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Wiki Link Helper for MacOS using Keyboard Maestro

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Posting this link to a "How to" in case it is useful as is for Mac users and to advocate for an Evernote version at some point in the future.  I expect that there is an equivalent keyboard macro tool for Windows.
Basically, the Keyboard Maestro macro allows one to highlight some text, and if there is a page with a title corresponding to the text, an Evernote app link is substituted for the text. It allows one to have text like [[title text]] and turn it into a link.
I wrote it for the use case of bringing in multi-page (multi-note) content and fixing the WikiLinks into Evernote App links. It can also be used to mark placeholders for when actual notes get written, and you want a marker to find those notes and add links.
The details are on this web page as I thought it was too long for here.  Be sure to note the limitations listed.
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Good job. 

16 minutes ago, Dave Green said:

I expect that there is an equivalent keyboard macro tool for Windows.

There is. However there is a problem on Windows V10 that has been noted elesewhere. I can go through the same process as you have outlined but after the final {enter} I am returned to the note as shown in the screen shot. The focus is now on the note itself but I need to hit the Apply button. This can only be done with the mouse. It probably is possible to simulate a click at a position relative to the highlighted text but I'll leave that for somebody else to work out how to do!



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1 hour ago, Dave Green said:

<Enter> does not work (since the focus is on the page)?  

Correct and  <Tab> just indents the highlighted text rather than jumping into the floating box. Hitting ctrl+K again is just ignored. I expect it is a bug so will get fixed eventually.

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