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Legacy can't be used in future --> New EN (10.x) no alternative.

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I'm using Legacy-Version on Windows and Mac. The last days EN has a red entry where it states (I'm from Germany) "Diese Anwendung ist veraltet. Du musst die neueste Version installieren, um Evernote weiterhin verwenden zu können". Translated in english: "This version is out of date. You have to install the newest version to use Evernote furthermore."

I have installed the newest version of EN, but it has several drawbacks:

  • You can't mix up graphics and text. The new version displays graphics in one line and the text in another line. - This destroys the layout of most of my notes.
  • There are only a few fonts (4 or 5). Seriously? - I used as default Tamoha. For code snippets I used Times New Roman or  Consolas.
  • The search for notes isn't default anymore: You have to type a shortcut. In Legacy you can use a filter and within the filter you can search the appropriate notes.

Maybe there are other obstacles of the new EN (10.x). Maybe there are also some improvements. Anyway: The issues of my bullet point list are essential to work with EN.

If I can't work in future with the Legacy-version anymore, there is no use for me to use the current version. - One scenario will be used EN Legacy as a read only version, and for the future to work with e.g. OneNote.


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Hi.  The 'old' version of Evernote has been replaced by the new,  so while it's still possible to continue using it for a while,  you are at risk of losing access at some point.  If you really can't use the new v10,  then you need to consider moving on to another service.

Depending on your specific needs there are work-arounds for some of your issues - 

  • yes,  the editor layout is limited,  so as to give you exactly the same appearance on any device.  To use more fonts and graphics options,  create a document in a word-processor and attach it to the note.  
  • searches are the same (AFAIK) as the 'old' app - there are still saved searches,  favourites and filters - plus now there's AI search if you want it.  There's more here - https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360040282613

We're happy to help with queries if we can...



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Some answers:

1) You can mix text and graphic, you only can‘t have both in a single line. The only workaround is to add a table, put the picture in one column and the text into another.

2) There are only the fonts that come installed with the clients. That decision is based on the goal to make the app platform neutral. Even when most users are not aware of it: Fonts are not Open Source, they come with a license. Fonts licensed with a Windows OS are mostly not available on a Mac, and vice versa. To make notes look alike, no matter on which device they are opened, EN decided to bring their own set of fonts along with the clients.

3) I don‘t understand what you mean „the search for notes is not default anymore“: Start from the „Notes“ view, and the search is for all notes. Start from a notebook view, and the search is for this notebook. If you want to go from there to a general search, click on the X on the notebook button right above the notes list. This removes the notebook restriction. You can always add the filter by clicking on the filters symbol above the notes list.

There is a new filter named „Contains“ (Enthält) that offers a ton of useful additional filter options. This alone is IMHO worth switching to v10.

In general legacy users have no leverage at all to demand changes. The clock is ticking on legacy, and there are no coding resources visible to adapt anything to the wishes of „the late flock“. You guys will have to take v10 as it is. There will be space for development in the future, but I think this will be a while after legacy stopped syncing.

Still v10 is the closest twin to legacy you can get. Anything else will be a pretty steep change, starting with the challenge to import the notes from EN over without loosing anything. With v10 it is simple: Install the new client, and you are up and running within minutes. It simply syncs to the same server as before (under the hood it is a new data structure).

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And your „best alternative“ ?

I mean the app that will preserve everything as you want it, after exporting and reimporting ? No idea myself, you will need some patience to find one. And if you have it, you need luck that beside THIS feature it will match all the others as well.

I ask because if you have no such alternative, the discussion about using v10 or not is plain academic, and has no practical application.

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I agree. My workflow would be never be the same without EN. - That's very sad, but I have to cope with this.

The new EN 10.x is for me no alternative.

I'm using the new one on my iPhone and iPad. The basics are for me: Never touch en existing not: It will be reformatted in a bad way.

Making a new note on iPhone: Opening a new note takes so much time, that for spontanous notes it becomes useless.

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6 hours ago, Dave Green said:

How are you migrating content into it from Evernote?

export Evernote notebooks to ENEX files (using Legacy) and then importing them into Keep It. Works like a charm, but since Keep It relies on iCloud for storage and sync, I would use a serial approach, i.e. import one ENEX and wait until it is synced then do the next. I found iCloud sync is not as instantaneous as Dropbox but o the other hand it is built into Macos and therefore reliably syncs tags and other metadata. I once moved hundreds of notes from one folder (=notebook) to the other in Keep it and then deleted them before they were synced and that caused a hickup in iCloud sync.

Being able to use finder tags and access any note from inside or outside of 'Keep It' far outweighs the mediocre sync experience of iCloud. 

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Correct description - it may be the right solution for yourself, and as with all apps anybody is well advised to check for himself.

Actually I have not found out why I should use this app if on the Apple ecosystem anyhow (it’s Apple only). Apple Notes under MacOS / iOS does +/- the same (basic) job and has the better integration into the OS.

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2 hours ago, PinkElephant said:

Actually I have not found out why I should use this app if on the Apple ecosystem anyhow (it’s Apple only). Apple Notes under MacOS / iOS does +/- the same (basic) job and has the better integration into the OS.

Superb tag management for once

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Hi @Joey4u, sorry for jumping it that late. Normally "Legacy" is a trigger for me 😉

I'm completely with you - but decided to continue with EN because there is NO alternative available to cover my needs - except staying with Legacy as long as possible. My solution would be to get support of Legacy even for some additional €s...

Legacy is

  • stable (especially on syncing),
  • fast (in every situation - especially UI),
  • does not destroy note format (I'm using attachments and describing graphic on one line in nearly all notes with attachments...)
  • and covers all of my needs.

EN10 gets better and better. And I invest much time to check it out - in parallel to my work that has to be done efficiently to save time for other hobbies (like observing EN10, reading and writing here in the forums, and many more... 😉)

But unreliable syncing and destroyed note format in EN10 are show-blockers for me...

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19 hours ago, AlbertR said:

Legacy is

  • stable (especially on syncing),
  • fast (in every situation - especially UI),
  • does not destroy note format (I'm using attachments and describing graphic on one line in nearly all notes with attachments...)
  • and covers all of my needs.

Exactly. Since we now seem to know that Legacy and V10 run on different server clusters I don't see why Legacy can't continue for another year or two? We would likely have to commit avoid mixing Legacy and V10 to avoid server side note conversion but that's something I could live with.

If Legacy is gone and there are still severe issues with V10 Evernote will be in trouble deep.

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14 minutes ago, Feitz said:

If Legacy is gone and there are still severe issues with V10 Evernote will be in trouble deep.

...Severe issues?  I'm 99.99% using v10 24/7 without anything awful happening,  and just like the free account,  Legacy is eating up resources that would be far better employed supporting v10 subscribers.  Evernote is unlikely to let the situation continue for another year or two - especially since they'd come under exactly the same pressure at the end of that period for another extension...

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27 minutes ago, Feitz said:

Exactly. Since we now seem to know that Legacy and V10 run on different server clusters I don't see why Legacy can't continue for another year or two? We would likely have to commit avoid mixing Legacy and V10 to avoid server side note conversion but that's something I could live with.

If Legacy is gone and there are still severe issues with V10 Evernote will be in trouble deep.

Legacy was announced as end of life and discontinued in Summer 2020. Plenty of time for folks to develop new workflows with Version 10 or even more new workflows with a different app.

I'm not sure what severe issues you're seeing yourself. There was a bug the other day that got fixed in 24 hours. I use Version 10 all day everyday to run my business. I'm adding/editing/moving/deleting notes all day long. I'm working this weekend and spent all day yesterday and so far today inside Evernote and I've not noticed a single issue. It works a treat.

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"I've not noticed a single issue. It works a treat."

Well, that's very delightful for you. 

For others, like me, there is a long list of dropped features, terrible workarounds, a user interface that requires a lot of clicking and a bunch of bugs. 

BS is apparently doing a lot of work on the foundations, which is good. They are raking the price strikingly, which is bad. 

But as you said, there is no obvious alternative, which is kind of strange. 

So it is take it or leave it. 

I think an independent analysis would find that the statement "EN V20 works a treat" is perhaps justified for a few, but not for others. 


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5 hours ago, Jon/t said:

I'm not sure what severe issues you're seeing yourself

After I had several edits to large and important notes for a litigarion case magically disappear I felt V10 is not trustworthy yet. Then several attachments also disappeared which made me even more nervous since it is impossible to keep track of 20.000+ notes, mostly with PDF attachments.There is no way I am aware of to compare a current state of my notes to a backed-up one.

Great if you didn't have any serious issues but l can't babysit an app I'm so dependent on (note to self: never again use software that locks in your files the way Evernotes and others do.)

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20 minutes ago, Feitz said:

software that locks in your files

? It's unusually easy to extract notes and attachments from Evernote as PDF / HTML / ENEX documents,  and I keep my notes backed up locally in case of any unexpected losses - but have never had that issue with Evernote Legacy or v10.  I may have been lucky so far,  but I'm prepared should that change.

I'm pretty certain that sort of loss is not a common occurrence.  While there are lots of unhappy users out there we see very few reports of actual data loss,  and I'd bet it would be big news on other platforms.

I'd encourage anyone who finds something important is missing to contact Support - I know that's not a great answer right now,  but response times there are already being looked at.  It will get better,  but it takes time for new people and systems to have an effect.

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Before talking about lost data, always check on the web client first. There are cases of a corrupted local database, and there may be content that is not appearing any more from the local copy. The master is on the web - therefore check it out first.

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1 hour ago, Feitz said:

After I had several edits to large and important notes for a litigarion case magically disappear I felt V10 is not trustworthy yet. Then several attachments also disappeared which made me even more nervous since it is impossible to keep track of 20.000+ notes, mostly with PDF attachments.There is no way I am aware of to compare a current state of my notes to a backed-up one.

Great if you didn't have any serious issues but l can't babysit an app I'm so dependent on (note to self: never again use software that locks in your files the way Evernotes and others do.)

If you've experienced data loss then you need to contact support with a copy of your logs. Its important that they know this and have all the information they need.

I've not experienced Evernote locking files in any way. You can always get access to them. Before real time sync if you shared a file it may get locked when someone else was editing it but not anymore.

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51 minutes ago, Jon/t said:

Evernote locking files in any way

I meant storing in a proprietary format / database and therefore the need to export to ENEX files if you want to migrate to something different.

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1 hour ago, PinkElephant said:

The master is on the web - therefore check it out first.

Will check next time to be sure. I was under the impression that V10 was not aware of my changes and overwrote my new content with older content. It was simply gone, something other users remarked as well. I did not edit on multiple clients, just my Ventura mac mini that can't run Legacy.

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I want to pinpoint my situation:

I'm a a long term user of EN: I use it since 10 years. So I have my 5.000 Notes, all input in a certain.

With EN 10.x the whole workflow now is different. (Think about the tickbox vs. combobox desaster.) Before shortcuts I used automatically, EN (for years) acts in a prredictable way, so editing a note goes very fast.

But what it makes EN 10.x worse is that it reformats my notes. For me this not acceptable. I'm disappointed by the componay that it treats old users in that bad way. Here the advice, to take this not so seriously, because there ain't no alternative.

This no advice, it's just a slap in the face.

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3 hours ago, Joey4u said:

With EN 10.x the whole workflow now is different.

Hi.  Not true.  The feature that you mainly used may have changed,  but Evernote mostly hasn't.  While the changes that occurred may have been inconvenient for you,  there should be ways to work around them.  You do have the choice to try,  or to find another provider.  Evernote is unlikely to have second thoughts on any of its changes at this late stage...

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Talking about slap in the face: There are users who simply stayed on legacy when v10 released. EN has deprecated it ? Doesn't matter, still working, let these other users struggle it out. I agree, the initial year with v10 was not always simple sailing. But the app improved, based on a plan which features to add, and from user input.

Now there are red flags around legacy, and belatedly some users come from legacy, install v10 and instantly know "It's not as it used to be".

Fine, doesn't take rocket science to see this. And ? You guys, where have you been with your input in the last 3 years, when there was time to work things over ?

Tell you what: You now have zero leverage to get things done as you want it. It's simply too late for that. From what I see, you now have to take v10 as it is, and for a change adapt YOUR workflows to what v10 provides.

You can get help from users with more experience in v 10 here if you ask (both what works, what may be solved by a workaround and what doesn't ). But please stop the whining that somebody stepped on your beautiful castle made out of sand on the beach. The flood is coming, and will take it away anyhow.

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@PinkElephant: I'm whining when I get arguements against EN 10.x? - Your comment is beneath your dignity. - But I agree in one point: I worked with the functions EN offered me and now everythins changed and my castle (= my existing notes) takes the flood (the EN 10.x) away.

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