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👉 Input needed – What issues did you experience in the last couple of days?

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I'm beginning to wonder whether the time and effort I've spent over the last couple of days, dodging the 10.59.5 bullet, would have been better spent on seriously evaluating some of the the alternative apps!

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Agora, Mike P disse:

I'm beginning to wonder whether the time and effort I've spent over the last couple of days, dodging the 10.59.5 bullet, would have been better spent on seriously evaluating some of the the alternative apps!

I got tired of it, I took out a 1 year subscription to Nimbos Note, I already have 40% of my notes transferred and so far it's working great.
After this last Evernote failure what I started as an alternative to save my 20.000 notes in case Evernote stops for good is becoming a great alternative to Evernote.
This is not a competitor's advertisement, choose what you think is best for you, but don't stand still waiting for some miracle.

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On 7/25/2023 at 2:54 AM, RobertJLee said:

The lunacy continues- EN 10.59 on mac right mouse, duplicate note = THREE copies of note created.

Thought I was going crazy but same thing happened to me yesterday (although I think it was just two additional copies created for me, for a total of three). I haven't experienced the other bugs reported in this thread as of yet, but I feel for everyone who has.

One week since 10.59.5 was posted with (apparent) problems and I'm surprised that this version wasn't quickly rolled back and that there hasn't been a quick hotfix posted. Another negative side-effect of firing all of the most experienced and knowledgeable developers, just as I feared.

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17 minutes ago, Paul A. said:

Thought I was going crazy but same thing happened to me yesterday (although I think it was just two additional copies created for me, for a total of three). I haven't experienced the other bugs reported in this thread as of yet, but I feel for everyone who has.

One week since 10.59.5 was posted with (apparent) problems and I'm surprised that this version wasn't quickly rolled back and that there hasn't been a quick hotfix posted.

Yes, I also wonder what's the point of a phased rollout if they don't take action when problems are reported. Even if an issue happens only once, you can't ignore it because it will explode in your face after the rollout to 200 million users is complete.

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OK let's take a step back.

EN release a version which is useless and broken- who know why.

Their so called management seem to be frequenting here.


1. Roll back last update

2. Dedicated a so called manager to take ownership of this and read all the issues documented on this forum.

3. Provide a WORKING version of EN.


Haemorrhage PAYING customers over next few weeks/months and be left with a small number of diehard users and acolytes with thousands of free users.......paying customers expect a service and will vote with their feet.

There are currently viable alternatives

Obsidian using import plugin


Nimbus notes.

Evernote you are on thin ice......

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I was working in evernote this morning, got an update about a new version of the App for windows. I installed it, and after opening it, none of my folders and notes are showing. It is logged in to my evernote account. Tried to uninstall, reboot, and reinstall. The app still will not load any of my files.

They are all still there in the web version. 

Is anyone else having this issue?

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  • Level 5*
31 minutes ago, Paul A. said:

Thought I was going crazy but same thing happened to me yesterday (although I think it was just two additional copies created for me, for a total of three). I haven't experienced the other bugs reported in this thread as of yet, but I feel for everyone who has.


I've also experienced the additional copies bug when using the import folder and the "open with" option in the menu.

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  • Level 5*
1 minute ago, Ehi Passika said:

I was working in evernote this morning, got an update about a new version of the App for windows. I installed it, and after opening it, none of my folders and notes are showing. It is logged in to my evernote account. Tried to uninstall, reboot, and reinstall. The app still will not load any of my files.

They are all still there in the web version. 

Is anyone else having this issue?

If you are seeing no notes at all, the usual cause is that you haven't logged into the correct account.  It is easy to accidentally create a new account.  Double-check the credentials you have in the web version to ensure you are using the same ones.

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51 minutes ago, Paul A. said:

 Another negative side-effect of firing all of the most experienced and knowledgeable developers, just as I feared.

Or the opposite: these 'experienced' developers created a monolithic software, full of dependencies all over the place, which is unmaintainable by other developers: if you touch one thing it completely collapses. Maybe the right time to rewrite it again in a few simple native implementations ?

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7 minutes ago, s2sailor said:

If you are seeing no notes at all, the usual cause is that you haven't logged into the correct account.  It is easy to accidentally create a new account.  Double-check the credentials you have in the web version to ensure you are using the same ones.

Thanks for the reply. When I click on my account info in the app, it takes me to a webpage with the correct information. I think the app is having trouble connecting with EN's servers this afternoon. I'll try again later.

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  • Level 5
2 hours ago, eric99 said:

Or the opposite: these 'experienced' developers created a monolithic software, full of dependencies all over the place, which is unmaintainable by other developers: if you touch one thing it completely collapses. Maybe the right time to rewrite it again in a few simple native implementations ?

... And then hire a team of Windows developers, a team of Mac developers, a team of Android developers, a team of Web developers, and probably more support staff since problems on one platform will not be solved by solutions used for another, and watch the versions diverge in UX, and then fall behind the changes in the OSes....

And can any app in any OS that does what Evernote does be simple?

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1 hour ago, Dave-in-Decatur said:

... And then hire a team of Windows developers, a team of Mac developers, a team of Android developers, a team of Web developers, and probably more support staff since problems on one platform will not be solved by solutions used for another, and watch the versions diverge in UX, and then fall behind the changes in the OSes....

And can any app in any OS that does what Evernote does be simple?

Divide and conquer is sometimes better than trying to force very different things into one 'unified' unmaintainable program. Do you know how much accidental complexity has been added by the electron framework and the code above it to accomplish this? It's already taking more than 2 years now to get V10 stable...

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2 hours ago, eric99 said:

Or the opposite: these 'experienced' developers created a monolithic software, full of dependencies all over the place, which is unmaintainable by other developers: if you touch one thing it completely collapses. Maybe the right time to rewrite it again in a few simple native implementations ?

Oh goodness, please, no more rewrites! That would be throwing out the baby with the bathwater. If they undertake that we'll be here complaining in five years that we still don't have feature parity, or that there are too many bugs, or that feature velocity is too slow. Evernote will be pretty great if/when the bugs and rough edges are sanded off and the metadata sync is implemented.

Edit: My feelings on this are best summarized by Michael Scott in this clip from The Office:


Edited by Paul A.
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Experiencing a similar issue to others now - Every time I attempt to search a word or phrase I receive a message "Permissions lost - You no longer have access to the XYZ notebook."

Very frustrating and unable to perform searches.

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On 7/23/2023 at 11:26 AM, eric99 said:

@Federico Simionato The most recent windows client 10.59.5 (5236) seems to have serious regression now:

  • searching in a notebook is denied with the pop-up message: "Permissions lost, you can no longer access notebook XYZ"
  • sometimes global search in all notes returns the full note list instead of the filtered one.
  • deleting a note by pressing the delete button doesn't always respond
  • the note menu is sometimes completely grayed-out for some notes
  • when scrolling to the bottom of a result list with length > 128 ( 2^7 ), it always jumps back automatically to the top of the list. So the notes at the end of the list are unreachable
  • sometimes a global search does return a result list, but then after just waiting 10 - 30 seconds, it spontaneously starts repeating the search at regular intervals of 4 seconds forever.

Edit: I found out that the global search oscillation is caused by the sort order of the result list which was default set to 'relevant' .  Apparently it's trying endlessly to find the most relevant order. When I set the sort order to 'update time', the global search seems to work normally. The other problems I mentioned before are still there.

Edit: here a complete crash by just clicking the notes button in the left side bar after the search oscillation (probably related)!

Error: Minified React error #185; visit https://reactjs.org/docs/error-decoder.html?invariant=185 for the full message or use the non-minified dev environment for full errors and additional helpful warnings. at hi (app://evernote/4448.js:2:92504) at Lo (app://evernote/4448.js:2:64442) at app://evernote/6034.js:1314:10409 at Ui (app://evernote/4448.js:2:104192) at n.unstable_runWithPriority (app://evernote/4448.js:2:121861) at $l (app://evernote/4448.js:2:44842) at Fi (app://evernote/4448.js:2:103655) at bi (app://evernote/4448.js:2:95183) at app://evernote/4448.js:2:45065 at n.unstable_runWithPriority (app://evernote/4448.js:2:121861) at $l (app://evernote/4448.js:2:44842) at Yl (app://evernote/4448.js:2:45010) at Kl (app://evernote/4448.js:2:44945) at Ui (app://evernote/4448.js:2:104378) at n.unstable_runWithPriority (app://evernote/4448.js:2:121861) at $l (app://evernote/4448.js:2:44842) at Fi (app://evernote/4448.js:2:103655) at app://evernote/4448.js:2:103566 at I (app://evernote/4448.js:2:120921) at w.port1.onmessage (app://evernote/4448.js:2:119644)



I noticed that all these problems do also occur in the latest WEB client, they aren't windows client related:

  • searching in a notebook is denied with the pop-up message: "Permissions lost, you can no longer access notebook XYZ"
  • sometimes global search in all notes returns the full note list instead of the filtered one.
  • deleting a note by pressing the delete button doesn't always respond
  • the note menu is sometimes completely grayed-out for some notes
  • when scrolling to the bottom of a result list with length > 128 ( 2^7 ), it always jumps back automatically to the top of the list. So the notes at the end of the list are unreachable
  • sometimes a global search does return a result list, but then after just waiting 10-30 seconds, it spontaneously starts repeating the search with intervals of a few seconds. This happens only when the result list sort-order is set to 'relevant'

In order to reproduce this, I must emphasize that you should try with several notebooks and/or several different search strings to reproduce the issues.

For instance, the result list oscillation when the sort-order is set to 'relevant' doesn't always occur, it seems to be dependent on the length of the list (the longer the better) or the returned notes or the search string (my strings are always single word but not all of them can trigger it)

Once it starts oscillating, it will automatically refresh the result list with a period of a few seconds, sometimes a burst of a few refreshes, sometimes continuously for a minute or so. Sometimes you can start it by just clicking or hoovering in the list a few times. I wonder whether this is a failing BendingSpoons AI prototype to find the most relevant search results?

Is there anyone who can reproduce this oscillation on any platform? I need this info for another ticket again...

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3 hours ago, eric99 said:

I noticed that all these problems do also occur in the latest WEB client, they aren't windows client related:

I'm sorry - cannot reproduce it on WEB client(s)...

  • Windows client 10.59.5 shows at least "Permissions lost" and too many results after
    • start application
    • search for word "diary" in all notes (should return 8 notes)
    • click on some notebooks to display their contents
    • search for word "diary" in all notes
      • shows error message
      • returns masses of notes
  • WEB client (v5.33.0): Search returns 8 notes.
    • even after app. 10 minutes of hard testing 😉
  • old WEB client: Search returns 8 notes.
  • Legacy: returns 8 notes.


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1 hour ago, AlbertR said:

I'm sorry - cannot reproduce it on WEB client(s)...

  • Windows client 10.59.5 shows at least "Permissions lost" and too many results after
    • start application
    • search for word "diary" in all notes (should return 8 notes)
    • click on some notebooks to display their contents
    • search for word "diary" in all notes
      • shows error message
      • returns masses of notes
  • WEB client (v5.33.0): Search returns 8 notes.
    • even after app. 10 minutes of hard testing 😉
  • old WEB client: Search returns 8 notes.
  • Legacy: returns 8 notes.


is this error message: Minified React error #185

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It told me I already have the maximum number of notebooks though I have a personal account and don't have 1000 notebooks.

Stupid chat can't answer ANY question with the answer.

I still can't find how to actually contact customer service.

I'm about ready to contact the Better Business Bureau!

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  • Level 5
5 hours ago, AlbertR said:

I'm sorry - cannot reproduce it on WEB client(s)...

  • Windows client 10.59.5 shows at least "Permissions lost" and too many results after
    • start application
    • search for word "diary" in all notes (should return 8 notes)
    • click on some notebooks to display their contents
    • search for word "diary" in all notes
      • shows error message
      • returns masses of notes
  • WEB client (v5.33.0): Search returns 8 notes.
    • even after app. 10 minutes of hard testing 😉
  • old WEB client: Search returns 8 notes.
  • Legacy: returns 8 notes.


I've highlighted the relevant information in the quote. How are you getting Web client v. 5.33?? Mine has updated to 10.59.5, and has the same issues as are reported for the Windows client v. 10.59.5.

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16 hours ago, Dave-in-Decatur said:

How are you getting Web client v. 5.33??

I open account settings by clicking on my icon of upper left corner of window. Here is what I see:


But THX for your question: I recognized, that there are differences between personal and Teams accounts regarding WEB clients:

  • v5.33.0 is the current WEB client version for Teams accounts
    • I've to go to my personal settings to explicitely enable the V10+ WEB client
  • From v5.33.0 it is possible to switch to a previous version of Evernote WEB client
    • must be very old - but work fine 😉
  • If I enable V10+ WEB client
    • the step-back to the very old version is not possible
    • but I can reset the personal setting to use V10+ to re-use v5.33.0

Nice: EN itself suggests to use v5.33.0 in case of bad performance of V10+ 😉

  • Excerpt of https://help.evernote.com/hc/de/articles/1500006072561:image.png.0e9593461d8b7b6dc43ee7a3f4811215.png
  • in English (Translated with DeepL): What can I do if I experience performance issues?
    If you have more than 10,000 notes stored in your account or are using an Evernote Teams account, you may experience longer load times when you first access Evernote Web (V10+). If you continue to experience performance issues after the initial launch, you can disable the new Evernote Web and revert back to the old Evernote Web using the instructions above.

After having learned this I re-executed my tests regarding search for specific word:

  • V10+ (10.59.5?) shows "Permissions lost" after only a few trys
  • v5.33.0 does not show the problem
  • very old WEB client does not show the problem

But: Where do we can see the WEB clients version ID? I can see it only in v5.33.0 (as shown above...)

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On 7/28/2023 at 12:10 PM, eric99 said:

I noticed that all these problems do also occur in the latest WEB client, they aren't windows client related:

  • searching in a notebook is denied with the pop-up message: "Permissions lost, you can no longer access notebook XYZ"
  • sometimes global search in all notes returns the full note list instead of the filtered one.
  • deleting a note by pressing the delete button doesn't always respond
  • the note menu is sometimes completely grayed-out for some notes
  • when scrolling to the bottom of a result list with length > 128 ( 2^7 ), it always jumps back automatically to the top of the list. So the notes at the end of the list are unreachable
  • sometimes a global search does return a result list, but then after just waiting 10-30 seconds, it spontaneously starts repeating the search with intervals of a few seconds. This happens only when the result list sort-order is set to 'relevant'

In order to reproduce this, I must emphasize that you should try with several notebooks and/or several different search strings to reproduce the issues.

For instance, the result list oscillation when the sort-order is set to 'relevant' doesn't always occur, it seems to be dependent on the length of the list (the longer the better) or the returned notes or the search string (my strings are always single word but not all of them can trigger it)

Once it starts oscillating, it will automatically refresh the result list with a period of a few seconds, sometimes a burst of a few refreshes, sometimes continuously for a minute or so. Sometimes you can start it by just clicking or hoovering in the list a few times. I wonder whether this is a failing BendingSpoons AI prototype to find the most relevant search results?

Is there anyone who can reproduce this oscillation on any platform? I need this info for another ticket again...

I noticed that the result list oscillation sometimes occurs even when the sort-order is 'update time', but less frequently than with 'relevant'.

Also, while editing a note from the results list, after a few minutes of just typing or scrolling through the contents of the note, the result list suddenly refreshes and the editor switches to another note from the results list. This happened a few times while editing for 5 minutes, very annoying 😕

@Federico Simionato I hope these spontaneous result list updates can be solved too in the next release. Your developers may always contact me for more info or for testing  bug fixes if you like.


These two issues are related:
the note menu is sometimes completely grayed-out for some notes
    - deleting a note by pressing the delete button doesn't always respond
      (delete doesn't work because the note menu is completely disabled)
How to reproduce this:
 1. select all notes in the left side bar
 2. from the top of the note list, with the arrow keys, scroll a few notes down, then a few notes up and repeat this a few times.
Then check the note menu in the top menu bar for each note you've scrolled through:
several of them are grayed-out and therefore can not be deleted anymore
You can unblock this by a forced reload ctrl+shift+R
This looks like a race condition bug where the note state sometimes doesn't get updated properly while scrolling through the note list.

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  • Level 5*

Random thoughts here - I just got various W11 driver updates to install (including graphics) since when my system seems to have a new lease of life.  I had to restart to finish it off,  and Evernote reloaded faster than I've been aware of it doing lately.  If you're having any sort of issue,  it's worth doing a bit of system maintenance to make sure your system is completely up to date with everything and (as we now know) has plenty of free disk space...

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8 hours ago, jhess@nc.rr.com said:

so I cannot do searches

As somebody else affected by this buggy release I feel your pain. However it is not really true that you cannot do searches. You cannot do searches in the way you normally do. In the interim, until this horrible release gets fixed, you just need to search "Notes" rather than in an individual notebook. You can then filter the results by notebook.

Even that won't always work first time but hopefully it will allow you to limp along until it is fixed.

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On 7/28/2023 at 4:10 PM, AlbertR said:

Windows client 10.59.5 shows at least "Permissions lost" and too many results after

  • start application
  • search for word "diary" in all notes (should return 8 notes)
  • click on some notebooks to display their contents
  • search for word "diary" in all notes


Oups, are we sure that the problem is based only on client(s) 10.59.5?
Just tried to reproduce the problem (with Windows client 10.59.5) - and it has gone away 🙂
Maybe it was caused by server-client(10.59) communication and has been fixed on server side?

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1 hour ago, AlbertR said:

Oups, are we sure that the problem is based only on client(s) 10.59.5?
Just tried to reproduce the problem (with Windows client 10.59.5) - and it has gone away 🙂
Maybe it was caused by server-client(10.59) communication and has been fixed on server side?

This is typical behaviour for race condition bugs, but all the problems are still there, just try a little bit harder with other notebooks, search strings and result lists:

https://discussion.evernote.com/forums/topic/146555-👉-input-needed-– what-issues-did-you-experience-in-the-last-couple-of-days/?do=findComment&comment=693114


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7 minutes ago, eric99 said:

This is typical behaviour for race condition bugs,

OK, currently I'm sitting on a 1 GBit symetrical iNet connection 😉
I'll check it again sometimes later when at home...
... and in offline mode. Working in offline mode should point out whether the server connection has some influence - or not...

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25 minutes ago, AlbertR said:

OK, currently I'm sitting on a 1 GBit symetrical iNet connection 😉
I'll check it again sometimes later when at home...
... and in offline mode. Working in offline mode should point out whether the server connection has some influence - or not...

I'm also curious if you can reproduce this specific bug:

These two issues are related:
the note menu in the top menu bar is sometimes completely grayed-out for some notes
    - deleting a note by pressing the delete button doesn't always work
      (delete doesn't work because the note menu is completely disabled)
How to reproduce this:
 1. select all notes  with the 'Notes' button in the left side bar
 2. from the top of the note list, with the arrow keys, scroll a few notes down, then a few notes up and repeat this a few times.
Then check the note menu in the top menu bar for each note you've scrolled through:
several of them are grayed-out and therefore can not be deleted anymore
You can unblock this by a forced reload ctrl+shift+R
This looks like a race condition bug where the note state sometimes doesn't get updated properly while scrolling through the note list.

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6 minutes ago, Mike P said:

@eric99 I can certainly reproduce this behaviour. Note that I can still delete the note, or do other actions, from the three dots menu at the top left of the note itself.

Thanks for testing.

Have you already submitted a ticket for this?

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1 minute ago, Mike P said:

Not for this particular issue, only for the main issues I've been having using 10.59.5

What I still don't understand is why all these issues haven't been found by their SQA and automatic testing. I discovered the 6 problems in less than 10 minutes with a simple smoke test. Do they know their own product?

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3 minutes ago, eric99 said:

What I still don't understand is why all these issues haven't been found by their SQA and automatic testing. I discovered the 6 problems in less than 10 minutes with a simple smoke test. Do they know their own product?

The problem is that it isn't affecting everybody. Some people have no problems at all. It doesn't seem to be machine specific or OS specific so must be something to do with our accounts - tag structure, number of notes or some combination of many factors - who knows. I wondered whether it was just how we use EN, and other people hadn't seen it because they never do that partucular thing. But there are so many manifestations of the issue and enough people, who I trust, have tried things and not had any problems, that I don't think it is that.

Hopefully the next release will solve the problems. Personally I'd be happy with 10.58, which for me was a great release, with no auto-update.

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21 minutes ago, eric99 said:

What I still don't understand is why all these issues haven't been found by their SQA and automatic testing. I discovered the 6 problems in less than 10 minutes with a simple smoke test. Do they know their own product?

I don't think its a simple as that. As Mike said a lot of folk are getting on fine with 10.59.5. In fact I was on a call last week and said it was the fastest and most stable version yet... don't change it!

If you get issues send support your logs as this is the easiest way for EN to diagnose these issues and find the pattern of work that causes the problem.

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10 minutes ago, Jon/t said:

I don't think its a simple as that. As Mike said a lot of folk are getting on fine with 10.59.5. In fact I was on a call last week and said it was the fastest and most stable version yet... don't change it!

If you get issues send support your logs as this is the easiest way for EN to diagnose these issues and find the pattern of work that causes the problem.

Perhaps then the 'expert' group is not a good statistical population and I hope this will not influence management too much in their assessment of the problem.

Sure, as a developer of life critical devices I know where to look and how to quickly trigger this kind of race condition bugs but I think in this case it's not that difficult to reproduce these issues by trying harder with different search strings, notebooks, longer result lists etc. It even occurs in the web version which I tried on different computers.

For example, have you really tried to reproduce the disabled note menu and delete button issue I just mentioned before:

https://discussion.evernote.com/forums/topic/146555-👉-input-needed-– what-issues-did-you-experience-in-the-last-couple-of-days/?do=findComment&comment=693413


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  • Level 5*
2 hours ago, eric99 said:

have you really tried to reproduce the disabled note menu and delete button issue

Maybe the indicator here is that while it may be possible to reproduce issues by following a particular process,  if the majority aren't suffering the issue at all and maybe don't follow that process regularly or to extremes,  it means the procedure could be an edge case that most folks don't need - and the answer is to find a way around that situation rather than try to over-engineer the app until its completely fireproof...

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1 hour ago, gazumped said:

Maybe the indicator here is that while it may be possible to reproduce issues by following a particular process,  if the majority aren't suffering the issue at all and maybe don't follow that process regularly or to extremes,  it means the procedure could be an edge case that most folks don't need - and the answer is to find a way around that situation rather than try to over-engineer the app until its completely fireproof...

Obviously, in this particular case the issues in this horrible release are reported by the majority on this forum,  but I'm glad you touch this topic because this indicates that users might have a false sense of safety because they don't fully understand how and when race condition bugs really occur.

To illustrate this with an example: would you stay with a bank if a money deposit, very sporadically, leaves your account but never arrive at the recipient due to the fact that you type a little bit to fast or click the buttons in a slightly different order or a network glitch or whatever? And a few days later you receive an apology letter, ‘sorry we lost your €10000 and there is no chance that we can recover it, but we will offer you a full year without banking costs as compensation'.

Fortunately, banking transactions are designed so that this can never happen. Race conditions were taken into account in the early design, not just as an afterthought when symptoms appear later when it's actually too late, because these issues need fundamental fixes.

Now back to evernote: do you accept that 0.1% of data will be lost due to a race condition? The problem with race condition bugs is that the seemingly harmless  symptom you see is only the top of the iceberg. You only know the full impact when you've diagnosed it completely. That's the reason that race condition bugs should always be investigated to the bottom.

And what worries me most, seeing bugs like this, how many similar sporadic race condition bugs are there in more critical parts designed by the same developers?

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  • Level 5*
20 minutes ago, eric99 said:

how many similar sporadic bugs are there in more critical parts designed by the same developers?

I'm glad someone's taking a positive view of all this...

I'm really not looking to start one of those multi-quote / here's where you're wrong exchanges - all I was actually trying to highlight was that if an app starts to emit smoke and make odd screechy noises,  it's usually a sign that maybe it's being pushed a little too hard.  A sensitive user might then back off and let things cool down - and maybe look for other ways to achieve the same result.  Just because Evernote accepts searches and tags we shouldn't necessarily expect it to be accurate up to 1,000 searches and tag changes per minute.  The software isn't necessarily the limitation - it's how fast things can reliably get updated over wifi through multiple host applications (Elektron / browsers etc.)

We have less than a dozen people posting here who are suffering from the issues,  and several who are absolutely not - and those who reach these forums often may be seen as a little... assertive... sometimes.  The jury's out on whether this was a world-shattering bug or a relatively minor glitch.

However - I absolutly do not imply that you're wrong in anything you've said;  neither of us actually knows what the problem is here - hopefully we'll find out more when the next version is released.

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3 hours ago, eric99 said:

For example, have you really tried to reproduce the disabled note menu and delete button issue I just mentioned before:


I've never had to do this when using Evernote so no. I'm sure bugs can be found when certain workflows happen. Did you tell support and send logs so they can analyse them?

If I spot bugs during my normal usage of Evernote I tend to send in a ticket.

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1 hour ago, Jon/t said:

If I spot bugs during my normal usage of Evernote I tend to send in a ticket.

If I spot a bug, I try to reproduce it as simply as possible and then indeed send a ticket. That's how I did it with these 6 regression problems too. I hope they even read it as it contains the detailed reproduction steps.

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There definitely seems to be more complaints on the discussion forums with the 10.59.5 release than other regular releases. Perhaps it's just because I'm experiencing several issues with Evernote now (CPU spiking on Desktop, multiple new notes being created with Cmd-N, search and filters not [fully] working, deleted/missing data, Evernote reloading/refreshing during note editing, tasks not saving/updating) so I'm more aware of similar complaints.

FWIW - I've blown away my MacOS Desktop install this morning with AppCleaner and the CPU spiking, Evernote reloading/refreshing, tasks not updating is gone (so far at least), but the other two issues remain (and the deleted data hasn't happened to me -- that I know of anyway -- for a few weeks) There are probably more issues, but they aren't on the top of my head at the moment.

All these issues are also issues that I've seen others share in the forums very recently (in addition to other issues that I'm personally not experiencing).

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  • Level 5
10 hours ago, eric99 said:

I'm also curious if you can reproduce this specific bug:

These two issues are related:
the note menu in the top menu bar is sometimes completely grayed-out for some notes
    - deleting a note by pressing the delete button doesn't always work
      (delete doesn't work because the note menu is completely disabled)
How to reproduce this:
 1. select all notes  with the 'Notes' button in the left side bar
 2. from the top of the note list, with the arrow keys, scroll a few notes down, then a few notes up and repeat this a few times.
Then check the note menu in the top menu bar for each note you've scrolled through:
several of them are grayed-out and therefore can not be deleted anymore
You can unblock this by a forced reload ctrl+shift+R
This looks like a race condition bug where the note state sometimes doesn't get updated properly while scrolling through the note list.

I'm feeling really obtuse here, because others seem to be following you, whether they can reproduce the bug or not ... but what is the "note menu in the top menu bar"? Do you mean the ... at top right of the displayed note? Or something called "note" that I'm not seeing?

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On 7/27/2023 at 7:16 PM, Silvio'ss said:

I got tired of it, I took out a 1 year subscription to Nimbos Note, I already have 40% of my notes transferred and so far it's working great.
After this last Evernote failure what I started as an alternative to save my 20.000 notes in case Evernote stops for good is becoming a great alternative to Evernote.
This is not a competitor's advertisement, choose what you think is best for you, but don't stand still waiting for some miracle.

I would strongly urge you to check out their export options and how easy it is to get your data out of nimbus. For a long time what went in did not come out. 

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34 minutes ago, Dave-in-Decatur said:

I'm feeling really obtuse here, because others seem to be following you, whether they can reproduce the bug or not ... but what is the "note menu in the top menu bar"? Do you mean the ... at top right of the displayed note? Or something called "note" that I'm not seeing?



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  • Level 5

Ah, of course! Obtuse, like I said. I can't get the problem to happen in my Windows desktop app, in which I have managed to swat away the 10.59.5 update, so it's still on 10.58.8. I do have 10.59.5 in the Web client, but of course, that's a different set of menus. Sorry to be irrelevant as well as obtuse!

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19 minutes ago, Dave-in-Decatur said:

Ah, of course! Obtuse, like I said. I can't get the problem to happen in my Windows desktop app, in which I have managed to swat away the 10.59.5 update, so it's still on 10.58.8. I do have 10.59.5 in the Web client, but of course, that's a different set of menus. Sorry to be irrelevant as well as obtuse!

My fault, I wasn't specific enough.

For me, the problem is mainly that the delete button doesn't work either, due to the disabled notes menu.

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I don't usually use my Windows machine too often -- I put it into sleep and I wasn't going to restart Evernote because I still had 10.58.8, but I wanted to try for you @eric99. I upgraded my Windows machine to 10.59.5 just for you! LOL (and it's ok, cause it's not my daily driver).

I can reproduce it on both MacOS and Windows 10.59.5.


Doesn't seem like a a crazy use case either -- to arrow down a few notes and then back up a few notes. I can see lots of people doing that and then not knowing why their keyboard shortcuts don't work for specific notes -- not realizing what has happened.

And just so everybody knows -- it's not just the Delete key that breaks -- all of those Note keyboard shortcuts break for that particular note.

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7 hours ago, Boot17 said:

Doesn't seem like a a crazy use case either -- to arrow down a few notes and then back up a few notes. I can see lots of people doing that and then not knowing why their keyboard shortcuts don't work for specific notes -- not realizing what has happened.

It's also worth knowing that while this is a reliable way of getting the menu to grey out, to demonstrate that the problem is reproducible by a number of different users, it is not the only way. I just noticed it had frozen and I don't recall "excessive" scrolling and certainly not using the arrow keys.

I'm not personally a big users of the top menu as there are normally quicker and easier ways of doing the same job. However I do use it in a AutoHotKey script which makes a keyboard shortcut to open a note in a new window. This is now unreliable - I could add a ctrl+R to the beginning of the script which shouuld solve the problem

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4 hours ago, Mike P said:

It's also worth knowing that while this is a reliable way of getting the menu to grey out, to demonstrate that the problem is reproducible by a number of different users, it is not the only way. I just noticed it had frozen and I don't recall "excessive" scrolling and certainly not using the arrow keys.

I'm not personally a big users of the top menu as there are normally quicker and easier ways of doing the same job. However I do use it in a AutoHotKey script which makes a keyboard shortcut to open a note in a new window. This is now unreliable - I could add a ctrl+R to the beginning of the script which shouuld solve the problem

And this problem may be just the tip of the iceberg: the grayed-out menu may reflect the internal note status that got stuck in "Busy state" or something. Maybe this corrupted note state is used internally for synchronization, RTE etc. causing data loss in the worst case. You can't know for sure until this bug is fully analyzed. That is why seemingly harmless bugs should also be taken seriously.

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Em 29/06/2023 at 11:57, Federico Simionato disse:

Earlier this week, the backend team released fixes that changed heavily both RTE and Tasks services.

For this reason we need to reassess the occurrence of the most frequent issues you reported in the last weeks.

At this link, you can vote on any issues you have personally experienced in the past 72 hours.


Password: Evernote

I've been unable to share content from third party android apps to Evernote for about a month. That is a feature that I used EVERY DAY.
I am a paying user for several years, bot this kind of untreated bug is making me search for alternatives...
Also noticed some notes where the image is shown in the thumbnail, bot not of the note. I don't know it that is what "image is not shown"is referring to in the poll.
The moment I lose confidence about the stability of this app, there will be no reason to keep using it. I use to keep evidence of all invoices. An evidence safe must be trustworthy...

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54 minutos atrás, gazumped disse:

You're logged into the wrong account.  Sign out and try again...

Thanks, but I was in the right account, for me Evernote was 5 minutes with technical problems. A specific message about the error appeared.
As we are going through a terrible phase and I am very concerned about the survival of Evernote as a company, I soon thought the worst. Now everything is back to normal.
Sometimes just venting here on the forum.
Thanks again

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  • Level 5*
30 minutes ago, ENnut said:

Appears I have this issue. Sent two emails ~35 mins ago and neither are in my EN.

There are a few comments in the forums about email issues - seems to be a general thing,  though some emails take a lot longer than 35 minutes to arrive.

Resend if you can and contact Support with full details if there's no sign after a couple of hours...

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My situation:

I have 91 days left to run before a renewal is due.

I have checked out nearly EVERY alternative and none provide functions EN DID before it broke.

I'll continue to use and monitor.

Generate a ENEX back up daily ( takes a few minutes)


EN fix issues OK


Notejoy is looking like best alternative.

Regarding Bending Spoons I suspect they bit off more than they can chew. I have no issue with them moving operation to Italy to some extent that is a positive thing. However their customer service/lack of knowledge is deplorable.

The price increase for a broken system is moronic and I will not pay again in November if it is not fixed.Who would?

Further discussions are a waste of time- they do not listen so ball is now in their court.

Fix it or face ruin.

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1 hour ago, RobertJLee said:

Notejoy is looking like best alternative.

I would urge you to check out their Facebook and their update history - a lot of frustrations, the dev seems to be one guy and it seems he went awol for a considerable time. The product looks good but there are a few red flags there too. 

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23 minutes ago, WilliamL said:

I would urge you to check out their Facebook and their update history - a lot of frustrations, the dev seems to be one guy and it seems he went awol for a considerable time. The product looks good but there are a few red flags there too. 

OK Noted. If all else fails Bear2 imports ENEX files and makes all attachments searchable so I have a plan B if required. What I am NOT doing is jumping out of frying pan and into fire.

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4 hours ago, RobertJLee said:

OK Noted. If all else fails Bear2 imports ENEX files and makes all attachments searchable so I have a plan B if required. What I am NOT doing is jumping out of frying pan and into fire.

Yeah that’s the thing - all these apps look great on the surface but a bit of digging and there are concerns. The same is true with EN to be fair, but you hit it right - not from the frying pan to the fire. Bear looks great - their dev place is glacier but what they do, they do darn well. My issue with them is I work on windows and need a web app really, they have one ‘coming soon’ but that could be years away at best. 

Good point tho - as long as we have the enex files we have a lot of options of places we could head to if things do go south here, I’m hoping that won’t happen though, Dave Edwards latest video was quite reassuring on how determined BS are to deal with the bugs and issues as a priority. 

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@Federico Simionato I already mentioned that the unexpected greyed-out note menu (and corresponding malfunctioning shortcuts) can be fixed with CTRL-R. 

In case you don't know yet, this trick is also a work around for the notebook permission denied problem:

1. Select your notebook in the left toolbar

2. Press CTRL-R

3. Enter your search string which will now return the correct result list

So it seems that a notebook selection ends up in an inconsistent state (perhaps caused by a race condition as it doesn't always happen). This causes a permission denied problem when searching later on.  By CTRL-R the inconsistent state is corrected by refreshing the internals and searching works normally again


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33 minutes ago, PinkElephant said:

Great workaround for the permission denied-bug, probably the one with the least impact.

On Macs its CMD-R. A forced restart would be SHIFT-CMD-R.

I have added it to my ticket for additional diagnostic information. I hope it gets to the developers 🤞

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13 hours ago, eric99 said:

@Federico Simionato I already mentioned that the unexpected greyed-out note menu (and corresponding malfunctioning shortcuts) can be fixed with CTRL-R. 

In case you don't know yet, this trick is also a work around for the notebook permission denied problem:

1. Select your notebook in the left toolbar

2. Press CTRL-R

3. Enter your search string which will now return the correct result list

So it seems that a notebook selection ends up in an inconsistent state (perhaps caused by a race condition as it doesn't always happen). This causes a permission denied problem when searching later on.  By CTRL-R the inconsistent state is corrected by refreshing the internals and searching works normally again


I further found that typing an additional CTRL-R after the results list is displayed, fixes the result list limitation of 128 notes and probably the result list oscillation.

So it's possible that all the reported search problems may have a single root cause (race condition causing an inconsistent internal state resulting in a variety of weird symptoms).



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7 hours ago, WilliamL said:

Dave Edwards latest video was quite reassuring on how determined BS are to deal with the bugs and issues as a priority. 

Interesting point- his business appears to be built to large extent on EN so he is hardly likely to be running around saying EN is doomed....

Other Gurus have either gone quite or are spreading their interests to "investigating" other packages.

BS can tell people whatever they like. The proof will be in the pudding. Fix the mess they created or fade away.

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  • Level 5
3 hours ago, eric99 said:

In case you don't know yet, this trick is also a work around for the notebook permission denied problem:

1. Select your notebook in the left toolbar

2. Press CTRL-R

3. Enter your search string which will now return the correct result list

This also works in the Web app, by refreshing the browser tab.

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