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When i drag a file into a note i get the message "bigger then note limite. You cant attache this file because it will exceed the 200 MB limit". The file is 2,5MB and his is my first file that i want to attache this day. When i click the "okay" button i get the message "one or more attachements can not be uploaded. A copy will be stored in your local filesystem". If i then choose for "open map" it opens the map "evernote/failed uploads/rsmorenberg.  I does attache the file to the note, but i dont think that this is the wat it should work, 

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • Evernote Expert

It's this an issue with the Android app? If so, then can you tell us which version you have?

If not then you may be looking in the wrong place for your answer. Even so tell us which app version, OS.

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