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Import folders treating (exported) enex files as attachments

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If I create a very simple Note, say "The quick brown fox" and export this to the desktop. If I manually move this to a folder in Evernote, it instantly appears as a note. However, if I place it in an import folder, Evernote automatically imports it as an attachment. Further, when I double click to open, it always sends it to the default import folder regardless of the actual intended import folder. I find this very frustrating, This does not happen with the Legacy version

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  • Level 5

It is the absolutely correct behavior that every file dropped into an Import Folder ends up as an attachment to a newly created note.

Nothing wrong about it, and nothing frustrating, since it is coherent behavior all over.

If you want to import an ENEX file as a new notebook, open it. There is no Import folder needed to import notes from an ENEX file.

If legacy did it differently, it doesn’t matter at all. The software is deprecated, and (at least in this case) not an example with an obvious inconsistency.

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Maybe I'll explain the issue a little clearer.

From MS Excel under my 'meal planner' file, I select a recipe, and click on list from the menu. Then I click 'send'. This creates an Enex file (using vba) and sends this to the import folder 'Shopping'.

Evernote then automatically imports my Shopping list. Now, to get to what you see in the second photo below. I have to double click on the attachment in Shopping. The shopping list is then sent to 'Recipes' (my default folder) as an actual readable note. I then have to select the recipes folder and drag the note back across to Shopping. Then I delete the other note (the one just showing an attachment) in Shopping. Only then, do I arrive at what I want, what is shown in the second photo.

However, If I export from Excel, and simply manually drag the Enex note into Shopping, it instrantly appears as a note (NOT an attachment.)

So, In Legacy, Import folders behave in exactly the same way as if I'd manually draged the file directly into the folder. 

It would be good to at least have the Option of allowing Enex files in Import folders to be treated the same as "drag and drop'. Also, double clicking on an attachment in the intended import folder (Shopping) should NOT send the attachment to another folder (Recipes).




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  • Evernote Expert

I have to take your word for the way you describe using an import folder to open an ENEX file as a new note in Legacy. I don't remember this but it is now two years since I used Legacy for anything. It was, though, only for Windows so Mac Legacy users won't be able comment.

That said, I think the current way that v10 users Import Folders to attach all files to a note is entirely logical and what I would expect.

I doubt that there will be any change in the future.

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At various times over the lifecycle of the pre V10 versions of Evernote the import folders would render html files as notes. This was a blessing (if it worked well) and a curse if it didn't. On balance I think the consistent behaviour of always attaching the file is more predictable.

I don't think this would help in your case, because of the checklist, but txt files are attached to a new note when added to an import folder(as you would expect) but are viewable inline (like a pdf)


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45 minutes ago, agsteele said:

I have to take your word for the way you describe using an import folder to open an ENEX file as a new note in Legacy. I don't remember this but it is now two years since I used Legacy for anything. It was, though, only for Windows so Mac Legacy users won't be able comment.

That said, I think the current way that v10 users Import Folders to attach all files to a note is entirely logical and what I would expect.

I doubt that there will be any change in the future.

They're not attached files. MS Excel creates an enex file for shopping lists (from 'meal planner'), recipes (from 'recipes'), etc. The formating is an exact match. There are no attachments. Not even images (they're added later, in the case of recipes.) And, in any case, I've experimented by creating a simple note directly in Evernote, exporting this note, and adding to the import folder. Same thing: it appears as an attachment that I need to double click, then it opens always in the default folder. And, as I stated: if you manually drag the evernote file to the designated folder it is a proper Note instantly, none of this headache.

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Personally I didn't even know that enex files could be attached to notes yet alone double clicked to get a new note in the default folder. I actually love this behaviour! I'm going to design an alternative template system, which avoids the limitations of the EN template system, based on it. Winners and loosers I guess.

Seriously though, the only system for importing an enex file into a specific notebook (ie drag and drop) is very hard to automate. You can easily automate the process for importing an enex file into the default folder - just run the path of the enex file from the Windows run command - but you are always going to then have to move it to the desired folder. I don't know whether that is doable directly in VBA, but would certainly be easy in some of the scripting languages I know.

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So, with Legacy, all I would do to create a recipe or shopping list in Evernote is click send (Shopping) or Create (Recipes). It really did work that seamlessly. Now, in the case of recipes, this is what is needed:

1. Press Create (from Excel)

2. Double click on the "attachment" in Evernote

3. Go to the default folder

4. Move the recipe if it doesn't belong in the default folder. (In the case shown, it doesn't because it's a brewing recipe)

5. Delete the other copy (the one showing "attachment")

6. Finally, I can add a photo and relax a little!







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7 minutes ago, agsteele said:

As I said, I would have to take your word for the previous behaviour.

You don't have to take my word for it. Simply (i) install a copy of Legacy. (ii) Setup an Import folder. (iii) Create a simple note in Evernote. (iv) Export this note as an Evernote file. (v) Add this file to the import folder.

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6 minutes ago, lob said:

1. Press Create (from Excel)

2. Double click on the "attachment" in Evernote

3. Go to the default folder

4. Move the recipe if it doesn't belong in the default folder. (In the case shown, it doesn't because it's a brewing recipe)

5. Delete the other copy (the one showing "attachment")

6. Finally, I can add a photo and relax a little!

Isn't that the work flow if you must use import folders?

It sounds quicker, if you just drag the created file into the right notebook or even double click and then file it from the default notebook. And maybe a different solution, as I suggested above, might work.

V10 has forced us all to rethink our workflows. Sometimes they're better, often they're worse. Just because import folders was the best solution in legacy. does not necessarily  make it the best in V10.


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33 minutes ago, Mike P said:

Isn't that the work flow if you must use import folders?

It sounds quicker, if you just drag the created file into the right notebook or even double click and then file it from the default notebook. And maybe a different solution, as I suggested above, might work.

V10 has forced us all to rethink our workflows. Sometimes they're better, often they're worse. Just because import folders was the best solution in legacy. does not necessarily  make it the best in V10.


Ok Mike. I think I will send everything from Excel to a single export folder. Do away with the Evernote import folders completely. Then drag recipes, shopping lists, etc directly to their designated folder in Evernote. Still, it was much better under Legacy. Thanks for your help.

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2 hours ago, lob said:

Still, it was much better under Legacy

You are right. You had come up with a really ingenious work flow. I've not heard of anybody doing that before. I guess it's not really surprising that the developers overlooked it when they redisigned EN. We've all had to learn new ways of doing things. Good luck with your new approach.

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