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(Archived) From free account to premium via Apple Store purchase



I have a free account set up and I bought the boxed version of EN at the Apple Store. I'm wondering how I upgrade to the premium account using the provided activation code. I really would like to keep my same login name, if possible, and not have to start all over. Any ideas? Thanks!

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The box includes a URL that you need to type into your browser. Then, you fill in the activation code on that form.

When you complete the form, you'll go to a page that allows you to either create a new account, or click a link to sign in to your existing account. If you sign in to an existing account, it will allow you to upgrade that to Premium.

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I've a similar problem, which is why I'm asking here rather than starting a new thread. If it doesn't get picked up, I'll start one. I had a search already and this was the closest to answering my needs.

I won, legitimately, an activation code, but I wasn't given a URL to visit. How can I upgrade from free (which I already have) to premium using that activation code?

Should I ask the person from whom I won the code? Or can someone email me or post the URL I need to visit here?

Thanking you muchly.


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@purplesime, did you win the activation code on eBay or TaoBao or some other online auction site? We strongly discourage our users from purchasing any activation codes from sites like these, as the merchants are not authorized resellers of the Evernote service. Some of the merchants are flat-out fraudulent, and are selling stolen gift codes. If we later determine that you participated in any fraud, we may downgrade or lock your account.

That being said, there are some partners who are legitimate distributors of Evernote. http://evernote.com/partner/retail/ is a URL where you could redeem these codes.

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