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(Archived) Evernote for Android non-Wifi Sync Failure


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I have a Verizon Droid Pro. Evernote 2.5 will not synchronize over Verizon's network. I have to enable WiFi-only synchronization to get the sync to work. If I turn off WiFi-only sync, and I try to sync, I get this error at the bottom of the Evernote screen:

"org.apache.http.com.ConnectTimeOutException: Connect to/ timed out"

I have no other problems with apps or my Droid. I have a strong signal everywhere I try to sync Evernote.

Anybody have any ideas? I've uninstalled and reinstalled Evernote to no avail.

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I have the exact same problem and have for the last few versions. I have tried uninstalling-reinstalling also, with no success. Sometimes it must sync successfully because I do get notes created on my phone in my account, but its frustrating to never know if it's actually working.

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