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Tasks filter - Located-in menu does not populate

Go to solution Solved by laurence.glazier,

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I like to look at tasks by project, and I am sure this used to work on my iPhone.

I click on Tasks, then the Filter icon upper right, then the Located In option, to home in on my project notebook.

The list of Stacks and Notebooks no longer shows. Just a blank screen.

I have submitted a ticket. The initial advice was to check these forums, I have searched and it does not seem to have been raised here. According to the appstore I am on the latest version. Does this happen to others too?

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It doesn't work for me either. I see the "Located In" title at the top, then the "Find a note, notebook, stack or space" text field. I type in there and nothing shows up and I can never hit the Done button -- it always remains grayed out.

I could have missed it, but I haven't seen this issue mentioned at all in the forums either until now.

This is with both the 10.52.1 and 10.52.2 versions on iOS. (I checked first with 10.52.1, then saw there was an update and downloaded that and tried it too.)

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  • Level 5

Sure there is a shared code base. The main problem is that iOS is pretty homogeneous, both in code and device design.

Android compared to this is a hot mess of OS modifications and hardware specs. Not surprisingly the iOS client usually works better. But still both share a lot.

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  • 2 weeks later...

This ticket was marked as solved, however it still is a problem on my iPhone. I don't know if there is any point in me raising the ticket again. I even sent a link to this thread, showing others had experienced the same issue.

I've raised 9 tickets over the last three months. All have been marked as solved. At least 6 have not been.

But I am pleased the tags list shaking was solved recently and am confident of progress in other issues too...

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  • 4 months later...
  • 4 months later...

Not solved Almost a year now. Moreover the option has recently been removed from the Desktop version.

However on the desktop there a list tasks by notebook option, which helps, and maybe the plan is to bring that to mobile too.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Alas, no sooner has this fixed in the mobile version, than the ability to view tasks within a stack has been removed from the desktop and web versions. So the need for workarounds continues. Does anyone else need this?

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