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Just now, mackid1993 said:

In V10 the date updated is modified when the note is updated

On 10.76.2 Mac (got updated yesterday) a note is edited just by hovering over it (no edits whatsoever).

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1 minute ago, Feitz said:

On 10.76.2 Mac (got updated yesterday) a note is edited just by hovering over it (no edits whatsoever).

On V10 opening a note updates the date updated. That is expected behavior. I suggest you sort by date created instead. This does not get changed and would likely alleviate your issue.

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2 hours ago, Jon/t said:

No. Free plans didn't have OCR, they now do but EN isn't going back through millions of attatchments already uploaded. If you paid then nothing changes.

Why does it say "formerly Professional?" That's what confuses me. It should say formerly Premium & Professional, unless there's an asterisk.*

*I have a vague recollection that at one point OCR worked on PDF files with Personal/Premium but that OCR of images needed a higher tier plan, but can't find any evidence of that ever existing. I even checked the Wayback machine and couldn't determine for sure. Maybe someone remembers?

1 hour ago, Feitz said:

- how can I prevent edit dates from being modified and ruining my timeline just by viewing it?

- how can I avoid loosing attachments during sync or whatever causes this?

- how do I avoid loosing file extensions randomly and prevent them from reappearing during sync after I added them manually?

The edit dates bug was annoying for sure. Hasn't happened to me in a little while though I'm pretty sure it happened to me at least once after it was supposedly "fixed." I was about to say that hopefully by now it's fixed for good, but I just saw a new comment of yours saying that it's happening on the latest client version, 10.76.2 as of today. That's disappointing. Is it happening primarily with notes that you are opening for the first time on a recent version of v10? If so, it might be related to a data structure update that occurs when a recent client of V10 (that supports the new RTE sync) opens up an old note for the first time.

As for lost attachments and file extensions (I think the issues are related), I've experienced those issues before and have posted about them. This is another bug that has been reported "fixed" a couple of times, only for them to acknowledge that it was sometimes still happening and additional fixes were needed. Hasn't happened to me in a while so I'm hoping it's well and truly fixed now...

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3 minutes ago, mackid1993 said:

n V10 opening a note updates the date updated. That is expected behavior. I suggest you sort by date created instead. This does not get changed and would likely alleviate your issue.

Do you have a source for this? Because my understanding is that this is indeed a bug.

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Just now, Paul A. said:

Do you have a source for this? Because my understanding is that this is indeed a bug.

Yup you're right. That must have been a bug. I thought it was just how it worked. I can open a note no problem and have the date updated not change.

Sorry about that!

I'm thinking his issue has more to do with switching from legacy to V10 and the background work that has to be done server side to convert his notes.

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1 minute ago, Paul A. said:

Is it happening primarily with notes that you are opening for the first time on a recent version of v10

No, unfortunately not. Both bugs appear on 'new' notes that have been created two or three days ago on a brand-new database (deleted all Legacy stuff including db before the V10 install. 

Just by hovering over a note its edit date changes and it wanders to the top of my notes. I'm sorting by 'last edited' obviously since this is how my brain remembers best.

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Just now, Feitz said:

No, unfortunately not. Both bugs appear on 'new' notes that have been created two or three days ago on a brand-new database (deleted all Legacy stuff including db before the V10 install. 

Just by hovering over a note its edit date changes and it wanders to the top of my notes. I'm sorting by 'last edited' obviously since this is how my brain remembers best.

So the client side database isn't your issue. The issue is that everything sitting on the server has to be converted now to work with V10 and RTE. That is causing sync issues for you and possibly leading to client-side database corruption.

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2 minutes ago, mackid1993 said:

I'm thinking his issue has more to do with switching from legacy to V10 and the background work that has to be done server side to convert his notes.

These notes have never been touched by Legacy but have been added after the 'upgrade', thus no conversion related issue - at least to my understanding.

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Just now, Feitz said:

These notes have never been touched by Legacy but have been added after the 'upgrade', thus no conversion related issue - at least to my understanding.

I'm thinking the conversion of your old notes created prior to V10 may have caused issues with your local database. It may be best to use App Cleaner on your Mac to remove Evernote and try a fresh install.

How many days has it been since you've switched to V10. I would think that after a few days the server side work should be complete and if you are still having issues starting fresh with your clients is probably smart. Maybe also try going to evernote.com/client/web and seeing if your issues happen there.

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6 minutes ago, mackid1993 said:

It may be best to use App Cleaner on your Mac to remove Evernote and try a fresh install.

That's exactly what I did before I installed V10.


11 minutes ago, Feitz said:

No, unfortunately not. Both bugs appear on 'new' notes that have been created two or three days ago on a brand-new database (deleted all Legacy stuff including db before the V10 install. 

Maybe, just maybe it is a bug after all that still isn't fixed?

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3 minutes ago, Feitz said:

That's exactly what I did before I installed V10.


Maybe, just maybe it is a bug after all that still isn't fixed?

Maybe it isn't fixed on Mac. I suggest trying the web client to rule that out. I cannot reproduce it on Windows now that I test.

You may also want to try removing your V10 local database and allowing it to rebuild.

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9 minutes ago, mackid1993 said:

You may also want to try removing your V10 local database and allowing it to rebuild.

It is only a couple of days old... (75 GB)

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3 minutes ago, Feitz said:

It is only a couple of days old... 

As I've stated, when you switched to v10 all of your historic notes needed to be converted in the background to support the new data structure in v10. It's possible this broke your local database. Now that this process is likely complete and you seem to be having issues the logical next step in the troubleshooting process would be to recreate your local database. I don't work for Bending Spoons so I can only made educated guesses based on my education and experience in IT. 

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Just now, mackid1993 said:

Now that this process is likely complete and you seem to be having issues the logical next step in the troubleshooting process would be to recreate your loc database.

I can't block my macbook for another lengthy download right now. Probably over the weekend I will set up a new mac mini and install V10, we'll see how this turns out.

Goodnight all.

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Just now, Feitz said:

I can't block my macbook for another lengthy download right now. Probably over the weekend I will set up a new mac mini and install V10, we'll see how this turns out.

Goodnight all.

Good luck but just so you know it wouldn't be a lengthy download. The process would happen silently in the background as you use your computer. 

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2 minutes ago, mackid1993 said:

No wonder you're having problems. Your database is huge! How many thousands of notes do you have? Now I'm certain your local database is corrupted.

That's what Evernote was made for and is still advertising:

"Tame your work,
organize your life

Remember everything and tackle any project with your notes,
tasks, and schedule all in one place."


That's exactly how I am using Evernote and really, 75 GB is not THAT big. It just takes very long to download, Evernote don't give you too much bandwidth for that.

Didn't habe any problems with a corrupt database in Legacy, ever.

My suspicion is that the 'new' sync relies on instant replication and when that is delayed, things happen. But that is just an assumption...

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For mostly text based notes and some attachments 75 GB is huge. For someone on a forum asking complete strangers for advice out of the kindness of their hearts, you aren't very accepting of our advice. At this point if you don't wish to recreate your database or try to reproduce your issues in the web app I'd suggest you work with Evernote support as I can't help your beyond this if you aren't willing to test anything.

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31 minutes ago, mackid1993 said:

Maybe it isn't fixed on Mac. I suggest trying the web client to rule that out. I cannot reproduce it on Windows now that I test.

I don’t know if it is Mac only, but it is not easily reproducible.  I still on occasion see this problem, but so far haven’t found any steps that can reliably produce it.

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Just now, s2sailor said:

I don’t know if it is Mac only, but it is not easily reproducible.  I still on occasion see this problem, but so far haven’t found any steps that can reliably produce it.

I hate bugs like that. That was one of the reasons why I suggested testing the webapp to rule things like this out.

The key to effective troubleshooting is eliminating variables. 

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1 minute ago, mackid1993 said:

That was one of the reasons why I suggested testing the webapp to rule things like this out.

This problem is unfortunately random and inconsistent enough that testing on the web may not provide any information.

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6 minutes ago, mackid1993 said:

For someone on a forum asking complete strangers for advice out of the kindness of their hearts, you aren't very accepting of our advice

As I said I will set up a new mac mini over the weekend and install V10 there with a brand new database. 


26 minutes ago, Feitz said:

Probably over the weekend I will set up a new mac mini and install V10, we'll see how this turns out.

Where I install a fresh copy should be irrelevant, I just can't risk to block my macbook at the moment...

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Just now, s2sailor said:

This problem is unfortunately random and inconsistent enough that testing on the web may not provide any information.

same here, I had three notes change edit dates earlier today and several others I tested couple of minutes ago didn't change date, no obvious pattern.

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2 minutes ago, Feitz said:

same here, I had three notes change edit dates earlier today and several others I tested couple of minutes ago didn't change date, no obvious pattern.

They have made progress on this since in prior versions it was more consistently broken.

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49 minutes ago, Feitz said:

Maybe we should ask a moderator to move this part of the thread to a new topic since it is becoming rather off-topic... 

Ah - there's the 'other' thread.  I'm intrigued by 75GB of notes created since Legacy (?) - but basically;  we're just other users here.  As I said elsewhere - if you have a  genuine problem please contact Support.

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20 minutes ago, gazumped said:

75GB of notes created since Legacy (

no, in total since 2009 something. The affected notes (edit date, lost attachments, lost file extensions) were recent notes since my forced switch to V10. 

New local database, no legacy residue before V10 install, latest Mac version.

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6 minutes ago, Feitz said:

in total since 2009 something

So your 75GB is being converted from the old format to the new one and the 'lost' data is still in transit.  Leave the app open for a few days and see what comes up - and if you still have lost data...  contact Support.

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8 minutes ago, gazumped said:

So your 75GB is being converted from the old format to the new one and the 'lost' data is still in transit.  Leave the app open for a few days and see what comes up - and if you still have lost data...  contact Support.

As I tried to say I think it's possible the conversation and who knows what bugs could have been potentially introduced could have possibly broken his local DB after switching to v10. That's why I was suggesting deleting all data related to Evernote and stating fresh to see if that resolves any issues. 

The web app is a good test as well as that would use its own database. 

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3 minutes ago, Feitz said:

again, there was no local db when I installed latest V10 about a week ago.

I think there's a disconnect here. I believe something went wrong with the conversion of your historical notes and removing the Evernote database and allowing it to rebuild may help you. See here for more info. I've stated this multiple times and I'm sorry but I can't help you beyond this. I suggest unless someone else here can assist you reach out to Evernote support.

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5 minutes ago, mackid1993 said:

I've stated this multiple times and I'm sorry but I can't help you beyond this

I appreciate your help but we seem to be running in circles. I will do a fresh install over the weekend on a mac mini and see where this leads to.

If it helps, I will of course replicate this on my macbook. I think this is basically what you were suggesting and what I was doing for the recent install.

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1 minute ago, Feitz said:

I appreciate your help but we seem to be running in circles. I will do a fresh install over the weekend on a mac mini and see where this leads to.

If it helps, I will of course replicate this on my macbook. I think this is basically what you were suggesting and what I was doing for the recent install.

In the meantime you can try the webapp and see if those issues also come up there. If they don't you got your answer and didn't have to wait until the weekend.

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75GB is a lot. I have 7GB and been using it since 2008ish. I would give V10 time to download everything and index it all. The indexing will increase CPU and RAM but it should calm down once done.

I can't remember the exact plan details but if you had it on Professional and Personal it still works and free folk also have it.

I think the updating the date when opening a note is a bug and is on the list.

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2 hours ago, Jon/t said:

75GB is a lot

I know but most of the space is consumed by mp4s that aren't indexed.

I have around 22. 000 notes which isn't over the top, mostly with PDF attachments. Therefore I was concerned with the feature announcement.

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Check Tools > Settings > Preferences > Application to see whether "keep a copy of my notes on this device" is active.  I currently have nearly 68,000 notes in 37.5GB on disk.  Scroll down the settings page to see where it's all stored.

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Thank you. By 'not indexed' I meant that Evernote doesn't index mp4s (not that I'm aware of) and therefore mp4s just use disk space but don't add indexing overhead like PDFs or JPGs.

My notes are always stored locally in the default directory ~/Library/Application support/Evernote.

This instance has been created from scratch a week ago.

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Guys, I've just downloaded the new Evernote version for Windows. I expected absolutely nothing and I am really happy now. Thank you. This is the best Evernote Update I've experienced since 3 years Evernote 10 launched. Apparently you finally managed to get back to business. I love it! Thanks. I was so damn frustrated of the path Evernote went to and now I have some confidence that it could get better in the future. 

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9 hours ago, kthesun said:

Guys, I've just downloaded the new Evernote version for Windows. I expected absolutely nothing and I am really happy now. Thank you. This is the best Evernote Update I've experienced since 3 years Evernote 10 launched. Apparently you finally managed to get back to business. I love it! Thanks. I was so damn frustrated of the path Evernote went to and now I have some confidence that it could get better in the future. 

Glad to hear it! Evernote would probably also be glad (we're mostly other users here). You can make some poor drudge's day by emailing feedback@evernote.com.

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New bug alert .

If you have YouTube links in your note and its on 'preview' mode , when exporting to HTML the link does not work when pressing it, and the link does not show the full URL. only if you disable 'PREVIEW' and turn it to 'text' then then when exporting , the link will show up. 



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1 hour ago, s2sailor said:

You are only notifying other users here.  If you want to inform Evernote, please submit a support ticket.

yes I know , would want to see if other users have this issue , so it's not just me , a support ticket has been sent already

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For those of us that create a lot of text in our notes and edit our notes for business training (our group has 700+ users of legacy), we have not switched from Legacy bc the current version seems to be missing several features that were present in the legacy version.
1. The big one: there is no spell correct, auto correct.
2. the choices of fonts is minimal compared to the wide range of fonts available in legacy
3. the choices of font sizes are also very limited. In legacy, you could literally choose any font size in incremental steps from six all the way up to very large sizes.
4. The color choices for text.... limited. Legacy even has a color wheel where you can create any color you would like.

Obviously, now the legacy is being discontinued, we will be forced to go to the new newest version. But does anyone have any insight on my comments? Am I missing something? I noticed that most the people in this thread are incredibly sophisticated users and what I've used Evernote for in my 5000 notes is more basic. Almost half the notes have an attached audio file 4 minutes or less in length.

Any comments would be appreciated

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11 minutes ago, RonElDoradoHills said:

For those of us that create a lot of text in our notes and edit our notes for business training (our group has 700+ users of legacy), we have not switched from Legacy bc the current version seems to be missing several features that were present in the legacy version.
1. The big one: there is no spell correct, auto correct.
2. the choices of fonts is minimal compared to the wide range of fonts available in legacy
3. the choices of font sizes are also very limited. In legacy, you could literally choose any font size in incremental steps from six all the way up to very large sizes.
4. The color choices for text.... limited. Legacy even has a color wheel where you can create any color you would like.

Obviously, now the legacy is being discontinued, we will be forced to go to the new newest version. But does anyone have any insight on my comments? Am I missing something? I noticed that most the people in this thread are incredibly sophisticated users and what I've used Evernote for in my 5000 notes is more basic. Almost half the notes have an attached audio file 4 minutes or less in length.

Any comments would be appreciated

As requested, some comments:

1. I have spelling check as I write. I get red squiggly lines under misspelled words. It's an option in settings. Do you not have it or are you referring to something else?

2. Yes, this was a big complaint during the initial v10 launch. Perhaps it would help to understand the justification - Evernote chose to prioritize cross-platform compatibility during the development of v10. You may or may not be aware that many popular fonts are proprietary, and so are not available on all platforms that Evernote supports or may wish to support in the future. The current, limited, set of fonts will render correctly on desktop and mobile regardless of the underlying operating system.

3. No real comment here, except to mention that people who need advanced word processing capabilities sometimes choose to write in Microsoft Word (or whatever) and then attach the document inside Evernote if they want the document to live in EN.

4. I'm speculating somewhat, but I imagine it's similar reason to #2 - color representations differ by platform. Also, perhaps simply a desire to simplify a little bit.

Not sure if that helps too much, but those are the comments I have!

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The problem with spell check in "new" EN is not that it's not there - it actually is. The problem is that it's only available in the system language and you can't choose two or three spell check languages which was possible in legacy version. In fact, you can't change the spell check language at all. It's only "spell check on" or "spell check off". Thus, if you, like myself, usually create notes in your native language which your system is running on (Polish in my case) but also occasionally in English, and if you have notes from web pages saved in English or other languages, you'll inevitably get ugly red lines under all the words in foreign languages. The only way to avoid it is to switch off the spell check feature. It's a big, big inconvenience, and it's really a shame EN in its new version is not fitted with a possibility to check spelling in several languages simultaneously. 

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@RonElDoradoHills Paul has answered it all.

The editor build into v10 is practically unchanged since the launch. We can’t know what the new owners plan, but I doubt the editor will be fundamentally changed.

It has everything I need for note taking, and notes show the same no matter which device is used to view them. Maybe see the new simplicity as a chance - reading about your stated use case and your questions I am asking myself if you didn’t overdo your use of layout functions. Less might be more.

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On 2/22/2024 at 12:21 AM, mackid1993 said:

On V10 opening a note updates the date updated. That is expected behavior.

I beg to differ. If nothing is changed in the note, the modification date should not change either.

I have never heard of or seen any app that would change the modification date on mere opening.

This is a crying bug and should be fixed.

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22 minutes ago, PinkElephant said:

Maybe you need to update your clients.

It happens with the current Mac client as well, albeit randomly, not consistently.

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3 hours ago, PinkElephant said:

Doesn't happen to me, which in my case means 10.77.3 direct download on Sonoma 14.3.1.

Which doesn’t prove that it is fixed for everyone.  There have been several posts recently about this and I still experience this on occasion.  It is intermittent, and occurs less frequently than before, but it is still there.

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1 hour ago, s2sailor said:

 It is intermittent, and occurs less frequently than before, but it is still there.

Exactly what's happening here. V10.78.2 on Sonoma.

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On 2/22/2024 at 12:21 AM, mackid1993 said:

On V10 opening a note updates the date updated. That is expected behavior.

In this case all viewed notes would have to be updated, not just some sporadically without any conceivable pattern.

This is a bug anyhow you shake it. Besides there obviously is a difference between  'updated' and 'viewed', so viewing shouldn't update.

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12 minutes ago, Feitz said:

This is a bug anyhow you shake it.

Just checked in W11 10.78.2 and viewing / clicking into a note doesn't change the date - typing even one character does.

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46 minutes ago, gazumped said:

Just checked in W11 10.78.2 and viewing / clicking into a note doesn't change the date - typing even one character does.

Same here. I thought this was fixed a few versions ago.

Just found it: 10.72.2

Fixes a problem where some notes would incorrectly show as recently updated even after being viewed.


Is it fixed? What versions are folks on?

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1 hour ago, Jon/t said:

Is it fixed? What versions are folks on?

I think, not completely, but some others are not seeing it.  I'm on Mac Sonoma 14.2.1 and Evernote 10.78.2.  It is intermittent and I think it was a couple of days ago that I last saw this, but I don't recall if I was on 10.78.2 at the time, so I will keep an eye on this more closely and try to confirm (at least for me) if it exists on 10.78.2.  I will say that I went a while in the past without seeing it and then it came back.  Hard to say if it is just very intermittent, or if a later version made it worse.

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20 hours ago, Feitz said:

Same... rarer occasions but still there.

This has sadly been a disappointing pattern during BS ownership of Evernote. Announcing a fix to an annoying bug only for us to discover it's not fully fixed.

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21 hours ago, Feitz said:

Same... rarer occasions but still there.

A bug that shows up on "rare occasions" is almost as bad for the user as a bug that pops up every time. But it is impossible to prove its existence, so the user is in a hopeless situation, even if the vendor has a customer service. In this sense, it is even  worse that the obvious, constant bug.

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I wouldn’t say so. What is important (especially for the devs) is whether a bug can be reproduced. Even if circumstances are rare, if they can be set up again to reproduce the bug, it can be tracked.

This is not always the case.

Last summer I had a situation where the import folder produced a string of new notes from the folders content, without stopping. Everything had already been imported, it was all duplicating. OK, first thing was to stop this, so I quit the client. Thought about it, and opened it again.

No chance - nothing happened, I couldn’t force it to repeat. I dropped a ticket with the activity log (back then when support sort of worked …), but it ended up without being fixed. Probably a handler between the OS and EN had got stuck.

The first order to catch a bug: Force it to show again. 

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On 3/2/2024 at 1:03 AM, lukaszw said:

The problem with spell check in "new" EN is not that it's not there - it actually is. The problem is that it's only available in the system language and you can't choose two or three spell check languages which was possible in legacy version. In fact, you can't change the spell check language at all. It's only "spell check on" or "spell check off". Thus, if you, like myself, usually create notes in your native language which your system is running on (Polish in my case) but also occasionally in English, and if you have notes from web pages saved in English or other languages, you'll inevitably get ugly red lines under all the words in foreign languages. The only way to avoid it is to switch off the spell check feature. It's a big, big inconvenience, and it's really a shame EN in its new version is not fitted with a possibility to check spelling in several languages simultaneously. 

I sympathize, since I sometimes have multiple languages in notes myself. Spell checking in v. 6 actually went through a series of degradations in 2018, as seen in this forum threadthis one, and this one. As I understand it (and I could be wrong) the only way to make spell-check possible in multiple languages (i.e., in languages other than the system language) is to license spelling dictionaries for the languages you want to make available. I can imagine that that would run into quite a bit of money for software that has such a large and diverse userbase. I assume (only an assumption) that Evernote made the decision not to lay out that money early in the development of v. 10, and the decision hasn't been reversed. I suppose it could be, and you can suggest it to Evernote directly at feedback@evernote.com.

I should add that there is a functioning custom dictionary, to which Evernote adds words upon request. In Windows: C:\Users\{username}\AppData\Roaming\Evernote\Partitions\{userID}\Custom Dictionary.txt. The bad news is that since September 2018 (in Legacy v. 6.15), this file has been protected by a checksum, possibly the most useless and pointless security feature ever added to any software. Because of this, it is impossible to add words to the dictionary manually, e.g., by copying them from another plain-text dictionary. (I highlight the word "Legacy" above in order to point out that IMHO people sometimes look at Legacy in a rose-colored rearview mirror, as if it always worked properly. An evening spent browsing through these forums in 2018 or 2019 will quickly dispel this opinion.)

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 2/21/2024 at 9:46 AM, AlbertR said:

Either I do not understand your need - or you have not seen Ctrl-F8 or Ctrl-F7 😉

Was not referring to the Notes pane, but to the Notes widget on the Hone screen

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On 3/4/2024 at 2:28 AM, Dave-in-Decatur said:

I sympathize, since I sometimes have multiple languages in notes myself.

So do I. There is no fix for this problem, as far as I can see.

The work-around is to spell-check outside of EN. That's one of those (numerous) things that we have to fix on our own, because it is "not a feature of V10".

For me the easiest way ist to use the web interface. I use the Vivaldi browser, which is a Chrome derivative. Vivaldi lets me specify the languages I use (3). I can set the browser to spell check "all my languages". In that case I can switch freely between the 3, all will be properly spell-checked, even in a single note.

Since Electron is essentially a web-app, one could probably easily implement the same in EN.

I'll feedback this to EN (but Feedback is regrettably a black hole).

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45 minutes ago, Razmataz said:

I'll feedback this to EN (but Feedback is regrettably a black hole).

They rarely have directly responded to feedback here in the forum, but sending your input to feedback@evernote.com, or using the feedback button on the mobile apps is the best way to give them your ideas.

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54 minutes ago, Razmataz said:

black hole, as I said

Black hole as in not responding?  They won't and don't expect that.  Or black hole in that they don't listen?  They are actively working on improvements and maybe not the ones that you have requested, but they are listening to some.

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The trouble with black holes is that no information escapes them, nothing. So there is no way to know  what happens inside.

If they fix other users issues, that's nice for those users. They certainly haven't done anything for me yet. Perhaps I am on a black list. Perhaps it is enough if I still use the legacy version (which I do, I admit, an one PC).🤷‍♂️

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51 minutes ago, Razmataz said:

The trouble with black holes is that no information escapes them, nothing. So there is no way to know  what happens inside.

Aside from support, which currently is bad, I won't defend that, communication on what they are working on is about as expected.  We are actually seeing more via Federico's sneak peak X posts than we ever have and they are items actively being worked on and will likely appear soon.  A comprehensive road map would be nice, but I'm suggesting not to expect that.  

Concerning items that are missing from Legacy, most of the current Evernote developers likely never used it and certainly do not have the experience with it as some of the users that post here.  All I can suggest is to push for what you want and back it up with solid reasons why it is helpful to users and may also help attract new users.  BS appears to be interested in improving Evernote and moving it forward, and not just plugging missing holes from Legacy, unless they see overall good in it.  IMO.

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 2/15/2024 at 11:42 AM, Federico Simionato said:

As for anonymizing PDFs, thank you for pointing out this inaccuracy, it was an oversight on our end. We'll update the original post to just say "PDF and image annotation".


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