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Retirer la révocation d'appareils

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Ne parlant pas anglais, j’ai voulu autoriser l’accès à mes 2 nouveaux appareils, et en fait je les ai révoqués... Comment retirer cette révocation s’il vous plait ?

Merci d’avance !

  • Level 5

Any translator app is your friend - and enhances the chance of getting answers.

There are 2 limits with devices: You can have only 2 devices synced, and you can only unsync 2 devices per 30 days.

If you are now blocked, I think you activated the unsync limit, probably without even noticing.

The easiest way out is to subscribe to Personal for a month. This will lift the unsync and devices limit.

The other option is to wait for 30 days, until the lock will be lifted by itself.

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