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Not all tasks from note show up in tasks view

Go to solution Solved by Neil Maxfield,

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I have a note with around 11 tasks that are incomplete. But in tasks view with no filters I can only see 5 tasks. The desktop has been open a long time (all day) and I haven't added any new tasks today. It also shows up fine on my phone. Is this a known issue?


17/28 tasks showing pending in note view



5 tasks pending in note view on desktop



11 tasks pending in note view on mobile



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Maybe related, maybe unrelated... I've seen such delays in syncing (Evernote Windows desktop latest version) that search results are incomplete or wrong, due to unupdated indices. Currently Evernote is so slow for me to be up-to-date, that it is almost unsable. It takes HOURS to get it sync every now and then. Possibly task-overviews have the same problem.

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Thanks Neil. I did submit a ticket but the response I got was something along the lines of "We see from your screenshots you are on an older version, please update and the application"

Im on 10.57.10 though and no updates available when I click check for updates.


Good to know they're working on it though.

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  • Evernote Expert

The current release version is 10.58.3. If you are on the download version you force a quicker update by downloading from evernote.com/download

Otherwise you need to wait for the version to be delivered via the automatic process.

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Thanks agsteele! For the moment I'm going to let it roll out to me the regular way because I don't trust Evernote software updates with all the issues they've been having recently so I'm happy to wait till they've slowly rolled it out and tested it before upgrading.

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  • Evernote Expert

Your choice of course. But the 10.58.3 you get in a few days will be the same as the one you can get today and it may resolve the issues you have or at least some of them.

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