder (Program Files(x86)\Evernote) so it’s called Evernote -copy; the exe for Legacy is now in Evernote-copy folder; 2) go into the options of legacy and move the location of the database; 3) install v.10 (allowing Cleanup of old version), which will be installed in Program Files(x86)\ Evernote folder. After this the exe in the Evernote-copy folder will run legacy (supposedly it should have a gray icon, but mine does not, which makes me a little worried!), and the exe in the new Evernote folder runs v.10. No need to reinstall anything. 

Maybe there is something incorrect about this procedure, but it seemed to work for me. I did this just 3 days ago, and  I’m  running the two side by side now. As I understand, and as @PinkElephant seems to confirm, legacy and v.10 use different data structures on EN’s servers, and installing v.10 causes conversion of your notes to the new data structure (I’d already been running v.10 on my iPad, so I *think* this had already happened?) - but it doesn’t  delete the legacy data structure version of your notes on EN’s servers. That’s  what’s going to happen on the 23rd. This is confirmed by the fact that legacy still runs for me (or when reinstalled). And it didn’t delete my local copy of the legacy db - I had moved that to a new location. And it didn’t delete legacy itself, as I’d copied/hidden the exe folder. So I’m not sure what the installation is supposed to delete. Maybe it deletes your legacy installation if you don’t copy the Evernote folder first?

Anyway, my assumption is that after March  23rd Legacy will only be useful as a backup/double check of sorts for the notes that existed as of that date, and then only to the extent it remains firewalled. Still, to me that is valuable reassurance even if it is redundant, considering how important Evernote is to my daily life.



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What will happen on the 23rd we don’t know.

The normal method would be to simply take the old API offline. This effectively cuts all legacy clients from the server.

To take the client itself offline is only to avoid it will be seeking a server that no longer responds. When it can’t access the internet, it will fall back to offline mode.

Even when it will be offline, make sure you are logged in on the server the last time before setting up the firewall. Then quit the client WITHOUT LOGGING OUT.

Set up the firewall. Open the client, test that it works while being cut off. 

When it works, you can close and open it as you want. Just NEVER LOG OUT.

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8 hours ago, PinkElephant said:

To take the client itself offline is only to avoid it will be seeking a server that no longer responds. When it can’t access the internet, it will fall back to offline mode.

So I don't understand what would happen if it tries to seek a server that no longer responds. Is the fear that it will sync the notes to nothing so you end up with nothing? But if the server isn't there or isn't responding, it won't be able to sync, so isn't it more likely you'd just get a message that sync failed, as you would currently if the server was down? Why is it so critical to keep legacy walled off from the internet?

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The main risk would be if you get logged out. Then your local access goes "Poooof" as well. A lost login can't be reestablished only locally.

Second as long as EN "feels" it is online, it will probably search for the server, and never go into offline mode.

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21 hours ago, justacat said:

Oh no, I don’t want to give the wrong impression! I certainly don’t feel like I can move forward without fear - I am full of trepidation about this transition and hate the fact that it is happening.

Ha - you didn't. I was referring to myself, and I definitely overstated. I continued to be full of fear. Actually, I felt exactly like you: hated that it was happening. I do get it though, things evolve and we must, too - whether by sticking with Evernote or moving elsewhere. For now anyway, I stuck with Evernote.

23 hours ago, PinkElephant said:

This recipe displaying tablet is running an Android version more than 7 years old. Ask the maker if it can be updated. If you can bring it to Android 9, you can load EN v10 to it. We run an iPad Air2 for the same purpose - it is vintage 2014, but it runs iOS 15, released just 2 years ago. v10 is not fast on it, but it is running.

Thanks for the advice. I'll check as soon as I can. Not hopeful, since the tablet hasn't asked to update, but I'll at least try. 

My major concern, of course, was updating the Windows version. I did, after following good advice from various members of this community, including yourself. I would give credit to the others here, but I've read so  much in the last 2 days that my head is swimming. I exported all notebooks with the excellent keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Shift+E as a precaution, then copied my database folder as a precaution, took screenshots of my folder and tags structures within the Legacy app, held my breath, and hit the button. It went pretty well, but not flawlessly. Right away, I found a note that was missing an image. I had taken a photo of a small drawing that I had made on scratch paper and added to the note along with some text maybe 2 weeks ago. I was a bit unusual in the fact that the transferred image barely recognized the edges of the small piece of scratch paper. When the image appeared in Evernote, it almost looked as though I had drawn it there. Barely an edge to the image. The original photo was taken of the scratch paper lying on a deeply contrasting background. I may have used the Scan function. Can't remember.

After the update today, it was missing!  I gave it plenty of time, as you and others have suggested, but I was able to view many other notes with photos, PDFs, linked Word docs, etc. Really, it was a huge success, overall!  So far, just that one missing image, and I was able to pull a copy from Dropbox Camera Uploads to replace it. No other errors that I can find, so far. 

My thanks to you, and the many others who've contributed their time and knowledge to this forum.

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2 hours ago, Mike DM said:

After the update today, it was missing!  I gave it plenty of time, as you and others have suggested, but I was able to view many other notes with photos, PDFs, linked Word docs, etc. Really, it was a huge success, overall!  So far, just that one missing image, and I was able to pull a copy from Dropbox Camera Uploads to replace it. No other errors that I can find, so far. 

Was it missing from Legacy too? Because that would be very strange! You had it on Dropbox, but you could always pull the image easily from legacy if necessary (which is a reason to keep it around I think).

You took many more precautions than I did! I had everything backed up but nothing more than that. And I have to admit that I do not know what you mean when you say that using ctrl-shift-e is a precaution?

Anyway I'm glad it worked out for you! I too am sticking with Evernote. There are no other options that have anything like evernote's functionality for the way I use it, though I rely on it so heavily that the lack of good alternatives worries me. Any change this large to something so important is bound to cause concern, but if it continues to do what I need it to do, I will adapt.

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11 hours ago, justacat said:

Was it missing from Legacy too? Because that would be very strange! You had it on Dropbox, but you could always pull the image easily from legacy if necessary (which is a reason to keep it around I think).

It was not missing on Legacy the last time I looked, and I'm 90% certain that I even had viewed it on my Android phone, which has been running the Android version of V10 for some time now.

11 hours ago, justacat said:

You took many more precautions than I did! I had everything backed up but nothing more than that. And I have to admit that I do not know what you mean when you say that using ctrl-shift-e is a precaution?

Like you, I wanted a backup plan, but I chose not to attempt to run them side by side. Instead, I chose to try to create a disaster recovery plan. I knew that for a few more days, I would be able to reinstall legacy if needed, and I have a separate old desktop machine running Win 7 that I keep off the internet. I figured that in a worst case scenario  (if still necessary after March 23rd) I could move Legacy there, export notebooks as needed, send those back to my laptop, and import them. The Ctrl+Shift+E was suggested by @KoZz in a thread you linked here. Everything else that I'd read previously suggested that I'd have to export them one by one. That shortcut exported every notebook, in one process!  Yay!  It didn't keep the notebook stacking structure, but I don't think the hard way would have either.

Good luck!

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9 minutes ago, Mike DM said:

Like you, I wanted a backup plan, but I chose not to attempt to run them side by side. Instead, I chose to try to create a disaster recovery plan. I knew that for a few more days, I would be able to reinstall legacy if needed, and I have a separate old desktop machine running Win 7 that I keep off the internet. I figured that in a worst case scenario  (if still necessary after March 23rd) I could move Legacy there, export notebooks as needed, send those back to my laptop, and import them. The Ctrl+Shift+E was suggested by @KoZz in a thread you linked here. Everything else that I'd read previously suggested that I'd have to export them one by one. That shortcut exported every notebook, in one process!  Yay!  It didn't keep the notebook stacking structure, but I don't think the hard way would have either.

Oh I see, I was just misreading your sentence about precautions! But I had completely missed that sentence in the post I quoted. I only have about 7 notebooks so I guess I wasn't as focused on it, but still I will use Ctrl-shift-e when I export from legacy for the last time before the 23rd. 

One thing though - if I understand correctly, I don't think you'll be able to move legacy to your desktop after March 23rd. With no server you won't be able to log in after March 23rd, as @PinkElephant explains - you have to be logged in to legacy when the old servers stop running. So you won't be able to do any new installations of legacy after March 23rd. If you don't already have it installed on your old desktop and logged in on that date, your worst case scenario plan won't work. Unless I'm misunderstanding what you mean.

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  • Solution
Posted (edited)

I successfully revitalized a Windows 7 computer,
loaded Evernote_6.25.3.9348.exe
copied Legacy data files there,
and ran the upgrade.

The upgrade wanted to sync with the mother ship, but I did not provide a password to Evernote. It re-asked half dozen times. There was one Evernote which reported it was unable to download something, so I deleted that note.

I disconnected Win 7 pc from internet. Win 7 machine is still connected to internal network (and printer). See https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/insider/forum/all/how-to-disconnect-pc-from-internet-but-retain-lan/4eca25dc-e98c-46a6-af4d-ab50e3847551 . I used option 2.

I had had trouble getting the .exb file to the Win 7 box. After a couple attempts, I ran out to a computer store and bought a 1TB SSD drive which copied my data file correctly in minutes!

As far as I can tell, Evernote Legacy is all working fine. There is a red exclamation point on the Sync button.

I am running Evernote 10.79.3 on Windows 10 Desktop.


Edited by TdeV
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10 hours ago, TdeV said:

I successfully revitalized a Windows 7 computer,
loaded Evernote_6.25.3.9348.exe
copied Legacy data files there,
and ran the upgrade.

Ran what upgrade? Not to v 10,right, because you still are running legacy on the windows 7 computer or am I missing something?

You didn't provide a password, so does that mean you are not logged in to Evernote legacy? I feel like your solution sounds like it could be great but I'm slightly confused!

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22 hours ago, justacat said:

Ran what upgrade? Not to v 10,right, because you still are running legacy on the windows 7 computer or am I missing something?

You didn't provide a password, so does that mean you are not logged in to Evernote legacy? I feel like your solution sounds like it could be great but I'm slightly confused!

Evernote_6.25.3.9348.exe installs Evernote Legacy.

Before you run this upgrade, put a copy of Legacy data files in a properly named directory on the other (Old) Windows computer.

Disconnect the Old computer from the internet (so it can't call home.)

Run the "upgrade". The install program will try to log you in to sync. Don't let it sync.

Voilà, you now have a Legacy version of Evernote running.

Next week we'll see if it still runs. 😀

Meanwhile, your Current Windows computer will be running version 10.

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  • Level 5

From the moment one install is cut off the server, and the second is syncing, both will start to build differences.

The legacy install looses accuracy and value within short. You will not be able to trust the correctness of searches, for example. Even if it is technically possible, I don’t think it is a model for sustainable use.

Wasted time and effort, IMHO.

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  • 2 weeks later...

1. Perhaps a stupid question but will people using legacy AFTER march 26 still be able to import their enex file of local files in evernote v10 and hence convert the data to the new data structure? Just thinking through downside scenario of running legacy (firewalled, not dual structure) with regular backups and then eventually importing enex files in v10 at some later point.

2. Can someone report if they were able to import enex files of under 195 ish mb successfully? Or bigger? guess it depends on the content in the enex files but I ran into trouble importing 2 gig enex files (you might ask why don`t you just try to import the 195 mb files you made? Because I don`t want to run dual EN on my computer, only legacy for now)

3. I wonder if people (me including) get the wrong impression of EN 10 being slow because they have too many notes and it takes LONGER time than most people think for EN to convert their old notes into the new structure? Evernote states that this process will "take seconds" so maybe we just get the wrong expectations of how long this process can take

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10 hours ago, enyynoot123 said:

. I wonder if people (me including) get the wrong impression of EN 10 being slow because they have too many notes and it takes LONGER time than most people think for EN to convert their old notes into the new structure? 

My inexpert understanding is that Evernote does the conversion from Legacy to the new format when you open the note for the first time in v10. It doesn't convert legacy notes until you need them.  I'm not sure that the number of notes is a factor with note conversion. 

It could be a factor, though, if you have recently installed v10.  In that case, Evernote and your local client are busy mirroring your database from the server to the client in whatever format, old or new, the notes exist in.  So, if that download hasn't completed, all of that activity can be slowing things down when Evernote >also and simultaneously< needs to convert a legacy note to the new format when you open it for the first time in v10.



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On 3/15/2024 at 7:54 PM, TdeV said:

Evernote_6.25.3.9348.exe installs Evernote Legacy.

Before you run this upgrade, put a copy of Legacy data files in a properly named directory on the other (Old) Windows computer.

Disconnect the Old computer from the internet (so it can't call home.)

Run the "upgrade". The install program will try to log you in to sync. Don't let it sync.

Voilà, you now have a Legacy version of Evernote running.

Next week we'll see if it still runs. 😀

Meanwhile, your Current Windows computer will be running version 10.

How did you get the legacy version/upgrade to run on the disconnected computer without being able to connect to the servers to authenticate - in other words, how did you log in to legacy after upgrading, on the disconnected computer?

I am curious whether there is a way to install and run legacy locally, with the previously exported database, on a completely disconnected computer, since there's no way to authenticate/log in.

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  • Level 5

If logged out of the account, AFAIK it is Game Over. Myself and some others advised to stay logged in FOREVER if you want to use the legacy client offline after it stopped syncing. It is possible to close the client, to shut down the computer, whatever, but once you logged out, you can't get back in without server access.

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Yes, I know, I've heard this ad nauseum. But tdeV said he installed/upgraded legacy on a machine that was not connected to the internet. I was asking how, on the chance that *maybe* there's something I, and you, don't know.

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You still need a client that is logged in for offline access. It doesn't need an active server connection, but it must have been logged in before server connection was lost.

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2 hours ago, PinkElephant said:

You still need a client that is logged in for offline access. It doesn't need an active server connection, but it must have been logged in before server connection was lost.

Okay, you keep telling me this, and *I understand* so you don't have to repeat it. But once again, TdeV said: "The upgrade wanted to sync with the mother ship, but I did not provide a password to Evernote. It re-asked half dozen times." I would just like to know what he meant by it.

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By now, it may not be possible to do this anymore because I believe that En 6x cannot be loaded anymore.

Back then, I backed up my Evernote Legacy on Win 10 computer.

I then copied those Legacy data files to a Win 7 computer. Also on the Win 7 computer I installed Evernote_6.25.3.9348.exe which installed Evernote Legacy and opened those data files. Which are still running now on the old computer.

Back then I upgraded to En 10x on my Windows 10 computer which is currently running En 10.81.4. We did have a neighbourhood internet outage a few days ago and, for the first time EVER, I could not access my Evernotes! (The program was still running but I could not see the content of any notes).

Plus ça change . . .


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15 minutes ago, TdeV said:

I then copied those Legacy data files to a Win 7 computer. Also on the Win 7 computer I installed Evernote_6.25.3.9348.exe which installed Evernote Legacy and opened those data files. Which are still running now on the old computer.

So when you installed legacy on the Win 7 computer, that computer was connected to the Internet and you logged in? If not, how did you get Legacy to open? Even unconnected to the internet, it requires you to be logged in in order to open so you can see your local database notes.

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@justacat, I'm not sure because I can't quite remember logging into Evernote when the Evernote_6.25.3.9348.exe expanded. I had downloaded the exe file from the internet and copied the Legacy data files from a portable SSD drive.

Then I ran the exe file. The upgrade told me it wanted my password so it could log me in to Evernote so it could synchronize my notes. I did NOT provide the password. The exe file ended the Legacy install without synchronizing my data; it did re-ask me for my password half dozen times.

Then I shut off internet access on that Win 7 computer (as noted above)

(All this was done before 23 March 2024)

On 3/27/2024 at 8:36 PM, justacat said:

Even unconnected to the internet, it requires you to be logged in in order to open so you can see your local database notes.

That's surprising. For years I shut my computer off at night and I was not asked to login to Evernote every day.


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  • Level 5

The login is saved, even if you quit the client or shut down the computer. The next time you open the client, it will use it to authenticate with the server.

If the client is offline, it will use the login to access the local database.

You have no login when a) you logged actively out before or b) you need to reinstall. Then offline access is not permitted.

Maybe there is a workaround for offline mode.

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  • 1 month later...

Hi - Where is the login saved to. I need to copy the login credentials to a new computer that was purchased after the Legacy server was shut down.

I would save me a lot of time with procmon, if you knew the answer.

My old computer has Legacy installed and logged in. Hopefully I just need to cransfer the reg entries or files containing the server login status information over to the new computer.

Before you say I am wasting my time with such an effort on Legacy; note, I require local files for my work, and EN v10 does not support local files. I have no choice, it is a shame that Bending Spoons does not have the respect for longtime customers to help them continue using thier their Legacy investment. It would have been easy, and done no harm to Bending Spoons.

If you do not know the anwser, I am confident that you have the juice to get it.

Please melp me and all the other people wanting to continue using Legacy until such time as a future version of Evernot supports local folders.



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On 5/26/2024 at 8:38 PM, kongulu said:

I need to copy the login credentials to a new computer that was purchased after the Legacy server was shut down.

If you want to start Legacy without server access, try the following on a Windows system after EN10 has removed Legacy (as I read from https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/689684427?utm_id=0 - tried it successfully for myself on a Windows system):
  1. Locate path of your local Legacy databases
    • normally (if not change by yourself) "C:\Users\<yourname>\Evernote\Databases"
  2. Within this folder you'll find your .EXB file (Legacy's database of your account)
    • Take the name of this file (your EN account name...)
    • If you cannot remember your databases path, search for .EXB files on your computer - EN10 does not remove them during installation...
    • ... for later use. You'll need it after every new install of EN😉
  3. Install Legacy by executing this file
    • You cannot long in to you account because EN's login server refuses to connect
    • Simply exit the login dialog
  4. Set the following Registry keys in HKCU\Software\Evernote\Evernote
    • EvernotePath=<folder name from above>
    • LastLogin=<your EN account name from above>
  5. Restart Legacy
    • and redefine all settings like you need...
But be careful
  • Legacy will never sync anything with EN server - all your changes are local on your maschine
  • If Legacy refuses to do anything (in later operating system versions), nobody can help
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15 hours ago, agsteele said:

It isn't saved in a readily recoverable form.

This is definitely not true. It's saved in the LastLogin registry key as described in the instructions @AlbertR gave. When I was accidentally logged out of legacy on my laptop, setting this key to my Evernote username was all that was required to regain access.

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On 5/27/2024 at 3:36 AM, AlbertR said:
Try the following on a Windows system after EN10 has removed Legacy (as I read from https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/689684427?utm_id=0 - tried it successfully for myself on a Windows system):
  1. Locate path of your local Legacy databases
    • normally (if not change by yourself) "C:\Users\<yourname>\Evernote\Databases"
  2. Within this folder you'll find your .EXB file (Legacy's database of your account)
    • Take the name of this file (your EN account name...)
    • If you cannot remember your databases path, search for .EXB files on your computer - EN10 does not remove them during installation...
    • ... for later use. You'll need it after every new install of EN😉
  3. Install Legacy by executing this file
    • You cannot long in to you account because EN's login server refuses to connect
    • Simply exit the login dialog
  4. Set the following Registry keys in HKCU\Software\Evernote\Evernote
    • EvernotePath=<folder name from above>
    • LastLogin=<your EN account name from above>
  5. Restart Legacy
    • and redefine all settings like you need...
But be careful
  • Legacy will never sync anything with EN server - all your changes are local on your maschine
  • If Legacy refuses to do anything (in later operating system versions), nobody can help

EXCELLENT - Finally an authoritive answer. There is one issue I encountered. After installing 6.25 Legacy the installation did not create a registry entry for the database location. The solution is to create a new registry entry in HKCU\Software\Evernote\Evernote for the "EvernotePath" string value. In my case "C:\Evernote Local Folders".

I will prepare a summary of the process later today. Also remember to block Evernote in your Windows firewall.

Thank you @AlbertR and justacat

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Is it really necessary to block Evernote in the firewall? I do it, but I'm not convinced it's necessary. Legacy won't sync with the servers anymore regardless of whether you have it firewalled. But maybe there's some other reason that I'm missing.

One other thing - make sure you do not have the same import folder designated in Legacy as in v.10 (this shouldn't be an issue with a new install of Legacy, but it might be if you've maintained an original Legacy installation, as I did). The result will be that some imports will end up in v.10 and some in Legacy, probably depending on some accident of timing. It took me too much time and aggravation to figure this out!!

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The reason I block Evernote Legacy in the Firewall is because it is constantly trying to get me to convert to V10. I am worried that while in a rush one day, I might activate the conversion process. I do not think Legacy benifits from any internet access, especially for me as I use it only for offline folders.

I run V10 and Legacy on the same computer, but EN V10 is installed in a different directory, so the Evernote Legacy firewall block does not impact it. I can run them both simultaneously, no problem. I hope Evernote will not make changes that prevent Legacy and V10 co-existing.

I have no idea why the Evernote team never made an effort to help paying users arrange thier computers to run both versions; especially since V10 is missing a critical feature if users need to use Offline Folders. 


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  • Level 5

Legacy is as dead as it can be. No serious company would continue to offer ANY service for such old, outdated, not maintained code that is today just a can of worms. 

The chapter is closed for EN, and it will never be opened again.

You are running this heap of unsupported software at your own risk. Isolating it by a firewall is not enough to keep your computer, your network and your data safe from exploits made possible by having this code base been executed on your computer.

You can do whatever you want - but it is entirely your decision and responsibility. Code like that is a disaster waiting to happen.

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1 hour ago, PinkElephant said:

Legacy is as dead as it can be. No serious company would continue to offer ANY service for such old, outdated, not maintained code that is today just a can of worms. 

The chapter is closed for EN, and it will never be opened again.

You are running this heap of unsupported software at your own risk. Isolating it by a firewall is not enough to keep your computer, your network and your data safe from exploits made possible by having this code base been executed on your computer.

You can do whatever you want - but it is entirely your decision and responsibility. Code like that is a disaster waiting to happen.

OMG, enough already. We know what you think about this, and your comment adds exactly nothing here, and is also irrelevant, as this is a discussion about how to keep legacy running offline for those who want to do so. Obviously  these are people who have made the decision to do so already and taken responsibility for it, and don't need to be lectured about it by you YET AGAIN.

I am using v.10. But I keep legacy running on my laptop and desktop for my own reasons and am happy to help others who want to do the same. *That* is the purpose of this thread.

You really don't have to comment on every single thread or respond to every post in the entire forum.

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38 minutes ago, justacat said:

OMG, enough already.

PinkElephant is polite, informative and factual in this post. He is not always the most polished, nor the most connecting person on this forum, but that's not the case in this post.

There will still be newbies in the forum still figuring out what the deal is with legacy versus v10. I think it is good and valuable that he responds with this information. For those people. 

In the post prior to the one you respond to, he even thinks along in offline logging in in legacy, pro the purpose of this thread. Quite balanced, those responses. 

Suggestion: ignore him/his posts if he annoys you.


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13 minutes ago, MvdH said:

Suggestion: ignore him/his posts if he annoys you.

I ignore 99.99% of his posts that annoy me. Sometimes I just can't. And I don't agree at all with your opinion in this case. But since it's not on point, that's the end of my input on the matter.

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@justacat Oh, it was not really directed at you. I know that it is close to impossible to reach the die hard legacy fans.

But there are others who read stuff like this, for example directed here by a Google search. Asking EN to offer continued support and help tweaking for legacy users (which was the core of your posting) completely misses the point why any support for it was cut.

With the internet we have today and a criminal ransomware industry ranking in billions of dollars every year from breaches it is an abysmal idea to run outdated code on any connected system - be it for local notebooks or any other reason.

Airgap the machine, or keep it up to date.

EN could never lend a hand to try to continue operating legacy - it would only create an unfathomable liability, real and legal.

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Prior to installing v10, how do I protect my v6 Evernote data and programs? Will the upgrade delete them? Additionally, how can I stop Legacy Evernote from syncing with the web version, including safeguarding my webcam?

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